Friends work reasons, the Dragon Boat Festival is not idle, with the scourge of sorting out the DATABASE SQL instructions, and sorting out the supporting exercises for practice, I just don’t have what, the cause of the epidemic what also can’t do, to accompany him to sort out a wave, while pulling a wave of wool, hey hey hey
However, because it is really too much text, so only show a part of the need for complete documentation and SQL files, the public number: Java architect union, add a small assistant to get it in the background
Day 1:
Lesson 1: Basic concepts of database
1. Data books
It’s a collection of special symbols that represent information
For example: picture, TXT, audio, video and so on
Introduction: The development of the Internet interaction is actually data
2. Database: Library
The things used to store data are called databases.
3, database management system application library management system
A system that stores data to a database in a specified way is called a database management system
Efficient retrieval of stored data (key points)
Database application system —- for ordinary users to use, such as Taobao
4. Database system
Database administrator
The database
Database management system
Database application system
The user
Oradata: information about the database
Product: information about the database management system
Bin: startup directory of the DATABASE management system software
JDBC: JAR packages required for database and Java connections
Network: network configuration directory required by the database management system
Log directory: the directory where oracle exception logs are stored
Lesson 2: Common databases and database storage structures
1. Database storage data structure
The reticular structure
Table structure:
Two-dimensional table structure can clearly express the relationship between data and data
It is simple to store data, but the relationship between data must be clearly described
Therefore, it is more reasonable to use the structure of two-dimensional tables to store data
2. Database management system
Oracle: large database management system
Mysql: small to medium size
DB2: Small and medium sized
Acess: small
Sql Server: large database
3. Refer to PPT for history introduction of ORACLE CE
Lesson 3: Oracle installation and oracle directory structure introduction and uninstall
1. Oracle Installation:
Refer to baidu search “Oracle11G Installation Diagram”
Global database name: The default is ORCL, which uniquely identifies the database
SID: A name that uniquely identifies data in a program
2. Oracle services :(services to be enabled)
OrcaleServiceorcl: Orcale starts the service
OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener: Oracle listener service
OracleDBConsoleorcl: Console service
3. Oracle Account:
Sys: super administrator
System: administrator
Scott: The default password of a common user is root
Mysql > alter database password;
On the CMD cli, run the sqlplus/as sysdba command
Then use the command:
Alter user USER name identified by new password;
Use the command sqlplus /nolog from the CMD command line
Then use the command conn as sysdba
Then enter a known user name and password
Then use the command:
Alter user USER name identified by new password;
5. Create a user:
You must use the System account
Lesson 4: Oracle directory and uninstall
1, Oracle directory introduction:
Oradata: the directory where the database stores files
Network >admin: Configure the network service and listener service
JDK: oracle comes with the JDK
Deinstall: indicates the uninstallation command
JDBC: JAR package that interacts with Java
2, Oracle uninstall:
Uninstall using the built-in oracle program
Delete app directory
Delete registry
Deleting environment variables
Lesson 4: Oracle listener and server configuration
Question 1:
My computer installed oracle CE, my deskmate how to check the data?
Software intended for ordinary users, mainly used to send user requests.
Accept and process user requests.
Question 2: Oracle has been installed on John and John, and Client has been installed on John, how does John access John?
Database global name
The port number
Question 3:
From the server’s point of view, if 1000 requests come in, how do you tell which are requesting the database
The listener
Third party tools: PLSQL (not client)
Configuring local network services :(client)
The first is direct manipulation using violence:
Modification: C: \ apps \ Administrator \ product \ 11.2.0 \ dbhome_1 \ NETWORK \ ADMIN \ tnsnames ora
ORCL = > Network service name
The second way:
Use graphical interface: NCA
Configuring listeners :(server side)
To configure listeners, the computer name must be in English
On the first day, the main task is to install the database and configure the network services of the database. On the second day, we learn SQL statements
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Day 2:
First lesson: INTRODUCTION to SQL language
1. Introduction of database tables
Emp table: Employee table
Dept table: Department table
Salgrady: Salary scale
The Balance:
2, basic query statement:
Select * from table name to query all data in the table
Select * from (select * from (select * from (select * from (select * from (select * from)))) From table name Queries all the values of a specified field. Different fields are separated by commas
Use arithmetic expressions: select field name (operator), field name (operator)… From the name of the table
Case study:
Select * from emp– Query information about all employees
Select ename,job,sal from emp select ename,job,sal from emp
Query the salary of all employees for one year, and all salary of each employee after the end of 3000 years (excluding allowances)
Select ename,job,sal*12,sal*12+3000 from emp
Second lesson:
1. Use an alias
As can be omitted, and aliases can be added using double quotes if special characters get Spaces
Select ename,job,sal*12+3000 from emp select ename,job,sal*12+3000 from emp
Select ename,job,sal*12 ‘,sal*12+3000 from emp select ename,job,sal*12+3000 from emp
Select ename,sal from emp where ename,job,sal,sal,sal,sal,sal,sal,sal,sal,sal,sal,sal,sal,sal,sal,sal,sal,sal,sal,sal
Select ename,job,sal*12 years,sal*12+3000 from emp use double quotation marks if there are Spaces or other special characters in the alias
2, use the link:
select ename,job,sal from emp;
select ename||job,sal from emp; Using | | symbol characters links
Select ename | | ‘work is’ | | job | |’ and monthly salary is’ | |, sal from emp; Character links, common characters use single quotes
3, remove duplicate distinct
select * from emp;
Select job from EMP — Find that the job is duplicated and the type of job needs to be removed
Question: Check the type of work the employee does
Select distinct job from EMp Use the distinct keyword to remove duplicate values
Problem; How to remove multiple field duplicates
select distinct job,sal from emp; Multi-field removes duplication, which removes a single piece of information that is repeated
4, sorting,
Select name, name… From table name order by table name
Select *from table_name order by table_name
— Query employee name, job, salary
select ename,job,sal from emp
Select * from employees where salary is ordered by name, job, salary
select ename,job,sal from emp order by sal; Use order by to sort
select ename,job,sal from emp order by sal desc; Sort from highest to lowest using desc key
select ename,job,sal from emp order by sal asc; Sort from smallest to largest with ASC key. The default is sort from smallest to largest
Select * from emp order by sal,ename from emp order by sal,ename from emp order by sal
Select ename,job,sal from emp order by sal
Select ename,job,sal from emp order by sal*12
Lesson 3: Simple WHERE clause
Results are filtered using where criteria
Select * from table_name where table_name = 1; Note: The field values in the condition are case sensitive, the field names are case insensitive, and the field values are enclosed in single quotes
Where =,<,>,>=,<=,<>
2, Order by to sort the filter results
View information about employees whose salaries are equal to 1250
Select * from emp where sal=’1250′ select * from emp where sal=’1250
Select * from CLERK where job = CLERK
Select * from EMp where job=’CLERK’ (select * from EMp where job=’CLERK’
Select * from EMp where job=’ CLERK ‘– select * from EMp where job=’clerk
Select * from EMp where JOB=’CLERK’ select * from EMp where JOB=’CLERK
View the names and jobs of employees whose salaries are greater than 1250
Select ename,job,sal from emp where sal>’1250′ order by sal
View information about employees whose salaries are greater than or equal to 2000
select * from emp where sal>=2000;
View the information of employees whose salary is less than or equal to 2000.
select * from emp where sal<=2000
View information about employees whose salaries are not equal to 1500
select * from emp where sal<>1500 order by sal
View information about employees whose start dates are after 81 years
Select * from emp where hiredate>’ 31 月 1981 ‘
select * from emp where hiredate>’1981/12/31′
Select * from emp where hiredate>’31-12 -1981′ select * from emp where hiredate>’31-12 -1981
Lesson 4: Where clauses use keywords
Use the WHERE clause to filter the results
Select * from ‘where’ where ‘where
Select * from table_name where table_name and table_name and table_name….
Select * from (select * from (select * from (select * from (select * from (select * from (select * from))….
Select * from table_name where table_name =….
Select * from table_name where table_name = ‘% ‘where table_name = ‘%
Select * from table_name where table_name is null
(AND, or,like, is null,is not null,between and,)
Select * from employees whose salary is between 2000 and 3000
Select * from emp where sal>=2000 and sal<=3000;
select * from emp where sal between 2000 and 3000; — Filter between and keyword;
— Query information about SALESMAN,ANALYST, and MANAGER employees
Select * from emp where job=’SALESMAN’ or job=’ANALYST’ or job=’MANAGER’ select * from EMp where job=’ANALYST’ or job=’MANAGER
select * from emp where job in(‘SALESMAN’,’ANALYST’,’MANAGER’); Use the in keyword to filter “or”
select * from emp where job=’ANALYST’
— Query names containing s, beginning with s, ending with s, and second character A.
select * from emp where ename like ‘%S%’; — Use the like keyword, the name contains S, and % stands for any number of characters
select * from emp where ename like ‘S%’; — Use the “like” keyword, starting with “S”
select * from emp where ename like ‘%S’; — “S”
Select * from emp where ename like ‘_A%’ select * from emp where ename like ‘_A%’ where ename like ‘_A%’ select * from emp where ename like ‘_A%’ where ename like ‘_A%
————– Query information about users whose names contain underscores (_)
select * from emp where ename like ‘%A_%’escape ‘A’; Use the escape keyword to set a normal character to a translation character.
— Query information about employees with benefits
select * from emp where comm is not null;
select * from emp where comm is null; — Query information about employees without benefits
Lesson 5: Function learning
SQL > select * from SALESMAN, MANAGER where salary > 2500
Use parentheses to raise the execution priority of where filters
2. And has a higher priority than OR
select * from emp
select * from emp where job=’SALESMAN’ or job=’MANAGER’ and sal>2500
select * from emp where (job=’SALESMAN’ or job=’MANAGER’) and sal>2500
Use function single-line function multi-line function to convert functions to other functions
Single-line function learning: do not change the original data, only change the result
1. Character functions
select * from emp;
select INITCAP(ename) from emp; The initcap function capitalizes the first letter
select lower(ename)from emp; –lower lowercase
select replace(ename,’S’,’M’) from emp; – replace replace
–2, numerical function –Math
Dual – pseudo table
select * from dual
Select abs(-3) absolute value, ceil(3.1415926) rounded up,floor(3.1415926) rounded down,power(2,3) power,round(3.4) rounded from dual
–3. Date function
Select months_BETWEEN (‘ 13-12/2016 ‘,’ 13-10/2016 ‘) from dual–months_between Number of months between two dates
Lesson 6: Multi-line functions
Multiline functions:
Max: Max (field name) Returns the maximum value of this field
Min: min(field name) Returns the minimum value for this field
Avg: avG (field name) returns the average value
Sum: sum (field name) Returns the sum of fields
–count(*), which checks how many records there are in the table
–count (field name), used to query the number of values of a field
–count(name of a distinct field), which can remove duplicates before counting.
Multi-line functions cannot appear directly in a query statement with normal fields, unless group by
Multi-line and single-line functions cannot appear directly in a query unless group by is used
Check the employee’s highest salary
Select Max (sal),ename from emp– Multiple line functions cannot appear directly in a query with normal fields, unless group by
Select Max (sal), lower(ename) from EMp — Multi-line and single-line functions cannot appear directly in a query unless group by
select ename from emp
Check your employee’s minimum wage
select min(sal) from emp
Check the average employee salary
select avg(sal) from emp
View the sum of all employees’ salaries
select sum(sal) from emp
Find out how many employees the company has
select * from emp
Select count(*) from EMp — Use count(*) to see how many records there are in a table
Query the number of employees with allowances
Select count(comm) from emp– use count(field name) to query the number of records for which the field has a value
select count(ename) from emp
Find out how many job types the company has
select count(job) from emp
select count(distinct job) from emp
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Day 3:
First lesson: Learning transformation functions
Conversion function: During conversion, the data type is changed, the data content does not change, you can specify the format.
1. To_number: Converts numeric characters to numeric values, to_number(numeric characters)
To_char (number/date); to_char(number/date); to_char(number/date)
To_date: converts a date from a character type to a date type: to_date(char)
Number –>char uses the default format,
Select to_char(123) from dual select to_char(123) from dual select to_char(123) from dual
select sal, to_char(sal) from emp
Number –>char uses the specified format
To_char (number,’ format ‘)
The $represents the dollar sign, and the 9 code digit is a placeholder. For example, L999,999,999 indicates the display mode of a group of three digits. L represents the SYMBOL of RMB, and 0 represents the number of reserved digits.
The select to_char (sal), to_char (sal, L999, ‘999999’) from emp
The select to_char (sal), to_char (sal, ‘L0000.00) from emp
Char –>number to_number
select to_number(‘123’) from dual
Char –>date: the converted character string must be in the date format. The default format is DD-MM-YYYY
Note: Because there are so many strings, you need to specify a format when converting a character to a date, because a date is a formatted combination of characters.
When a character is converted to a date, the format is the date order of the characters without specifying an interval character.
Yyyy: year MM: month DD: day
Select to_date(’05 — 12月 — 2016′) from dual;
Select to_date(‘2016-05-12′,’ YYYY-MM-DD ‘) from dual– convert the specified date string to a date using the specified format
select to_date(’12-05-2016′,’mm/dd/yyyy’) from dual
Note: Because the date itself has a certain format, the default format is DD-MM-YYYY
The specified format exists as a display format for the date converted to a string type. Such as:
Mm – dd yyyy – ‘ ‘2016-12-05’
yyyy/mm/dd’ ‘2016/12/05’
Yyyy “Year” MM “month” DD “Date ‘December 05, 2016
Select hiredate,to_char(hiredate) from EMp — When converting a date to a character, the default format is DD-MM-YYYY
select hiredate,to_char(hiredate,’yyyy-mm-dd’) from emp; Converts the date to a string type using the specified format
select hiredate,to_char(hiredate,’yyyy/mm/dd’) from emp; Converts the date to a string type using the specified format
Select hiredate,to_char(hiredate,’yyyy ‘,’ mm ‘) from emp; Converts the date to a string type using the specified format
Query information about employees whose employment date is after 10/20/81
The first is automatic transformation
Select * from emp where hiredate> 1
Second: convert the date to a string
select * from emp where to_char(hiredate,’yyyy-mm-dd’)>’1981-10-20′
The third:
select * from emp where hiredate>to_date(‘1981-10-20′,’yyyy/mm/dd’)
Lesson 2: Other Functions:
Single-line function: lower
Min Max sum avg count
Conversion function :to_number to_char to_date
Other functions:
1. NVL (): NVL (field name, execution)– equivalent to if condition judgment in Java
Nvl2 ():nvl2(field name, value, value)– equivalent to If(){}else{} in Java
Decode ():decode(field name, condition 1, execute content 1, Condition 2, execute content 2, Condition 3, execute content 3, default execute content)
If (){}else if(){}else if(){}else if(){}… else{}
Query the monthly salary, name and job of all staff
select * from emp
Select ename,sal,comm from emp where sal+comm = 1 and sal+comm = 1
Select ename,sal,comm from emp where sal+ NVL (comm,0) = 1
Query the monthly salary, name and job of all staff
Select ename,sal from EMp where sal = comm,sal+comm,sal = comm
Display employee’s title
Select ename,job,decode(job,’MANAGER’,’ MANAGER’,’ SALESMAN’,’ employee ‘) from EMp
Lesson 3: Use group by
You cannot use normal fields directly in multi-line functions, except for group by
You cannot use single-line functions directly in multi-line functions, except group by
Group by study
Select * from table name group by select * from table name group by
–2. When grouping multiple fields, group them according to the field order. After grouping the first condition, continue to use other conditions to group them in turn.
–3, Group by can still be used together with order by
4, can be combined with the single-line function group, note that the use of single-line functions must also be used in the query statement
Query the maximum salary and number of employees
select max(sal),count(*) from emp
Query the highest salary for different departments
select * from emp order by deptno
Select deptno, Max (sal) from emp group by deptno select sal from EMp group by deptno
Query the number of employees in different jobs
select * from emp for update
Select lower(job),count(*) from emp group by lower(job
Query the number of people in different jobs in different departments
Select deptno,job,count(*) from emp group by deptno,job
select deptno,job ,count(*) from emp group by deptno,job order by deptno
T count(*) from emp where count(*)>3 group by deptno
select deptno,job ,count(*) from emp where count(*)>1 group by deptno,job order by deptno
Query the number of jobs in different departments where the department number is greater than 10
select deptno,job ,count(*) from emp where deptno>10 group by deptno,job order by deptno
Group filtering using HAVING
Having to learn:
– 1, using the group by group at the time of data screening, after the where can’t appear in the multi-line function, so using the new keyword having conditional filtering
Select * from–>where– >group –>select
Select * from–>group by >having–>select
Where is more efficient than HAVING, so don’t use HAVING when you can use WHERE
Query information about different jobs in different departments and the number of people is greater than 1
Use the WHERE statement for filtering
Select from–> WHERE –>group –> SELECT
Select * from emp where count(*)>1 group by deptno, job
Use the HAVING statement to filter
Order of execution of conditional statements: FROM –>group by –>having–> SELECT
select deptno, count(*) from emp group by deptno having count(*)>5
select deptno,job ,count(*) from emp group by deptno,job having deptno>10 order by deptno
The fourth lesson: Insert data learning and data backup
Single table query statement (SELECT)
1, Insert data (insert)
Insert into table_name (select * from table_name where table 1, table 2, table 3,….) Values (‘ 1′,’ 2′,’ 3’…..)
2. Primary key: A field that uniquely identifies a piece of data is usually set to a primary key, which is unique and cannot be repeated
3. If the inserted data is full field data, the field can be omitted. For some fields, the field description and field value must be added, but the primary key cannot be empty
4, transaction submission: if an event is composed of multiple actions, as long as one action is not successfully executed, the data will be automatically rolled back to the original state, which is called transaction technology
Ensure data security and integrity
Submission of a thing:
Use the third place plug-in submit button
Use commit statements
5. Add and delete modified data. After the SQL statement is executed, data will not be written immediately
The data needs to be submitted manually and can be rolled back if there are problems with the data
select * from dept for update
There is a new department in Beijing called LOL Academy, please insert
Insert into dept(deptno,dname,loc)values(’50’,’lol ‘,’ Beijing ‘);
The primary key is the only one that cannot be repeated
Insert into dept(deptno, loc)values(’50’,’ 01 ‘,’ 01 ‘);
If the inserted data is full field data, the fields can be omitted. For some fields, the field description and field value must be added, but the primary key cannot be empty
Insert into dept values(’80’,’ 01 ‘,’ 01 ‘);
Insert into dept values(’90’,’ 01 ‘,’ 01 ‘);
Insert into dept values(100′,’ 01 ‘,’ 01 ‘);
Insert into dept values(‘110′,’ 01 ‘,’ 01 ‘);
2. Create a backup of data
SQL > create table as select * from table as select * from table as
Insert into table name query statement, note: the result of the query must be the same as that of the insert table, the number of columns must be the same
(3) Note: The backup table only has the same fields and data, and does not backup constraints.
1. Back up complete data and tables
select * from dept;
create table tdept as select * from dept; — Back up dept tables and data
select * from tdept
2. Back up the full table
Create table tdept1 as select * from dept WHERE 1>2
Create table name as query statement; create table name as query result
create table tdept2 as select dname,loc from dept
select *from tdept2
Insert into table name query statement, note: the queried result must have the same structure as the inserted table, and the number of fields must be the same
select * from tdept1
insert into tdept1 select dname,loc from dept where deptno>40
select *from tdept2
insert into tdept2 select dname,loc from dept where deptno>40
Lesson 5: Update and Delete data:
Update data :update
Update table_name set table_name 1=’ table_name 1′, table_name 2=’ table_name 2′,… Where conditions
Change the name of department 70 to Teaching Department 2
Update dept set deptno=’70’
Update dept set deptno= 1,loc= 1 where deptno= 1
select * from dept
Delete data: delete
1) delete statement: delete table name where condition
Delete data from department 70
Delete dept WHERE deptno=’70
select * from dept
Delete tDEPT — Clears table data
Truncate TABLE TDEPT – To clear table data, use the TRUNCate keyword. However, this keyword cannot roll back data
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Concern public number: Java architect union, background reply mysql to obtain database related information