Constants and variables are a kind of carrier of data. When data is operated by different operators, a certain degree of control over the calculation process is flow control, and less than a lot of data is stored by the built-in container. Then what should we do after that? It is through the integration of all the concepts above, it is abstracted into a module to complete a certain function, which is the topic of this paper – function.

Function is not a new concept. You hear the term function in many languages, so how do you use it in Go? How does it differ from other languages?

1. Function definition

In Go, a function definition starts with the keyword func, which has the following standard format:

Func function name (argument list) (return argument list) {function body}Copy the code


  • func: Function by keywordfuncLet’s start by showing that this is a function.
  • Function name: The function name must comply with the variable naming conventions. The function name and parameter list together form the function signature. You cannot define the same function name within the same package. (Remember: Function overloading is not supported in Go!)
  • Argument list: Arguments are placeholders that you can pass to when a function is called. This value is called the actual argument. The parameter list specifies the type, order, and number of parameters. Arguments are optional, which means functions can have no arguments.
  • Return type: The data type of a function that returns a list of values. Sometimes a return value is not required, and the return type may not be.
  • Function body: The collection of code defined by a function that implements specific function logic.

According to the function parameters, it can be divided into three categories, which will be elaborated in detail next.

  • Fixed parameters
  • Variable parameter
  • Fixed and variable parameters

1.1 Function definition of fixed parameters

The function definition format is as follows:

Func function name (argument list) (return argument list) {function body}Copy the code

For example, multiply two numbers:

func multipleForTowNum(num1 int, num2 int) int {
	result := num1 * num2
	return result
Copy the code

1.2 Function definition of variable parameters

There is another type of variadic function that is supported in the Go language. The function definition format is as follows:

Func function name (v... T) (return argument list) {function body}Copy the code

Note: v… T indicates that V is a slice and T is the type of data in the slice.

For example, implementing majority multiplication:

func multipleForNums(nums int {
	var result int = 1
	for _, num := range nums {
		result = result * num
	return result
Copy the code

Nums is a slice used to store arrays of ints of variable length.

1.3 Function definition of fixed and variable parameters

The definitions of fixed and variable parameters have been introduced above. If fixed and variable parameters coexist, how to define them?

The format is as follows:

Func function name (fixed argument list, v... T) (return argument list) {function body}Copy the code

For example, after adding two numbers, multiply the majority:

func multipleForTowNums(num1 int, num2 int, nums int {
	result := num1 + num2
	for _, num := range nums {
		result = result * num
	return result
Copy the code

2. Classification of functions

Functions fall into two broad categories: custom functions and built-in functions.

2.1 Custom functions

For example, the example functions in function Definitions in the previous section are custom functions that start with the keyword func as required. Custom functions, on the other hand, refer to functions other than the Go language built-in functions.

2.2 Built-in Functions

Built-in functions, such as Len and Append, are directly used without importing packages. There are 15 built-in functions in Go, as follows:

The function name instructions
make For slice,channelType allocates memory and initializes objects.
len Compute arrays, slicing, mappingmap, channel,channelThe length of the.
cap Compute arrays, slices, channelschannelThe capacity.
delete Delete the mappingmapThe corresponding key-value pair in.
append Add data to the end of the original slice.
copy The data of the original slice is copied to the new slice. When the space of the new slice is insufficient, the redundant data is directly discarded.
new Is slice and mapmap, channel,channelA type other than type allocates memory and initializes an object, returning a pointer of type.
complex You get a complex number.
real Returns the real part of the complex number.
imag Returns the imaginary part of the complex number.
print Print information to standard output.
println Prints the information to standard output and wraps it.
close Used to close channelschannel.
panic Used to trigger an outage.
recover To capturepanicException information thrown.

3. Function usage

Next, a simple example shows how to use functions correctly.

The following is a function that computes the maximum value of two numbers, Max.

package main

import "fmt"

func main(a) {
	fmt.Print(max(10.7))}// Get the maximum value of two numbers
func max(num1, num2 int) int {
	if num1 > num2 {
		return num1
	} else {
		return num2
Copy the code