This is the 27th day of my participation in the August Genwen Challenge.More challenges in August
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- 3️ Nacos (suggested collection)
- 2️ retail (suggested collection)
- 1️ retail (suggested collection)
Load Balancing: the Ribbon
6.1 Overview of Load Balancing
Load balancing is the spread of loads (work tasks, access requests) across multiple units of operation (servers, components) for execution.
Load balancing can be divided into server load balancing and client load balancing based on the location of load balancing:
- Server-side load balancing refers to what happens on the service provider side, such as the common NGINx load balancing.
- Client load balancing occurs when one side of the service request is selected before the request is sent.
We typically choose client load balancing in microservice invocation relationships, where the side of the service invocation decides which provider performs the service.
6.2 Manually implement load balancing
6.2.1. Start a different port service
We need to use IDEA to start another service, which is also ShopProductServer, but its port is different.
Enter the port number to be specified in VM Option:
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6.2.2 Modify the implementation class code to achieve load balancing
public Order getById(Long oid, Long pid) {
// Get the service from nacOS
List<ServiceInstance> instances = discoveryClient.getInstances("product-service");
// Define a random number
int index = new Random().nextInt(instances.size());
// Get a random service
ServiceInstance serviceInstance = instances.get(index);
String url = serviceInstance.getHost() + ":" + serviceInstance.getPort();
Product product = restTemplate
.getForObject("http://"+url+"/product? productId=" + pid, Product.class);
Order order = orderDao.getOne(oid);
order.setUsername(order.getUsername()+",data form "+serviceInstance.getPort());
return order;
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A few times in a row you can see that the random load balancing strategy is implemented.
6.3 Load balancing based on the Ribbon
6.3.1 what is the Ribbon
The Ribbon is an open source project released by Netflix. Its main function is to provide a client-side software load balancing algorithm that connects Netflix’s middle-tier services together. The Ribbon client component provides a comprehensive set of configuration options such as connection timeout and retry. ** The Ribbon simplifies the code above by providing more load balancing algorithms. ** It is a component of Spring Cloud that makes it easy to load balance with a single annotation.
6.3.2 The Ribbon implements load balancing Add annotations
We need to add an annotation to the generation method of the RestTemplate: @loadBalance. This annotation is an enhanced annotation that enhances the RestTemplate so that it can implement load balancing.
public RestTemplate getInstance(a){
return new RestTemplate();
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Modify the ProductService implementation class code
To make it more intuitive, we will simply set the port number in application.yml to the implementation class.
private String port;
public Product findById(Long productId) {
Product product = productDao.findById(productId).get();
product.setPname(product.getPname()+",data form"+port);
return product;
Copy the code Modify the code of the OrderService implementation class
public Order getById(Long oid, Long pid) {
Product product = restTemplate
.getForObject("http://product-service/product? productId=" + pid, Product.class);
Order order = orderDao.getOne(oid);
return order;
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Why should load balancing be achieved by using the name of the service instead of the URL?
- Get the argument you passed by reflection (assuming 1 is passed in) and the URL becomes: http://product-service/product? productId=1.
- Follow the rules to cut product-Service out.
- Based on the node information corresponding to the service list pulled from the registry, it is assumed that 1product-service corresponds to and
- Select an information node based on the load balancing policy you configured 1, and replace the service name with the corresponding IP address and port. Suppose the URL now becomes:
- Use the RestTemplate to send the request.
Note: It is important to add the @loadBalance annotation to the generation method of the RestTemplate. This annotation indicates that the RestTemplate is strengthened. This step will be implemented only after strengthening, otherwise load balancing will not be implemented.
6.4 load Balancing Policies supported by the Ribbon
Ribbon built in a variety of load balancing strategy, internal load balance of the top interface for flix. The loadbalancer. IRule, his specific support load balancing strategy are:
Policy name | Strategy description | Implementation notes |
BestAvailableRule | Select a server with minimum concurrent requests | Inspect servers one by one, skip tripped, and select the Server with the smallest activity equestscount |
AvailabilityFilteringRule | Filter out the faulty instances first, and then select the instances with smaller concurrency. | Use an AvailabilityPredicate to include the logic for filtering servers, which checks the status of each server recorded in status |
WeightedResponseTimeRule | Assign a weight according to the corresponding time, the longer the corresponding time, the smaller the weight, the lower the probability of being selected. | A background thread periodically reads the response time from status, calculating a weight for each server. Responsetime minus each server’s own average responseTime is the Weight of the server |
RetryRule | Retry mechanism for the selected load balancing policy. | If the server selection fails during a configuration period, the system tries to use subRule to select an available server |
RoundRobinRule | Polling Mode Select server in polling mode | Poll index and select the server corresponding to index |
RandomRule | Select a server at random | Randomly select the server corresponding to index |
ZoneAvoidanceRule (default) | Select a server to judge the performance and availability of the server | Use zone avoidancePredicate and AvailabilityPredicate to determine whether a server is selected, the former predicate determines whether a zone’s performance is available, and excludes the unavailable zone (all servers), AvailabilityPredicate is used to filter out servers that have too many connections. |
You can modify the Ribbon load balancing policy by adding the following configuration to the shop-order-server application. Yml:
product-service: The name of the provider being invoked
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