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JS has many tricks to make code leaner and simpler. Today I’m going to share 4 tips that can greatly reduce the amount of code and development time in your daily work.

Short circuit judge

Use this method when only simple if conditions are required

let x = 0;
let foo = () = > console.log('Executed');

if(x === 0){
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The same if function is implemented by using the && operator. If the condition before && is false, the code after && will not be executed.

let x = 0;
let foo = () = > console.log('Executed');

x === 0 && foo()
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You can also add more if conditions, but this also increases the complexity of the statement, and more than two conditions are not recommended.

let x = 0;
let y = 0;
let foo = () = > console.log('Executed');

x === 0 && y === 0 && foo()
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Optional chain operator (?)

We often determine if there is a key in a JS object, because sometimes we are not sure if the data returned by the background API is correct.

FirstName = firstName; firstName = firstName; = firstName; firstName = firstName; Two layers of if judgments need to be nested.

let user = {
  name : {
    firstName : 'Aufu Koos'}}if({
    console.log('User object contains firstName field')}}Copy the code

That’s when we can use, right? If does not exist, it will return false, so use a layer of judgment directly

let user = {
  name : {
    firstName : 'Aufu Koos'}}if({
  console.log('User object contains firstName field')}Copy the code

Null-value merge operator (??)

Ternary operators are shorter than if/else operators. If the logic is simple, it is easy to use.

For example,

let user = {
  name : {
    firstName : 'Aufu Koos'}}let foo = () = > {
  return ? : 
    'firstName does not exist '

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First use? Operator to check whether it exists, return if it does, false if it does not, and enter the following logic

Use?? Algorithms make code more compact

let user = {
  name : {
    firstName : 'Aufu Koos'}}let foo = () = > {
  return ?? 
  'firstName does not exist '
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Return terminates the function

The following function determines the value of x, using a lot of if else nesting

let x = 1;
let foo = () = > {
  if(x < 1) {return 'x is less than 1'
  } else {
    if(x > 1) {return 'x is greater than 1'
      return 'x is equal to 1'}}}console.log(foo())
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This if else nesting simplifies code by removing the else condition, since the return statement terminates code execution and returns the function.

let x = 1;
let foo = () = > {
  if(x < 1) {return 'x is less than 1'
  if(x > 1) {return 'x is greater than'
  return 'x is equal to 1'

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Good code may not need to be short, but readability must be prioritized over brevity. Because it’s very difficult for someone else to maintain the code, it takes a lot of time to read it.

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