The outline

  • What is video
  • Fun Web side API
  • Web end on demand live broadcast & broadcast scheme
  • The resources

What is video

Format and Content

  1. File extension ≈ Media Package format (Media container type)
  2. Media encapsulation format ≠ audio and video encoding format
  3. 1) Header information (format, duration, frame rate, bit rate, resolution…) 2) Index information 3) video data 4) Audio data 5) Additional enhancement data

Index information

Drag the progress bar to a point in time to indicate the location of binary storage for the point in time

Video data:

Audio data:

Transport protocol:

Principle of player:

Fun Web side API

  1. Check the compatibility of videos on the browser
  2. Interactive video based on video timeline control
  3. Play local files based on the FileReader API
  4. Based on getUserMedia call camera or microphone…
  5. Based on the getUserMedia, MediaRecorder to realize video…
  6. Media data based on MediaSource play JS pull… Take all the data at once

Web end on demand live broadcast & player solutions

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