Kubernetes addresses some common issues that development and operations teams focus on every day.

Kubernetes (K8S) is the de facto standard for open source container choreography tools for enterprises. It provides application deployment, scaling, container management, and other capabilities that enable enterprises to quickly optimize hardware resource utilization and prolong production environment uptime with fault tolerance. The project was originally developed by Google, which donated the project to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). In 2018, it became the first program to graduate from CNCF.

That’s all well and good, but it doesn’t explain why developers and operations people should invest valuable time and energy in Kubernetes. What makes Kubernetes so useful is that it helps developers and operations people quickly solve problems that they struggle with every day.

Here are five capabilities that Kubernetes uses to help developers and operations people solve their most common problems.

1. Manufacturer independent

Many public cloud providers not only provide hosted Kubernetes services, but also many cloud products built on these services for native application container choreography. Being vendor-independent, it enables operators to easily and securely design, build and manage multi-cloud and hybrid cloud platforms without the risk of vendor lock-in. Kubernetes also addresses the concerns of the operations team about a complex multi-cloud/hybrid cloud strategy.

2. Service discovery

To develop microservice applications, Java developers must control service availability (in terms of whether the application can provide a service) and ensure that the service persists in response to client requests without any exceptions. Kubernetes’ service discovery capabilities mean that developers no longer need to manage these things themselves.


How will your DevOps deploy multilingual, cloud-native applications on thousands of virtual machines? Ideally, development and operations trigger deployment when bug fixes, feature enhancements, new features, and security updates occur. Kubernetes’ deployment capabilities automate this routine. More importantly, it supports advanced deployment strategies such as blue-green deployment and Canary deployment.

4. Scalability

Automatic scaling is a key feature required to handle the large workloads in a cloud environment. By building a container platform, you can improve system reliability for end users. The Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) allows a cluster to increase or decrease the number of applications (or pods) to cope with peak traffic or performance spikes, thereby reducing the fear of unexpected system outages.

5. Fault tolerance

In modern application architectures, troubleshooting code should be considered to control unexpected errors and quickly recover from them. But it takes a lot of time and effort for developers to simulate random errors. Kubernetes’ ReplicaSet helps developers solve this problem by ensuring that a specified number of pods are constantly active.


Kubernetes enables enterprises to solve common development and operations problems easily, quickly, and safely. It also provides other benefits, such as building a seamless multi-cloud/hybrid cloud strategy, saving infrastructure costs and speeding product time to market.

Via: opensource.com/article/19/…

By Daniel Oh (lujun9972

This article is originally compiled by LCTT and released in Linux China