Countless times in all kinds of articles, speeches have seen the word “zhongtai”, from the beginning of the fire, let us think it is a panacea, to the recent “abandoned” by their own people, have been questioned, today to talk about zhongtai in the most common 4 misunderstandings.

Myth 1: All businesses can be Centralized

First of all, we should clarify the goal of the Centralization of Taiwan and be results-oriented.

The goal of Zhongtaihua is to reduce costs in two ways: first, to merge the duplicate wheels between existing businesses to reduce costs; Second, providing capabilities for certain businesses, especially new ones, allows for quick trial and error at low cost.

Therefore, only when enterprises reach a certain scale, can they have multiple businesses, have the problem of repeated construction, and need to be modernized in China.

Let’s take two examples to illustrate

“Zhongtai” is seen as the foundation for ByteDance to become an “App factory” : Zhang Yiming, a tech entrepreneur, was integrated into the Zhongtai structure when he founded Toutiao; Bytedance has built a “live broadcasting platform” to extract and merge the live broadcasting technology and operation team of the three products to support all its live broadcasting businesses, and to merge the duplicate wheels to reduce costs and help the birth of other new businesses later.

For small and micro enterprises, the core goal is to survive and open the market through one or two products. Therefore, medianization is completely unnecessary, because we already know that the core of Medianization is to solve the problem of too many business products, resulting in a large number of repetitive function development and management. For small and micro enterprises with only one or two products, the centralization of Taiwan, instead of improving efficiency and reducing costs, will increase the burden of enterprises and make them unable to survive.

Taiwan is not a panacea, the elephant to eat this medicine, physical fitness; The ant takes the medicine and is killed at one shot.

Misconception two: Taiwan can be directly used

Here we mainly refer to the business in Taiwan, such as taobao used in the marketing strategy, can directly move to fly pigs with? Can didi Express use its strategy directly?

Obviously, it is more difficult to apply because of the higher complexity of the business. The middle stage of business is the ultimate result pursued by major companies: agile promotion of front business, stable support of back business. Nevertheless true circumstance often goes against one’s wishes, difficult completely satisfactory, accomplish business truly medium stage to run well, very rare, let alone apply directly the medium stage that uses other people’s home company. Even Ali’s middle stage is also a process of “painful extreme thinking change”, growing up in stumbling, not all in place under the boss’s command.

But there is a saying, the industry generally believe that in the same industry of China configuration similarity is higher, it is also the reason of the third party service providers are able to obtain investment: maotai after the project, the same things a little changed according to actual condition, you can then sell yanghe daqu – but this is just a hypothesis, or to specific issue, concrete analysis. For example, even if Alibaba’s e-commerce zhongtai is put into other e-commerce businesses, such as “Moutai Cloud Business”, it may not be able to be used, because each company’s organizational structure and business logic are different.

Suitable for their own is the best, do not blindly follow the big company.

Myth 3: Data center is to take the number

Ali Cloud middleware architecture director Xie Chunliang once said that if the data center does not serve the business, or service for the business center, it has no value.

In essence, data center is to be able to get through the data between businesses to support each business, the core value is to reduce costs, rather than just a mechanical number machine. Therefore, the data center must enter the business, so that the data better service for the business.

However, at present, the cognition of data analysis in China is still relatively shallow. In some companies, the data center only integrates data in a superficial way, without solving any problems or generating any value through data integration. The data center still has a long way to go before it can be of value.

IT is the back-end of the business, and data is the back-end of the back-end. Data faces great challenges in moving forward.

Myth 4: Middle stage is of no use to individuals

The construction of the Central and Taiwan platforms can not only standardize the business capabilities of enterprises, but also facilitate rapid connection and assembly, which is conducive to business innovation.

It is also good for people at all levels of the enterprise.

1, for the boss, the Middle and Taiwan strategy can enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise, “improve quality transformation, reduce cost and increase efficiency”

2. For corporate executives, zhongtai can quickly respond to business and innovation, and bring business value

3. For IT managers, the middle office brings functional transformation to the IT department, improves efficiency and team coordination ability

4, for developers, to become “technology + business” interdisciplinary talents, improve the personal career value


It needs to become a street rat, not a panacea for all ills.

However, the phenomenon of “Zhongtai is a pit and everything is thrown into it” is the misunderstanding of the current enterprise implementation of Zhongtai.

The problems of enterprises are a process of long-term accumulation, and it is impossible to completely cure them through one project or one governance method.

We need to take a correct and objective attitude towards the Central Taiwan.