An ordinary bump man

  • Luca brasi program
  • 2015 Autumn recruitment regular channels into JINGdong Shenzhen
  • He has been on the job for 2000 days

I had a few “big” things with bump

01 origin | “high starting point” and “zero”

5 years passed, now mentioned with others, from graduation has been in concave and convex, a lot of people will be very envious, “just graduated from a very high starting point.” Every year school enrollment season, will also receive from the younger sister of the consulting, consult the concave and convex laboratory face.

Is the starting point really high? At that time, it was an unexpected harvest for me to enter JINGdong, which also led to my initial performance of fear and lack of confidence. And for the concave-convex at that time (actually not called “concave-convex” at that time), has not really become a figure in the industry.

At the beginning of 2015, AS a new employee, I didn’t even have the courage to submit the code for the first time. I felt that my code was not good enough and I was worried about leaving a bad impression on my mentor and colleagues, although I had optimized it for dozens of times.

Shortly after joining the company, I was interviewed by my intern supervisor. We talked a lot about the feeling of entering the job, the original intention of career choice, career plan, even about the star sign, love life and so on, of course, also about my concerns. “We have zero expectations for graduates”, this sentence unloaded my psychological burden at that time, since so, then wanton growth!

As soon as I feel at ease, I begin to absorb knowledge like a sponge. At that time, the main responsibility of the team was page reconstruction, so I systematically learned HTML5 and CSS3 again, studied the code specifications of the team carefully, learned the code written by my colleagues, often consulted with the leaders, kept communication, and gradually could output the code in line with the team’s specifications.

02 setbacks | all night for the first time

As an “older” e-commerce merchant, you’re used to pulling all-nighters (not that many, anyway). However, I pulled an all-nighter for the first time in my career to prepare a powerpoint presentation for my first promotion.

At that time, I didn’t know much about “STAR” and “5W1H”. I wrote all the data of my own work and business on the top of the list, and I didn’t know how to distinguish the importance and extract the main points. But the standard I set myself at the time was full coverage and no errors in the data. So I spent a lot of time sorting out the work, collecting data, checking the content, beautifying the layout. When the final draft, also witnessed the dawn of Shenzhen.

But nothing was plain sailing, and the first promotion failed. I still remember the afternoon when I was informed of the result, I couldn’t put in my work well. Several of my friends who joined the company at the same time were promoted. Frustration was inevitable, and for a long time, this matter had become a barrier in my heart.

Later, as I gradually became mature in the workplace, my subsequent promotion was green light all the way. In retrospect, I found that THE PPT was indeed not good enough, but my promotion was still based on my overall ability and work output. In the first year, I did have many technical deficiencies and was not good at expressing myself. I was a “little transparency” in the workplace. But in preparing the promotion materials on this matter, or very worthy of praise.

03 polishing | when extreme limit

From 2015 to 2016, H5 exploded, and all kinds of cool H5 effects often flooded wechat moments. H5 was also a core work direction of our team and even the USER experience design department where we worked.

In 2016, dynamic effect development was still in the era of slash-and-burn. In many cases, it was necessary to imitate the dynamic effect DEMO output by designers, or even develop the creative action effect by the R&D. At that time, I received the demand of “JINGdong Overseas Recruitment 2017”. The designer had many ideas about the performance of motion effects, and spent a lot of energy on repeated adjustment, making rich motion effects for each page, and I also hoped to restore every detail in motion effects as much as possible.

Part of the effect is difficult to achieve, designers with output a lot of AE materials for debugging; Some effects are not ideal, the designer will move a stool to sit next to me, with me bit by bit debugging. In order to make every detail in place, I also struggled with this requirement. In the final page, VARIOUS schemes including CSS3 Animation, GSAP, sequence frame and so on were used to achieve different dynamic effects. Page online, the implementation of the effect has been unanimously recognized.

This is the time of the work (now becomes higher, the phone’s screen adaptation is a little problem ORZ), is based on the effect of the H5 acme burnish, I in the concave and convex was labeled as the “animation ability”, then carry on a lot of a dynamic effect performance requirements of the page, and output a lot of dynamic effect development experience in the article, further enhances the ability of their identification.

04 bear | “products” and “design” and “development”

From 2016 to 2017, the team took on more and more business, and Concave gradually gained a reputation in the industry. From the beginning of the promotion activities, to the later TOPLIFE station, is the home page of Jingdong Mall. The division of work is also based on group cooperation, with a colleague who is mainly responsible for the technical leadership. After the experience of various projects from mobile terminal to PC terminal and Zepto to Nerv, I gradually learned the project specifications and development specifications, and gradually enhanced my code ability. At the same time, I have also mastered some soft skills. How to estimate the working hours correctly? How to connect with upstream and downstream smoothly? How to think about the value of the project? How to add value to the project from a technical point of view?

In short, it felt like there was nothing I couldn’t do and that I could “do it on my own.” Then, at the end of 2017, the team accepted the demand of the home page of JINGdong Mall, and I was fortunate enough to join the project team, mainly responsible for the sub-project of data big screen.

The big data screen includes two templates of “business data” and “front-end data”. This is a project initiated by R&D, but it also means that I need to undertake the overall planning and overall planning of the project in addition to r&d. The whole project is divided into three stages:

  • Early stage: sorting out data dimensions, statistical caliber and display form, confirming the underlying source of data;
  • Mid-term: Investigated the front-end development plan of data big screen, confirmed the content typesetting, followed up the docking data interface, and confirmed the timeliness;
  • Later stage: fast implementation of page building, with passable aesthetic feeling, continuous visual tuning.

In the later stage of the project, I went on a business trip to Beijing for half a month, during which I also experienced the first and VP report. Although the project was in a tight pace, it was finally launched as scheduled. On the first Double 11 after the launch of the project, I watched the data changes with my friends in front of the big screen, which is a very precious memory.

05 voice | to find their own thing

In 18 years, wechat has fully opened up small games, wechat is the social leader, small games and small programs have similar ecology, as the front-end development team, we have been focusing on small programs in the past, about small games, but also need to follow up. But the team didn’t have a lot of gaming-related business; My experience with game development has been limited to a few sessions of simple interactive gameplay development.

Because I am interested in the development of strong effects and strong interactive performance, I communicated with the Leader, hoping to undertake the business related to small games. “If you want to do something, you don’t just talk about it and wait for the opportunity to come along. Take the time to do your own research and let the results speak for themselves.” So, I spent two weeks off work time, to achieve a 3D entry level game. I chose 3D because at that time, the team had not really implemented 3D development, so I hoped that in addition to accumulating experience in small games, I could bring 3D development experience to the team.

The mini game was developed based on Laya, and the overall landing effect was good. Therefore, the Leader also helped coordinate the design resources at that time. Soon, the first 3D wechat mini game “Pit Filling Big Battle” was launched.

It wasn’t long before the design team we were working with had a need for a long-term game, and the opportunity to lead the development came to me naturally. So, we 3 front end, 1 back end of the small team, began to “entrepreneurial” team like the explosion of liver work.

Later, with my experience in game development, I also had the opportunity to make my voice heard in the industry. I participated in writing the gold-digging booklet introduction to wechat Mini Game Development and shared the technology in the industry.

06 feedback | bump tribute

It had nothing to do with development or technology, but it was a very special experience. Since entering the team, has participated in many times of team building work, such as: group construction planning, activity hosting, birthday party, Christmas activities, has been feeling the love of the team atmosphere, but also hope that their participation can make Concave-man feel warm.

What impressed me most was the mysterious operation in late 2019. As the New Year approaches, I hope to prepare a New Year gift for current and former colleagues. From the whole production process of “design – scheme – proofing – final draft – shooting – packaging”, every link is very new to me. There are countless “cost control” behind it and “online communication (SI) (BI)” with merchants.

At one point, more than 20 express packages were piled up at the station over the course of three months. But in the end, it was handed out to everyone. When I saw their pleasantly surprised faces, I felt that all the efforts were worth it.

07 challenge | switch circuit

In the past 5 years, Concave-convex has grown from a pure front-end team to a versatile RESEARCH and development team. At the same time, we have launched many excellent technology products including Nerv, Taro, Atom and so on.

With the development and expansion of technology products, product operation is becoming more and more important. However, the operation of technical products is faced with an embarrassing problem, which requires the support of a person who knows both “technology” and “operation”. The cost of understanding “technology” is relatively high, so it is difficult to find a matching talent in a short period of time because the students in operation are required to have certain technical background. In the middle of 2019, I began to participate in the operation of Taro, including upgrading the Taro brand, launching the official website and exporting monthly reports. At the same time, I also undertook the operation of Concave-convex brand in 2020, exploring new operation channels and enhancing brand influence.

Although the overall operating results are not very outstanding, and there are often disappointments and doubts in the process, these are new fields besides writing code, which require strong learning ability and the spirit of self-challenge. These experiences not only lit up my skill tree, but also gave me a deeper understanding of technical products and technological brands from another perspective.

The New Year is coming, and I am about to change from “development engineer” to “technical product manager”, which is a new challenge for me.

  • This challenge, unlike many in the past, will make a huge difference to my career.
  • Like many other challenges in the past, there were bumps and bumps that kept me going.

So we’re looking for someone, please send your resume as “Technical Product Manager” to [email protected].

03 Bump taught me

There are so many great articles on technology growth that I won’t go into them here, just a few career tips.

Treat people sincerely and seek truth from facts

Especially in a technical team, everyone is relatively simple to get along with, there is no complex intrigue, so keep sincere to others, the so-called “routine” are some meaningless internal friction; It’s never a shame to ask others for advice in the face of something you don’t understand. No matter how small a technical point is, there are many contents worth digging deeply.

Find the track and have the tag

In a team of 70+ people, the key to how to quickly impress others is to find your best points and amplify them. For the technical team, they can find the technical points that they are interested in or good at, and continue to deepen their research, and gradually become technical experts in a certain field or even multiple fields, such as “the first sister of animation”, “the mother of automated testing”; Can also reflect their ability through quality delivery, such as “Concave-convex fast male”; If you are evenly developed in technology, try to strengthen your label by taking on some team-building work, such as “Bump CFO”.

Do things by reliable, everything can depend on

To do things reliably, requires to be able to do “everything is explained, every piece has a landing, everything has a response”; Everything can depend on, requires to be able to do not pick work, not to business value and technical difficulty to measure the value of work. No matter how small the work, as long as the heart dig, can create luminous points. Make everyone feel reliable, and over time you’ll get more important work done.

The pursuit of perfection, excellence

It is not difficult to achieve a score of 60 when everyone is equally competent. However, if you are satisfied with 60 points, you will not get good growth. The pursuit of perfection is reflected in all aspects of work, such as: double check for any group sending, 100% restoration of UI, unity requirements for their code output, and repeated consideration of a detail point. Within the scope of their ability, as far as possible to do things to the extreme, will make themselves continue to break the ceiling, create more possibilities.

Seize opportunities and create value

The bigger the team, the harder it is to see the value of each individual. Therefore, we need to be good at grasping the opportunity of self-presentation. In the technical team, we can regularly share technology, produce technical articles and develop some practical tools. Gradually, you can let others see your technical value and outstanding ability. At the same time, when completing business work, we also need to think more about whether there is any content worth precipitation in business output, whether there is any useful content for the team and others, which is the non-business value created in business work.

04 General survey of concave and convex

After reviewing my five years in Concave-convex and reviewing the rapid development of the team in these five years, I found several characteristics of concave-convex, which I think are the characteristics needed for an excellent technical team.


“Pragmatic” should be the biggest charm of the concave team. As a technical department, has been maintaining the pursuit of pure technology; In business support, regardless of size, adhere to high-quality delivery. In such a working environment, concave-convex men are also very pure, simple, the team atmosphere has been very harmonious.


The big men in the early stage of concave-convex were all male, and it was hard to imagine how delicate their hearts were in their appearance. When faced with work problems, I will timely conduct point-to-point communication and positive guidance. Christmas, birthday party and other activities, one is five years without interruption, especially women’s Day, as a “program yuan” can be to the organization’s care: holiday gifts, buffet dinner, half-day holiday, out activities, every year in the heart of preparation.

This is the first year of the 38 section, received the bigwigs personally trial purchase mask and hand cream.


In the article “The past and future of Concave-Convex Laboratory”, the past five years of concave-convex has also been shown in detail. “From the team focused on the front end to now covers the front and back end, full stack, algorithm, testing all kinds of all-round RESEARCH and development team, working mode has also changed from the traditional human-intensive research and development to innovative platform systematic research and development, now, concave and convex all kinds of technology output and precipitation in the industry far-reaching influence.” With a keen sense of smell in the industry, bump has been carrying out self-revolution, do change friends.


Concave-convex has a lot of excellent person, they or be “technology big guy”, or it is “community master”, or it is “elite backbone”, but the atmosphere of the team never lets a person feel the estrangement that has class. Every man has channels and opportunities to show himself. The Leader will also encourage some colleagues who are not good at performance to show themselves actively. At the same time, there will be regular anonymous feedback channels to collect suggestions and problems encountered, and discuss and solve the problems that occur intensively.


As a man who grew up with bump bump, he has been inspired by the spirit of bump bump, which also affects the culture of bump bump to a certain extent. Inheritance is not only the inheritance of technology, but also the inheritance of team culture and team spirit. The past has been running with the big guys, but also hope that slowly, there are more concave man can become the vanguard, leading the whole team to run together.

So after all this time, did you ever think about going out? The answer is yes. When communicating with friends and business friends, it is inevitable to envy the good welfare of others; In the work tired without direction, inevitably want to try a new environment. But soon, these thoughts will be eliminated, because Concave is a team with vitality, and I can get good self-growth. Hope to agree with bump for the next five years!