Forbidden by robots.txt

An error screenshot


After checking robot.txt, I found a Robot protocol, which defines which web pages or files are allowed to be captured by crawler machines on this site. You can visit the link to view permissions

User-agent: Baiduspider

Disallow: /baidu

Scrapy defaults to the Robot protocol, so we just don’t have to.


Disable scrapy’s ROBOTSTXT_OBEY function, locate the variable in Setting, and set it to False.

TypeError: Object of type ‘Selector’ is not JSON serializable

Problem: JSON serialization failed

Reason: Forget extract()

Extract () : serialize this node as a Unicode string and return a list

Write () argument must be STR, not bytes

Error message:


Copy the code


Change to WB and open it in binary write mode

Install scrapy


Python version: 3.6.3 MacOS: 10.13.5


Pip3 install Scrapy – user

An error

Execute scrapy -v to execute scrapy -v

bash: scrapy: command not found

The solution

  1. Check to see if dependencies are properly installed by clicking on scrapy’s Github and comparing PIP list with

  1. Dependencies are installed correctly to create soft chains

Find / -name scrapy

Ln -s/Users/macbook/Library/Python / 3.6 / bin/scrapy/usr/local/bin/scrapy

Just execute the scrapy command