What is Babibs.js?

Babbling. Js is a complete JavaScript framework for building 3D games and experiences in HTML5, WebGL, WebVR and Web Audio, except that the game can be used to implement some 3D scenes on the page.

Babylon. Js is on a mission to create the most powerful, stunning, and easy-to-use Web3D rendering engine in the world, and insists that it be completely open source and free for anyone. The new version of Babylu.js is three times smaller, 12 percent faster, and has numerous performance optimizations. It was originally positioned as a high-performance 3D engine, and will continue to do so even as it becomes more powerful.

New Node Material Editor, truly cross-platform Native app deployment experience of Babylon, layered shadows, navigation and path finding, enhanced WebXR virtual and augmented reality support, improved glTF format support and other new features. Make Babylon. Js your indispensable web application development tool.

Why community?

Babylonjs.com, the official website of Babylu.js, is notoriously slow to access in the domestic web environment, and some links do not open at all. In order to address this need, Babylu.js comes into being, synchronizing from the official website and translating into Chinese.

At the same time, we find that there are very few Chinese materials for babbling. With such a powerful 3D engine, it would be a shame if there were no readable materials to learn from.

At the same time, we believe that the current direction of the web development is into 3D and graphics, Babylon. Js will have great potential, so we decided to enrich the 3D community in China.

What have we done?

As mentioned above,

  • We first synced our official website and set up babylu.js Chinese website
  • Then, according to the English document Babylon. Js, a domestic mirror is synchronized, which is easy to find the original English description
  • Based on the English document Bobabylon. Js, we organized the translation of a large number of Chinese tutorials, and opened the translated Markdown document to Github
  • Synchronously migrates bobabylon. Js Playground, which is normally unplayable on the official website
  • Babylon. Js case library, a collection of directly visible demo addresses and source code for learning practice
  • Finally, we have launched the open source Editor LuckyBabylon, which is highly recommended for Demo use

The Demo presentation

Video presentation

Operation Tutorial Address

What to do next

First, we selected the most important, the most ambitious and the most valuable task, and recruited Chinese translation volunteers to join our Babylon Chinese tutorial translation project. Interested partners can find our contact information at the end of the article.

The form of participation is that we will assign tasks to the Github Babylon Doc organization by submitting a PR

The second thing is to enrich LuckyBabylon, our exclusive open source 3D editor. We collect community needs and suggestions and update our open source software based on feedback.

The ultimate goal is to make fans of Babylon. Js not afraid of English documents, but able to read Chinese tutorials smoothly, experience and learn the most comprehensive knowledge of Babylon. The ultimate goal is to promote the development of Babylon in China and further promote the development of 3D technology.

In addition, Luckysheet, which has been open source by the team for some time, is also being actively maintained and feedback is welcome.

Luckysheet Github


  • Join translation contact: [email protected]
  • Alternatively, join the official QQ group 1127206245 on babybabylon


  • The translated Markdown documentation is open source
  • LuckyBabylon
  • LuckyBabylon Demo