1. What does V8 use to allocate memory for objects?
In V8, all JavaScript objects are allocated via the heap. Node provides a way to view memory usage in V8. Execute the following code to get output memory information:
$ node
> process.memoryUsage();
{ rss: 14958592.heapTotal: 7195904.heapUsed: 2821496 }
Copy the code
In the code above, of the three properties returned by the memoryUsage() method, heapTotal and heapUsed are V8 heap memoryUsage, the former being the amount of heap memory claimed and the latter being the amount currently in use. We’ll talk about RSS in a future article. Diagram of V8 stack:When we declare variables in our code and assign values, the memory of the objects we use is allocated in the heap. If there is not enough free heap memory allocated for new objects, heap memory will continue to be allocated until the heap size exceeds V8’s limit.
2. Why does V8 limit the heap size?
The ostensible reason is that V8 was originally designed for browsers and is unlikely to encounter scenarios that use large amounts of memory. V8’s limit is more than enough for web pages.
The underlying reason is the limitations of V8’s garbage collection mechanism. Using 1.5 GB of garbage collection heap memory as an example, V8 takes more than 50 milliseconds to do a small garbage collection and even more than a second to do a non-incremental garbage collection. This is the amount of time in garbage collection that causes JavaScript threads to pause, and the performance and responsiveness of your application can plummet with this amount of time. This situation is unacceptable not only for back-end services, but also for front-end browsers. Therefore, limiting heap memory directly was a good choice for the time being.
3. I see. Do you know the strategy of garbage collection?
V8’s garbage collection strategy is based on generational garbage collection.
4. Why generations?
Because in practical applications, the life cycle of objects varies, different algorithms can only have the best effect for specific situations. For this reason, modern garbage collection algorithms divide the garbage collection of memory into different generations according to the lifetime of the object, and then implement more efficient algorithms for different generations of memory.
5. Oh, tell me about the generation.
In V8, there are two main memory generations: the new generation and the old generation. Objects in the new generation are objects with a short lifetime, and objects in the old generation are objects with a long lifetime or resident memory. The diagram shows a generation diagram of V8.
6. How does the new generation recycle?
The Scavenge algorithm is used to recycle garbage on a generational basis. Is a garbage collection algorithm implemented by copying.
It divides the heap memory into two parts, each of which is called semispace. Of the two Semispace Spaces, only one is in use and the other is idle. Semispace Spaces that are in use are called From Spaces, and Spaces that are idle are called To Spaces. When we allocate objects, we allocate them first in the From space. When garbage collection begins, live objects in the From space are checked, they are copied To the To space, and space occupied by non-live objects is freed. After the replication is complete, the roles of the From space and To space are swapped.
In a nutshell, garbage collection is done by copying live objects between two Semispace Spaces.
The disadvantage of the Scavenge is that only half of the heap memory is used, as determined by the partitioning and replication mechanisms. Scavenge, however, is exceptionally time efficient because it only replicates live objects and is used in a small number of scenarios with a short life cycle.
Scavenge is the classic space-for-time algorithm and cannot be applied on a large scale to all garbage recycling. The Scavenge avenge is found to be extremely suitable for use in the Cenozoic era, where the life cycle is shorter.
Therefore, V8’s heap memory diagram should look like this.
When an object survives multiple copies, it is considered a long-lived object. Such long-lived objects are then moved to the old generation and managed with a new algorithm. The process of moving objects from the new generation to the old generation is called promotion.
7. I’m curious how a new generation can become an old generation.
To be promoted is based on the Scavenge avenge and the insane memory usage.
By default, V8’s object allocation is concentrated in the From space. When an object is copied From the From space To the To space, its memory location is checked To determine whether the object has been screcycled. If it has, the object is copied From the From space To the old space, if not To the To space. The promotion process is shown below.
Another criterion is the memory footprint of the To space. When copying an object From the From space To the To space, if the To space has been used more than 25%, the object will be promoted directly To the old generation space, as shown in the diagram for judging the promotion.
8. Why is 25% so low?
The reason for the 25% limit is that when the Scavenge is completed, the To space becomes the From space and subsequent memory allocation takes place in that space. If the ratio is too high, subsequent memory allocation will be affected.
9. The new generation of people get promoted and become older people. Why shouldn’t they be screcycled?
The Scavenge avenge has two problems due to the large proportion of the exploiture. The first is the low efficiency of copying the exploiture due to the large number of exploiture. The other problem, again, is the waste of half the space. Both of these issues result in the exploiture of applications with a longer life cycle.
10. What about old generation objects?
V8 in its old days used a combination of Mark-sweep and Mark-compact for garbage collection.
Mark-sweep means marked Sweep and is divided into two phases: marking and sweeping. In contrast to the Scavenge, Mark-Sweep does not split memory space in half, so there is no such thing as wasting half the space. Unlike the Scavenge avenge living objects, Mark-sweep iterates through all objects in the heap and marks living objects during the marking phase, and only unmarked objects are cleared during the subsequent scavenging phase. As you can see, Scavenge only copies living objects and Mark-sweep only cleans dead objects. The living objects only account for a small part in the new generation, and the dead objects only account for a small part in the old generation, which is the reason why the two recycling methods can be processed efficiently. This is a schematic of Mark-Sweep after it was marked in old age space, with the black parts marked as dead objects.
11. Then why do you mark them up?
The biggest problem with Mark-Sweep is the discontinuous state of memory space after a Mark Sweep collection. This fragmentation can cause problems for subsequent memory allocation because it is likely that a large object will need to be allocated, and garbage collection will be triggered ahead of time, which is not necessary.
In order to solve mark-Sweep’s memory fragmentation problem, Mark-Compact was proposed. Mark-compact stands for mark-sweep and is a variation of mark-sweep. The difference is that after an object is marked as dead, the living object is moved to one end during the collation process. When the move is complete, the memory outside the boundary is cleared directly. This is a schematic diagram of mark-Compact after marking and moving the living object. The white grid is the living object, the dark grid is the dead object, and the light grid is the cavity left after moving the living object.
Once the move is complete, the memory area behind the right-most living object can be cleared directly to complete the collection.
12. Hey! Since tag cleanup is based on tag cleanup, that is, it includes tag cleanup, which is so great, then tag cleanup is done, why say it works with tag cleanup?
The combination of Mark-sweep and Mark-compact is introduced here not only because the two strategies are progressive, but in V8’s reclaim strategy they are used together. The table is a simple comparison of the three main garbage collection algorithms introduced so far.
As you can see from the table, between Mark-Sweep and Mark-Compact, since mark-Compact requires moving objects, it can’t execute very fast, so V8 mainly uses Mark-sweep as a trade-off, Mark-compact is used when there is not enough space to allocate objects promoted from the new generation.
13. I see. If the garbage collection algorithm takes a long time, it will stall.
The three basic algorithms for garbage collection all require the application logic to be paused and then resumed after garbage collection, a behavior known as “stop-the-world.” In V8’s generational garbage collection, a small garbage collection only collects the new generation, and since the default configuration of the new generation is small and there are usually fewer live objects in it, even a total pause doesn’t have much impact.
However, older versions of V8 tend to be larger and live, and the pauses caused by the marking, cleaning, collating, and other actions of full garbage collection can be scary and need to be fixed.
To reduce the pause time associated with full-heap garbage collection, V8 started with incremental marking, where actions that were supposed to be completed in one stop are broken down into many small “steps” that allow JavaScript application logic to execute for a short time. Garbage collection alternates with application logic until the tagging phase is complete. The diagram shows a diagram of incremental marking.
V8’s incremental markup has reduced the maximum pause time for garbage collection to about 1/6. V8 was later introducedDelay clearingThe lazy onesIncremental finishing(Incrementalcompaction) to make cleaning and consolidation happen incrementally. It is also planned to introduce parallel tagging and parallel cleaning to further reduce each pause time by taking advantage of multi-core capabilities.
14. Do you know Buffer objects? Are Buffer objects allocated through V8?
Know. He isn’t.
Why are Buffer objects not allocated via V8? This is because Node is not the same as a browser. In a browser, JavaScript handles strings directly to meet most business needs, while Node handles network and file I/O streams. Manipulation strings are far from sufficient for transport performance.
More on Buffer details later.
So, from this we can see that the memory composition of Node consists mainly of what is allocated through V8 and what is allocated by Node itself. It is primarily V8 heap memory that is limited by V8’s garbage collection.
15. Can I use fs.readfile () and fs.writefile () to read and write large files?
Due to V8’s memory limitations, fs.readFile() and fs.writefile () cannot operate on large files directly. Instead, fs.createreadStream () and fs.CreateWritestream () can stream large files.
The following code shows how to read from one file and then write data to another file:
Because the read/write model is fixed, the above method has a more concise way, as follows:
A readable stream provides a pipeline method
Encapsulates data events and write operations. By streaming, the above code is not affected by V8 memory limitations, effectively improving the robustness of the program. If you don’t need string level manipulation, you don’t need V8 to handle it,Try a pure Buffer operationThis is not limited by V8 heap memory. However, be careful with such large memory usage, even though V8 does not limit the size of heap memory, physical memory is still limited.
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