Teach people how to learn a new language quickly:

  • The first is zero foundation: we can only rely on their own down-to-earth write more want to slowly become familiar with the language of your choice, there is no other way. (But DART is by far the best language to learn.)
  • The second is a foundation, friends how to quickly learn a new language, actually very simple, we can according to our current knowledge or familiar language contrast, such as: js, Java, swift etc. Any one door can be so we only need to know the rest with the different syntax, and then on their own to write much want to get familiar with.

1. Opening (Remember and understand these universal rules)

  • All variables are objects, and every object is an instance of a class. Ints, doubles, functions, null, and so on are all objects, and all objects inherit from the Object class
  • Dart can be compiled on Ahead Of Time (AOT), that is, compiled into local code Of the platform, providing high performance.
  • Dart can also be compiled on a Just-in-time (JIT) basis with fast compilation and hot loading, doubling the development cycle.
  • Dart makes it easier to create smooth animations and transitions that run at 60fps. Dart does object allocation and garbage collection without locking
  • Dart’s syntax combines Java and JavaScript syntax features with few uncomfortable quirks, making it easy for Java programmers to learn
  • Dart has no public, protected, or private keywords. A variable identifier is indicated to be private to its library by prefixing it with an underscore
  • Dart supports top-level functions, static functions, instance functions, and also allows nested functions within functions, known as local functions. Similarly, DART supports top-level variables, static variables, and instance variables
  • Dart is a strongly typed language, but type declarations are optional because of type derivation

Dart Quick Start

This paper is divided into three sections:

chapter introduce
On: Focus on variables, built-in types, operators, branches, and loops
In: Mainly explain methods, classes
Bottom: Mainly explains the rest and some development tips supplement

3. Development tool selection

The compiler mainly uses the Android Studio compiler

Dart: “Hello, World!” And enter the running result:

import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  print('Hello, World');
Copy the code

Four, variables,

There are two ways to define variables in Dart:

  • Explicitly specifying the type of a variable, as is common in statically typed languages.
  • Second, the common way of dynamic language, do not specify the type, by vm automatic inference.

All variables are objects, and every object is an instance of a class. Ints, doubles, functions, null, and so on are all objects, and all objects inherit from the Object class. Let’s see how to declare a variable:

The variable is a reference, and the uninitialized variable value is Null as follows.

import 'dart:core';

void main() {
 String name;
 print('$name'); // Output is null
Copy the code

Above we mentioned displaying the specified variable type as follows:

import 'dart:core';

void main() {
 String name ="Pharmacist Huang";
 int age =10;
 print('$name''----$age'); // Output: Huang Yaoshi ----10
Copy the code

A common way for dynamic languages to specify no type and let the VM infer automatically.

import 'dart:core';

void main() {
 String name ="Pharmacist Huang";
 name  ='Chau Po-tong';
 print('$name'); // Output: zhou Botong
Copy the code

The Dart language is strongly typed and cannot assign a variable that has declared a specific variable type to another variable that has no inheritance relationship

import 'dart:core';

void main() {
 String name ="Pharmacist Huang";
 name  =10;
Copy the code

This assignment will result in an error:

import 'dart:core';

void main() {
 int age =10;
 age  =10.0; // This is an error at assignment time
Copy the code

But the important thing to note here is that both int and double are subclasses of num.

import 'dart:core';

void main() {
 num age =10;
 age  =10.0; // This is legal in assignment
Copy the code

1. Var (the official Style Guide recommends var)

Var: The type of a declared variable is determined at the moment it is assigned.

What does this sentence mean? It’s really simple:

import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  //age is determined to be of type num and assigned to 18 years old. If you assign a string, an error will be reported
 var age =18;
 age  ='18';
Copy the code
import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  // Age has been determined to be of type num and has not been assigned a value, if you assign a string then it is correct
 var age;
 age  =18;
 age ='18';
Copy the code

2, the Object

All variables are objects, and every object is an instance of a class. Ints, doubles, functions, null, and so on are all objects, and all objects inherit from the Object class

import 'dart:core';
void main() {
 Object age ='18';
 age  =18;
Copy the code

3, the dynamic

Dynamic is similar to Object in Java, so declared variables behave the same as Object and are used the same way, but it is important to know that dynamic is not typed at compile time, it is typed at runtime.

import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  dynamic name ='Pharmacist Huang';
  print(name.runtimeType); // Enter: String
  name =18;
  print(name.runtimeType); // Enter: int
Copy the code


When declaring a variable, you can optionally add a specific type: String name = “Huang Yaoshi”

Variables that are not initialized automatically get a default value of NULL (variables of type number are null even if they are not initialized).

For local variables, the DART official recommendation is to use var to declare variables

4. Final and const

There is no difference between final and const: If you want a reference to a variable to remain unchanged after an assignment, you can use either the final or const keywords to do so.

  • Final is a run-time constant that requires that the declared variable cannot be changed after assignment:

Final can be used in two scenarios

  • Class variable declarations that must be assigned at declaration time.
  • Class member variable declarations, which can be assigned at declaration time or via constructors such as:
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';

class TestDart extends StatefulWidget{

  final String name;


  State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
    // TODO: implement createState
    return null; }}class TestDartState extends State<TestDart>{

  final String  URL_NAME ="https://wwww.baidu.com";

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // TODO: implement build
    return null; }}Copy the code

Const is a compile-time constant. The key distinction here is that a compile-time constant must be defined as a literal constant:

Dart: Static final const Flutter: static final const Flutter: static final const Flutter: static final const Flutter: static final const Flutter

Five, operators:

Operators in Dart are largely the same as operators in object-oriented languages such as Java. It has everything it should, and Dart has everything it shouldn’t.

The operator instructions
+ add
_ Reduction of
* take
/ In addition to
% Take the modular operator
~ / aliquot
= > Arrow function
import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  var i = 6;
  var r = 2;

  / / addition:
  print('${i + r}'); // Output: 8
  / / subtraction
  print('${i - r}'); // Output: 4
  / / the multiplication
  print('${i * r}'); // Output: 12
  / / division
  print('${i / r}'); // Output: 3.0
  // take modulo operation
  print('${i % r}'); // Output: 0
  / / divisible
  print('${i ~/ r}'); // Output: 3
Copy the code
  • Type determination operator

As type conversion is Returns Trueis if the object is of the specified type! Returns False if the object is of the specified type

Note: The AS operator converts an object to a specific type, but throws an exception if the conversion cannot be completed

import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  var name = "Pharmacist Huang";

  if (name is String) {
    // The judgment condition is true
    print("name is String");
  var age = 1;
  if (age is! String) {
    // The judgment condition is true
    print("age is String");
  // Description: Age is an int, not a String
  //'int' is not a subtype of type 'String' in type cast
  String newResult = age as String;
Copy the code
  • The assignment operator
The operator instructions
= The assignment operator
+ = The add and assignment operators
– = The subtraction and assignment operators
* = Multiplication and assignment operators
% = Modulo and assignment operators
/ = The division and assignment operators
?? = The value of a variable whose value is null
import 'dart:core';

void main() {
   var age =20;
   // Add and assign operators
   // The subtraction and assignment operator
   // Multiply and assign operators
   // The division and assignment operators
   double newAge =20.0;
   print('${newAge /= 10.0}');
   // The modulo and assignment operators
   double price =230.0;
   print('${price %= 10.0}');

   Stringname; name ?? ="Pharmacist Huang";
   // If name is null, the value to the right of the equals sign is assigned to name;
   // If not null, the value of name remains unchanged
    print("$name"); // Output: Huang Yaoshi
Copy the code
  • Alternative conditional expression operators

Dart has two special operators that can replace if-else statements

  • Ternary operator
  • ??
import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  var age = 10;

printAge1(age) {
  if (age == 10) {
    return age;
  return age;

  // Output: 10

// The first alternative if-else uses the trinary operator
printAge2(int age) {
  return age == 10 ? age : 0; // Output: 10

// The second is "??" Replace the if - else
printAge3(int age) {
  return age == 10 ?? 0; // Output: true

Copy the code
  • Cascade operators

Cascade operators (..) Multiple functions can be called consecutively on the same object and member variables can be accessed. Using the cascade operator avoids creating temporary variables, and the written code looks smoother:

import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  var  list = List(a);print("${list.. add("Pharmacist Huang").. add("Guo jing")}"); // Output: Huang Yaoshi, Guo Jing
Copy the code
  • Security operator

Dart provides? . Operator. The operation object on the left returns NULL if null

import 'dart:core';
void main() {
  String name;
  // No "?" Null pointer
  print(name.length); // The getter 'length' was called on null.
  // Add "?"
  print(name? .length);/ / output is null
Copy the code

Vi. Built-in types:

1, num

Dart has two num types: int and double, both of which are subclasses of num.

void main() {
  var age = 18;
  print(age.runtimeType); / / output int

  var price = 8.0;
  print(price.runtimeType); // Output: double

  num year = 2020;
  print(year.runtimeType); // Output: int

  year = 2020.0;
  print(year.runtimeType); // Output: double

  int days = 10;
  print(days.runtimeType); // Output: int

  double limit = 8.90;
  print(limit.runtimeType); // Output: double
Copy the code

Num also supports conversion of some data types:

void main() {
  var age = '18';
  print(age.runtimeType); // Output: String

  int parseAge = int.parse(age);
  print(parseAge.runtimeType); // Output: int
Copy the code

2. String (string)

Dart strings are UTF-16-encoded sequences of characters that can be created using either single or double quotation marks. Single and double quotation marks can be nested; otherwise, they need to be escaped using \. Variables and expressions can also be referenced in a string, and string concatenation can be realized

import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  var name = 'Pharmacist Huang';
  print(name.runtimeType); // Output: String

  var newName1 = "my name is $name";
  print(newName1); // Output: my name is Huang Yaoshi

  // Add {}
  var nameName2 = "my name is ${User().name}";
  print(nameName2); // Output: my name is Huang Yaoshi

class User {
  var age =10;
  var name ="Pharmacist Huang";
Copy the code

Providing an r prefix creates a “raw” string that does not need to be escaped (it will be disabled if an escape character is added) as follows:

import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  //r: no need to escape
  print(R "Newline: \n"); // Output: newline: \n
  print("Newline: \\n"); // Output: newline: \n
Copy the code

3, bool (Boolean value)

Dart has a type name of bool, and only two objects in Dart are Booleans: true and false. There is also strong type checking in Dart, which is true only when true.

import 'dart:core';

void main() {
 bool isLoading;
 print('$isLoading'); // Output: null;
 isLoading =true;
 print('$isLoading'); // Output: true;
Copy the code

4, list (array)

Arrays are essential in almost every programming language, and lists are essential in Dart.

Let’s look at some basic uses of List:

  • Initialize the
import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  var names = List(a);print(names.length); // Output: 0;

  var names1 = List(2);
  print(names1.length); // Output: 2;
  // If you want to add variables of different data types to the List, you need to directly buy only the data type Object
  var names2 = List<Object> (); names2.add('Pharmacist Huang');
  print(names2.runtimeType); // Output: List
// Copy directly, different types can be added var names3 = ['Pharmacist Huang'.12.11.0]; print(names3.length); // Output: 3 // Add the const keyword before the list literal to define an immutable list object (compiled as a constant). var names4 = const[1.2.3]; print(names4.length); // Output: 3 // if you add a value to the names4 collection as follows, the operation is an error. The list is immutable // error: Cannot add toan unmodifiable list names4.add(4); } Copy the code
  • Common properties and methods
import 'dart:core';

import 'package:myfirstflutter/test/user.dart';

void main() {
  var names1 = [1.2.3];
  print(names1.length); // Output: 0;

  / / sorting
  List<User> myList = [User('Pharmacist Huang'.23), User('Ouyang Feng'.61), User('John Steinbeck'.48)];
  myList.sort((a, b) => (b.age).compareTo(a.age));

  // set loop
  myList.forEach((v) {
    print('${v.name}${v.age}'); // Output: Ouyang Feng 61, Yang Guo 48, Huang Yaoshi 23

  // The search matches the condition
  var result = myList.where((v) => v.age == 23);
    //isEmpty returns whether the list isEmpty
  //isEmpty returns whether the list isEmpty

  // the isNotEmpty property returns whether the list has elements
  // Get the first element in the List
  print("Get the first element in the List${names1.first}");
Copy the code
  • Add data
import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  var names1 = ['John Steinbeck'.'Little Dragon Lady'.'huang2 rong2'];
  // Add data
  names1.add('Mound machine');
  print(names1.length); // Output: 4;

  var names2 = List(2);

  /// Cannot add toa fixed-length list
  // (add cannot add data to a list of fixed length)

  // A list of fixed lengths can be set using the following methods
  names2[0] = 'Pharmacist Huang';
  names2[1] = 'Ouyang Feng';
  names2.forEach((v) {
    print('$v'); // Output: Huang Yaoshi Ouyang Feng

  var names3 = ['John Steinbeck'.'Little Dragon Lady'.'huang2 rong2'];
  var names4 = ['1'.'2'.'3'];
  // Add all elements
  names3.forEach((v) {
    print('$v'); // Output: Yang Guo Xiao Long female Huang Rong 1 2 3
Copy the code
  • Delete the data
import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  var names1 = ['John Steinbeck'.'Little Dragon Lady'.'huang2 rong2'.'Mound machine'.'Pharmacist Huang'];
  // Deletes the specified element
  names1.remove('John Steinbeck');
  print(names1); // Output: xiao Long female Huang Rongqiu machine Huang Pharmacist

  // Remove the last element
  print(names1); // Output: small dragon female huang Rong qiu machine

  // Remove the element at the specified location
  names1.removeAt(names1.length - 1);
  print(names1); // Output: Xiaolong Female Huang Rong

  // Deletes the specified bit-area element
  print(names1); // Output yellow paste

  // Remove all elements of toString with length equal to 3 from List
  names1.removeWhere((item) =>item.toString().length==3);
  print($names1 ==>$names1;);

Copy the code

Above also less “change” and “check” in fact, these in the above example code already exist some, here leave a everyone an exercise: you can “change” and “check” their own summary

5. Map (Collection)

Like lList, Map is an essential part of learning the development language. Map is an object associated with key-value pairs. Keys and values can be objects of any type. Each key appears only once, while a value can appear multiple times.

import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  // Declare directly with {}. Each pair of keys and values is separated by a comma
  var names = {'name1': 'Pharmacist Huang'.'name2': 'John Steinbeck'.'name3': 'Old Urchin'};
  print(names); // output: {name1: Huang Yaoshi, name2: Yang Guo, name3: old urchins}

  var names1 = Map(a); names1['name1'] = 'huang2 rong2';
  names1['name2'] = 'Pharmacist Huang';
  names1['name3'] = 'the guo jing';
  print(names1); //{'name1': 'huang Rong ', 'name2':' Huang Yao shi ', 'name3': 'Guo Jing '};

  // Specify the types of data that a Map can store
  var names2 = <String.String> {'name': 'Pharmacist Huang'};
  print(names2); // Output: {'name':' huang Yaozhu '}

  // Similar to list list, to create a compile-time constant Map we need to prefix the Map literal with the const keyword
  var names3 = const {'name': 'Pharmacist Huang'.'age': 60};
  print(names3); // Output: {'name':' age' : 60}

  / / loop
  names1.forEach((k, v) {
    print(v); // Output: Huang Rong, Huang Yaoshi. The guo jing

  // Query delete
  var names4 = {'name1': 'Pharmacist Huang'.'name2': 'John Steinbeck'.'name3': 'Old Urchin'};
  names4.removeWhere((k, v) => k == 'name1');

  names4.forEach((k, v) {
    print(v); // Output: Yang Guo, old urchins

  // Delete with the specified key
  // check whether the specified key is included

  // check to see if the specified value is included
  names4.containsValue('Old Urchin');

  // Add a Map object
  names4.addAll({'name': 'Mound machine'});
Copy the code

Map and List have the same functions of adding, deleting, modifying, and searching

Vii. Branch and Cycle:

Dart branches Currently include if-ELSE and Switch

  • If conditional branch:
import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  var age = 18;
  if (age < 0) {
    print('age < 0');
  } else if (age == 0) {
    print('age = 0');
  } else {
    print('age > 0'); }}Copy the code
  • Switch conditional branch:
import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  // You can use integers, strings, enumerated types, and compile-time constants in switch cases
  String name = 'Pharmacist Huang';
  switch (name) {
    case 'the guo jing':
    case 'Old Urchin':
      print('Default'); }}Copy the code

Dart supports for, while, and do-while loops.

import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  / / a for loop
  for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {

  / / while loop
  while (true) {
    //do something

  / / the do while loop
  do {
    //do something
  } while (true);
Copy the code

But Dart also has some system-specific looping functions

import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  var names = ["Zhang Wuji"."Little Dragon Lady"."Zhao"];
  // for... in... The loop is to enhance for
  for (var it in names) {
    print(it); // Output: "Zhang Wuji "," Xiao Longnu "," Zhao Min"

  / / the forEach loop. The argument is a Function object, where an anonymous Function is passed in
  names.forEach((v) {
    print(v); // Output: "Zhang Wuji "," Xiao Longnu "," Zhao Min"

  names.forEach((v) => print(v)); // Output: "Zhang Wuji "," Xiao Longnu "," Zhao Min"

Copy the code

Let’s look at how to loop through a set of Map data in Dart

import 'dart:core';

void main() {
  var myMap = {'name': 'Pharmacist Huang'.'age': '50'.'skills': The Avatar.};
  / / forEach traverse Map
      (k, v) => print("$k : $v")); // Output: name: Huang Yaoshi Age: 50 skills: Magic Finger

  // get the value by key. Keys returns the set of all keys in the Map
  for (var k in myMap.keys) {
    print("$k : ${myMap[k]}");// Output: name: Huang Yaoshi Age: 50 skills: Magic Finger}}Copy the code


In fact, the Dart is relatively easy to learn, especially for experienced drivers with basic skills. Minute knock up ~

This article is a quick introduction to how to get up and running with Dart in a short time. In order to give you a quick introduction to Flutter, the above chapters cover only some of the methods and functions used to develop Flutter. If you want to have a deeper understanding and learning of Dart, you can follow me later. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.

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How can I quickly master Dart and progress to become the god of Flutter

40 minute Quick Start Dart Basics (Middle)