Directory Portals: A Guide to The Quick Start To Flutter

In Flutter, everything is a Widget — everything is a Widget.

Image, Text, Container, Padding, Align, GestureDetector.. Everything you know is basically a Widget.

Flutter builds a view tree from widgets to handle interactions, events, data, and so on.

It’s flexible, but a little too flexible.

Developers have to put a lot of effort into mastering these widgets.

Let’s look at a simple example.

This component is made up of widgets.

As you can see from the view tree above, such a simple navigation scene requires many widgets to assemble.

Be aware that most of your time with Flutter development will be spent working with widgets.

There are a lot of different types of widgets. There are currently 30+ widgets, and the number is likely to grow.

It’s difficult to master all of the widgets, but you should be familiar with most of the commonly used widgets and have some knowledge of the others.

This article lists some common guidelines for using widgets.

You can bookmark them so you can come back and look up widgets you’re not sure about.

Basic Widgets

🚫 widgets – the Container

🚫 widgets – Button

🚫 widgets – Row and Column

🚫 widgets – Text

🚫 widgets – Scaffold

🚫 Widget-Icon

🚫 widgets – Image

🚫 widgets – Stack

🚫 widgets – TabBar + TabBarView

🚫 Widget- Input box TextField

Widgets for layout

🚫 widgets – Align

🚫 widgets – Center

🚫 widgets – Expended

🚫 widgets – LayoutBuilder

🚫 widgets – Padding

🚫 widgets – Wrap

A scrollable Widgets

🚫 widgets – CustomScrollView

🚫 widgets – the GridView

🚫 widgets – the ListView

🚫 widgets – PageView

🚫 widgets – SingleChildScrollView

Decorative Widgets

🚫 widgets – BoxDecoration

🚫 widgets – Clip series

🚫 widgets – Opacity

🚫 widgets – SafeArea

🚫 widget-Gaussian Blur BackdropFilter

Functional Widgets

🚫 widgets – FutureBuilder and StreamBuilder

🚫 Widget- Intercept return key WillPopScope

⚠️ This article is dynamically updated.. Don’t try to click on links with 🚫 in front of them!

Directory Portals: A Guide to The Quick Start To Flutter

How can I be found?

Portal:CoorChice homepage

Portal:Lot of CoorChice