The application of HTML5 WebGL in 3D has been developing in full swing, making it easy to use in 3D configuration (industrial control). 3d configuration software improves the management efficiency of industrial control, so that the resource management and risk control of industrial control have been greatly improved.
The traditional 3D configuration is generally a local application, this case is based on the BROWSER B/S architecture of the 3D configuration application.
This case simulates a simple industrial control scenario of an oil field. The model roughly includes oil Wells, separators, heating furnaces, natural gas and external transport pumps. It also includes pipeline flow and flow direction. The whole process of oil recovery, processing and output is described.
Making model
The first step is modeling. The design team uses 3D modeling tools SUCH as 3D Max or C4D to model the oilfield equipment. After modeling, export files in obJ or GLTF format, which are the best file formats supported by our 3D rendering engine.
All model files after modeling will be put into the model library at the back end. The management directory of the model library is shown as the following figure:
Models to be made include oil Wells, separators, heating furnaces, natural gas and external transport pumps, as shown in the figure below.
Load model
The loading function of the engine model can be used to load the model, such as obJ model loading, as shown in the following code:
new mono.OBJMTLLoader().load( 'youjing.obj'.'youjing.mtl'.' ', (node)=> {
node.type = 'obj'; box.addByDescendant(node); });Copy the code
For example, loading an oil well model is an asynchronous process, so there will be a callback function. After loading, add the 3D object generated by the model file to the scene container box in the callback function. After adding, our 3D object will be displayed in the scene, as shown in the figure below:
3D scene construction
Create Network3D object, that is, create 3d scene object, as shown in the following code:
const box = new mono.DataBox();
const network = new TopoNetwork(box, null, 'monoCanvas');
network.mode = 'editor'; = network; // todo = network;
network.setRenderSelectFunction(() => false);
make.Default.path = './static/myModellib/'; network.setClearColor(0, 0, 0); network.setClearAlpha(0); Const directionalLight = new mono.directionAllight (0x333333, 0.3); directionalLight.setDirection(new mono.Vec3(0, 1, 1)); box.add(directionalLight);letPointLight = new mono.pointlight (0xeae5e1, 0.3); pointLight.setPosition(2000, 2000, 2000); box.add(pointLight); PointLight = new mono.pointlight (0xeae5e1, 0.4); pointLight.setPosition(-2000, 2000, 2000); box.add(pointLight); PointLight = new mono.pointlight (0xeae5e1, 0.3); pointLight.setPosition(2000, 2000, -2000); box.add(pointLight); PointLight = new mono.pointlight (0xeae5e1, 0.4); pointLight.setPosition(-2000, 2000, -2000); box.add(pointLight); box.add(new mono.AmbientLight(0x888888)); mono.Utils.autoAdjustNetworkBounds( network, document.querySelector('.app'),
'clientWidth'.'clientHeight',);Copy the code
Drag and drop models to generate scenes
From the model list, drag the model onto the 3D scene object to create the model object, as shown below:
On the model button, you need to listen for the Drag or dragstart event, which is encapsulated in a separate class called dragger.js that handles dragstart events:
addDragger(parent, subClass, option) {
parent.addEventListener('dragstart', (e) => {
lettarget = null; Const path = eventPath(e);for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i += 1) {
if (path[i].classList && path[i].classList.contains(subClass)) {
target = path[i];
break; }}... }Copy the code
Create a line
In the 3D scene, you can directly create 3d pipes by dotting them, as shown in the following code:
let path = new mono.Path(pipePoints);
path = mono.PathNode.prototype.adjustPath(path, 2, 2);
const node = new mono.PathNode(path, 10, 3, 20);
'm.type': 'phong'.'m.side': 'both'.'m.normalType': mono.NormalTypeSmooth,
'm.color': '#E35944'.'m.ambient': '#E35944'});;Copy the code
PipePoints are three-dimensional vertices recorded by dots.
Animation pipeline
The pipeline animation is a dynamic flow effect formed by constant changes of the offset attribute of the pipeline map, as shown in the following code:
node.animate = new mono.Animate({
from: pipeDirection === 'forward' ? 0 : 1,
to: pipeDirection === 'forward' ? 1 : 0,
dur: 1000,
reverse: false,
onUpdate(value) {
node.setStyle('m.texture.offset', new mono.Vec2(value, 0)); }});Copy the code
The final effect is shown below:
The overall effect
After development and editing, the final display effect is roughly as follows:
There are more effects that are not highlighted in this article. If you are interested in getting a demo, please email:
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