“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

5 years to move 🧱, 3 years to touch 🐟 | 2021 year-end summary

When I graduated from college in 2016, I remember that I had been turned down everywhere when I was looking for a job. 99% of the interviews were with training institutions. Finally, the wildfire of training burned to the school, and many students went to the training. Finally, I compromised and joined the training team.

I have worked for more than 5 years. I have been noodling for the first 3 years. It seems that I can’t do better without the foundation of these 3 years.


Trained experience

Conclusion: The courses that training institutions can hear can be found online without spending 17,800

I am in a UI design training, I heard that the graduation of senior students, seniors have 5-6K think or very good, because now I can not find a job. In this way, I began to study for more than four months. The training accommodation was a house provided by the training institution, with three rooms and one hall with more than 20 beds and no doors or Windows.

At that time, it was December, and I often woke up in the cold at night under the covers of the school. My roommate was in the same class and they were not very familiar with each other. They often went to the Internet together. The teacher said you’ll get a higher salary after you learn UI and front-end code. (now I think I was a little too naive 🐔) I have been insisting on it for 4 months. At that time, I used PHP to write a management system and bought a server to deploy. I was full of confidence when LOOKING for a job.

2016 | First job

At the end of the training to find a job on the resume of a certain technology co., LTD., this time found that the interview to the company has no training institutions (secretly pleased that the money spent 😂, now think or too naive), training institutions have recommended jobs themselves have a look are some outsourcing salary 2500-3000, See several feel unsuitable I want to go back to Chengdu to look for a job. Return chengdu to look for a job is not ideal, go to a lot of companies in the community is a few outsourcing companies feel not how, often still can work overtime.

A place of residence for official work

The office environment at that time

At that time want to find a job can be good in the office building, school graduation reply returned to Chongqing. When I returned to Chongqing, I began to send my resume to many companies and went to many interviews, but most of them were outsourcing in the office mode of the community. After I went to the community, I received the invitation again. I didn’t want to go to the address like the community. I interviewed a lot of companies and either they didn’t like it or they didn’t like the community office environment. Finally, a friend recommended him to work for his company, which became a small front end. The project manager I interviewed was also from Chengdu. I probably felt that I was left behind by my fellow countrymen. At the beginning of my work, 2400 yuan became a regular employee in one month, and THEN I got 3000 yuan.

I have also been to the perfect world interview front, which I think is the most regrettable one. Now think of feeling oneself at the beginning of special stupid 😳. We talked very well during the interview and looked at the environment of the company and thought it would be great to get in. The interview asked some front-end knowledge about what MVVM is, what two-way data binding is, and so on. Then I asked myself my plan for the next 3-5 years. I said I would do UI design, and the interviewer said why don’t you go now? Yeah, I’m the interview front end, not the interview UI, and then there’s nothing there.

Work overtime everyday

The company’s business is mainly the secondary development of Tencent Payment. As a newcomer without working experience, I can accumulate project experience and learn a lot of new things. When I saw that they were using a framework called Avalon, I thought I was going to learn a lot here, and I was making $2,400, which was pretty good.

At the same time, I was working on a lot of new front-end frameworks, such as Angular and Ract, when Vue was not very popular. The first time I learned JSX syntax, IT was really hard to learn. Finally, it was because of this skill that I found a job again.


The company often works overtime. I remember pulling an all-nighter several times, and sometimes I would work on weekends without overtime pay. I was tired and did not get the corresponding reward. I saw the boss buy car after car and he didn’t pay us back, like half a month. And we draw a lot of pies, and then we move to the 18th floor, and we go to the bell…

Sitting by the river thinking about life

The idea of resignation happened after the end of the year to work for such a long time before the salary increase has not been realized, so I went to the project leader to talk about the salary increase, at that time, I was the front of everything to me, a person to do several people’s work without a little more salary. In the morning, when the project manager talked about salary, I told him about my expectation. We talked a lot, and he thought my demand was too high. Now that I think about it, he was quite helpless. In the afternoon, the project manager came to me with the hard disk and sent it to me, saying that you should copy all the code. At that time, I was confused. I felt that I had overplayed the game. Oneself all said go out, not line not line, change next bar, be this thing come of too suddenly. So I lost my job.

2017 | Second job

Is quite suddenly suddenly did not work, returned to the residence which day is still raining in the heart feel very sad. I called my mother and said that the money on my hand was enough for a month’s rent and living expenses at most. If I didn’t find a job, I could only go back to Chengdu. During that period, I often went to the bank of Jialing River to reflect on my life. During this period, I also applied for a large number of resumes. Finally, I went to a big data company to work on react development (MAINLY because I revised the project with React in the previous company).

This is the first time to use the Linux operating system

The company moved to the 18th floor

He fulfilled the promise of his previous employer and moved to the 18th floor

From 2017 to 2019, Internet big data was in full swing. Of course the company I went to was a big data company. I also took three rounds of financing. The main technology stack in the company is React, and I also learned React, so I started my react development journey. Usually responsible for the work, like other towers we use this, is to do some visual teachers and apprentices ah these. Inside the company, there are 14 people on the front end. Compared with my previous company, it must be much more, I think this job hopping is very successful.

Everyday go off work

At work, I was not familiar with React at the very beginning. I was very slow when writing React, and I would work late almost every day. Later, I worked in this company for more than two years, and I am familiar with the whole project. I have built the rendering project of the service myself.

That’s when I got my hands on Flutter, saw it was made by Google, and jumped on it. Mobile development frameworks themselves are starting to take over at this time. Gradually I was learning this thing. I just thought that I could learn more about the development of other ends. I also thought that I could learn this thing and write myself. A lot of things that were never written. Not only do I get to do that, but I also get to write and learn typescript because I have a lot of free time at work that I can use to learn a lot of things. Of course, if I write these things, I also open source. On GitHub, if I don’t give them up, I still get a lot of recognition from everyone.


I’ve been with this company for two and a half years. Also learned a lot of things, but also very grateful to him in my most difficult time, the company took me. A lot of people may ask me, if this is so, why do you quit? I remember it like this. When I was just working, when I was just working at this company. I talk to HR about my salary. HR asked me, “What is your expected salary? When I said more than 4000 yuan, HR directly said that you can rest assured. We can’t pay you less than what you get out there. When I said 4000 +, I thought, maybe it’s my last company, I said too high. He just fired me or didn’t hire me because he didn’t make a deal. I think I’m already having a hard time, so if I go a little lower, maybe they’ll take me on. However,

The reason for my resignation is that I remember that at that time, a TECHNICAL CTO of Ali came to the company in 19 years. At that time, there were two Ctos in the company, so there were a lot of disagreements in the company, a lot of siding problems. The company also said that it had been working on the rating for more than two years, during which time it had completed a lot of business for the company, and had not thought about writing articles at that time. May answer is not very good, at that time gave a primary, think or leave here. At that time, the company was also downsizing, so I had better take the initiative to avoid being laid off and prepared to leave the company.

I quit my job and went back to my old place of work

Then I offered my resignation to our supervisor, who was also very easygoing, and he said, “Are you going to work for xyz?” I said yes, and then he approved my resignation. Later, I returned to Chengdu and went back to the place WHERE I used to work before I left. I also went to the place where I used to go alone to take the last picture.

I remember when I came back to Chengdu, I was carrying my luggage by myself, which reminded me of the first time I came to Chongqing. I was carrying a bag and a suitcase with dreams. After three years, I did not live well and did not have much savings. I saved them every month. After I came back to Chengdu, I paid four months ‘rent and had almost one month’s living expenses left. I returned to Chengdu and joined a start-up company.

2019 | third job

Chongqing went round and round for seven years, but finally returned to Chengdu. The main business of the new company is family education, and the company’s projects are also developed with React. You’ll be quick to pick it up. At that time, the company also said that they were going to develop an app, and they were going to develop an app with Flutter, and they thought to themselves. I also learned about Flutter and wrote some demos, and then I learn Flutter seriously every day. Every day after work in the company will be there to study well. I took some notes and wrote some code, and I did this for about half a year, and I was almost ready to go straight to the project.

I remember when we were discussing the problem of technology stack, whether our App should be ReactNative or written with Flutter. At that time, we all had different opinions, and finally we chose Flutter. From then on, we started to develop our App project, and it took about 4 months from the beginning to the successful release of the project.

The company moved to a new address

I remember that my colleagues in the company gave me a feeling that everyone was full of hope for the future, and everyone was particularly passionate. No matter in work or life, I am very passionate. Although I had to work six days a week, I thought it was acceptable with my current income and working hours. In this way, I stayed there silently for two years. Eventually, he became a junior executive himself.

This is the first time to use the Mac operating system

My job in the company requires me to be responsible for two Flutter apps, two wechat apps, the official account H5, and the self-use management platform. I am still willing to learn new technologies and apply them to our current projects to improve our development efficiency. Speaking of being a supervisor, at the beginning, I was really happy. I felt that I could finally be promoted and recognized by the company, but I slowly found out later. The problem is getting worse and worse. Why? First of all, when you become the person in charge, all the technical problems in the company will come to you, and then you will try to solve them. Of course it worked out. If not, you will have to work overtime. If your teammates are helpful, it’s not a problem, if your teammates are not helpful. Their problems are piled on your hands. You don’t care. You need to figure out a solution. This led to the idle idle dead, busy busy dead, there has been work.

Do not know when to start to work in the company, a kind of inexplicable feeling. It seems that no one has any fight left, and no one is willing to learn. Think about problems and come back to you. Will feel particularly bad, sometimes to the company. There’s also a feeling of repression, this feeling. I don’t know how it came about.

See the news, the state said about the regulation of education industry. The company is also trying to find a way out, but we have tried many ways to solve these problems, but there has been no real solution. We are also thinking about how we can break through this bottleneck. Later found that nearly three years, our user number has been only a few thousand, has not grown. It’s really hard to keep going.


The question of resignation. Inside the company, I was struggling, too. For a long time. I went to ask another colleague at our company. So I went to him and I asked him, and I said do you think there’s any hope for us? He said he analyzed it for me, and he said right now it’s like we’re playing a bad hand. But when I heard it, I thought it was true, and I thought I didn’t see much hope. Sometimes when we come back from meetings, I really want to talk to our CEO. I also want to ask him a question, do you think there is hope for our company? Later, I did not ask him. Anyway, when I finally resigned, I talked to him about this problem and he also told me his point of view. Can not see the prospects of the company oneself also want to have good development, after all, after their own marriage without capital is not good.

Travel without hesitation

It has been nearly 3 years since I came back to Chengdu, and I have no time to go out. Therefore, I will take a trip at the moment when I change my job. My girlfriend is also a very casual girl, she also resigned from the law firm, we went to the west of Sichuan.

Dujiangyan, meishan – > – > never put off till tomorrow what you can shed groove – > holocene prairie – > zoige grassland – > the first bend of the Yellow River – > color of – > aba – lake – > litang – > > wrong card DaoChengYa butyl – > xindu bridge – > kangding airport – > SheDuoShan – > kangding – > LuDing – > ya, all the way stop-go spent more than 10 days.

The sky

Kangding airport

Zoige steppe

2021 | the fourth job

First day on the job

The company is mainly engaged in travel-related business. I remember that during the interview, the interviewer asked a special question about Flutter. I think if I can join this company, there should be. Probably because of the flutter and the development experience. Of course, the development of micro-blog inside the company, the main use is worry-free, this thing we should be able to. So the competitiveness is not very strong, should be the main hair, he will cheat these. After entering the company, I was also thinking about a question: what do I want to do in the future? So in my spare time, I will learn about the development of Android and TWO-DIMENSIONAL code. Learn. Yours is an operating system. I believe that as long as I keep learning, I believe I will go further.

Daily learning

Think back to the five years I’ve been working there. In the first three years, I felt as if I had done nothing, as if I had done a lot of things. Complete, also can’t find the direction. Until three years later, just began to slowly wake up, know what they want to do? We always talked about looking forward to Thursday, to a better life. And to pursue. Dream. All say the Internet inside, but want the fastest. Jiaxing, then you choose to job-hopping, this is the fastest. If you’re in a company, work your way up from the bottom. It’s tough, if you’re a small company, maybe when you’re not up and running. It would have gone out of business. Of course, the lesson we just graduated from, if you want to work for a big company, it’s hard. So you can only walk one step jump one step, walk one step jump one step.


Open source

Most of the time I have spare time to write code and learn new knowledge. Sometimes I will write down some problems and post them on GitHub, including the projects I wrote before and the following small demo.

The Flutter project is popular, after all

Technical Writing Experience

Just began to contact nuggets to see a lot of articles are very practical, solve the problem will search. I used it to record the problems I encountered and provide them for my own learning. Unexpectedly, after the release, everyone had met these problems and gave me a thumb-up to stimulate my enthusiasm for writing.

The article

Did you write six articles this year feeling uninspired, and put in four for fun

Jetbrains offers a free license for the Jetbrains software. You can use the license for free for one year and apply for it until it expires. The picture below is what I can use now.

We have been developing apps with Flutter for two years now. There are two apps available that can be downloaded and tried by brain scientists in App Store. Here are some of the pitfalls I encountered during development.

In the test, we need to modify the bug and deploy it after modification. If you need to log in to the server or manually deploy it once after modification, it will be very troublesome. This is how automated deployment should be implemented.

Flutter can be used to automate testing. There are also many automated applications available on the market for Flutter testing. This article introduces the tests that come with Flutter. We can use this plugin to automate our entire application testing.


The history of blood and tears

Keep 🐔 bitter tears

Ordinary interests and hobbies are relatively single, more like fantasy how can you earn a lot of money? So I found a way to make a fortune, is to fry bitcoin at that time was in April, bitcoin bought 4000 yuan, I think 4000 yuan I want to fry 40 million, but fate makes people. A month passed, just encountered a national crackdown on virtual currency, 4000 pieces into 800 pieces. Every day the waterfall, the parties are clean, until now 4000 dollars left over 500 dollars.

At this point, my dream of 40 million was over. Not only that, they feel in the stock market can also return to this wave, so heavy warehouse medical treatment, new energy, liquor, Vietnam chicken, concept shares, now hanged in medical treatment, was copied by the concept of the home. Oh, forget it. Only when you lose money can you realize the true meaning of working, and you can study seriously.

Still study hard, still use knowledge to change money, the water of the stock market is too deep.

In 2022 the future | what to do next

  1. System learning Linux operating system;
  2. Learn iOS and Android development;
  3. I would go to the tutorial every day and take notes and send them to him.
  4. Learn 23 design patterns.
  5. Learning algorithm I learn assembly, when writing OS programs, can read assembly code, understand how assembly works.
  6. All passed ✅
  7. Return the capital (even dream of 40 million)


Record growth, is willing to work hard to be kind to everyone who struggles, BELIEVE that life will always get better!