At the end of the exam, the average score of the class only got the second grade, the teacher in charge then asked: everyone knows the world’s first peak Qomolangma, anyone know the world’s second peak is what? Just as the teacher was going to continue to speak, he heard a voice in the corner: “K2”


Articles from this is the autumn is a fan of the public recruiting experience, the authors cattle from ID is “we will give you notice as soon as possible”, not double the + + undergraduate course English major (electrical engineering and automation), can say is not dominant in education professional, However, with my unremitting efforts, I invested in 337 Internet companies, and finally got offers from several Internet companies. I feel very inspirational. I really admire it and hope to encourage you together. (PS: Welcome to contribute ~)


Hunan a double bachelor degree, studied electrical engineering and automation, self-study Java at the beginning of April this year, had the opportunity to go to bear factory internship in July, so came to Beijing from central China’s hunan province, internship positions is a Java server-side development, internship with development projects, learn self-study before really learned a lot of things, very grateful to my boss. But part of the internship part of autumn recruit to me is really some powerless, the impression is more deep after work hiding in the stairwell of the company to do thunder or which written test, the result is still hung up. Before the Mid-Autumn Festival or choose to leave with the eldest brother application, joined the autumn recruit army team.


From the Mid-Autumn Festival to yesterday, I have invested in 337 companies (many of them failed to pass the resume test). I have conducted 88 written tests and assessments and 20 interviews. I invested in Java backend development positions, most of which were in Beijing. As a dish chicken crazy self-help behavior….

After all, I am not that kind of cast one can be in a big guy, in addition, the feedback of many companies will not be so timely, if only cast four or five big factories, ten days later found that even the chance of written examination did not give…… At this time in the factory network application has been closed, small factory also hired full, it is more uncomfortable, so I in the National Day holiday period, looking at the company, to cast…… Brush problem brush tired, go looking for autumn recruit information to cast…… When it comes to autumn recruitment information, my source channels are mainly these, for your reference:

1. The job search area of Niuke

  • The job columns are mostly good Internet companies and don’t have expired job listings on them;
  • There will be some internal information in the discussion forum from time to time, you can pay more attention to it, the most important thing is that there are many aspects;
  • However, if you see the title of the article with “offer comparison “, and I do not have strong ability to withstand the elder brother, advised caution

2. Job-hunting website for fresh graduates

  • Although this site makes the interface emmmm… It’s worth exploring, but it does have a lot of job listings, and basically all the companies that have autumn listings can be found here.
  • In addition, it has a special area of information conference, you can search by city, company, school, for those who want to run information conference can pay more attention to

Suggest delivery after a company will be corresponding to the position, place of work are written down, I am using youdao cloud notes, also very convenient, because it may be delivered after a long time will receive a phone or mail, then you need to judge is you have cast a company or just an advertisement…… You can also write down the lecture schedule, interview time and written test time by date, so that suddenly a phone call for an interview comes and you can coordinate to a convenient time.

3. The phoenix tree fruit

Recruitment information is also more, and the fresh graduates similar to the job network

4. Pull hook

The recruitment of Internet companies is mainly characterized by one-click sending of attached resumes, which is more convenient, and the delivery progress can be seen at any time, and the feedback is relatively fast.

5. Liepin, Dajie, Zhaopin, a carefree future

  • Some companies will use these websites for recruitment. There are school recruitment columns and more social recruitment. Although there will be advertisements, offer still matters.
  • Once you sign up, you can find out how good you really are in your email subscription (manual funny), and you can receive emails from Alibaba HR who want to hire you at dawn

6. Some WX public accounts

Several good public accounts I use to look for school recruitment are salary, Internet, school recruitment calendar, Internet biaoju and so on. In addition, if you want to roughly understand a company, I know its salary, evaluation and so on through the school recruitment salary + prospective + career friends set website

Briefing session

If it is also a good company and have the written test, suggest to attend the briefing session, some companies will talk before make a phone call or email, some need to take the initiative to search information, the landlord to rent a house near the buaa, beihang university, Beijing university, tsinghua university and near so BeiLin, north branch are running, but not too much, a total of only ran 10 announcement, Run more always meeting has an opportunity, of course big guy can ignore, big guy direct net shen next blood abuse written test wait for interview……


  • The written exam is usually easier than the online one, and the resume is always attached to the paper.
  • At least there will be no net application or mail delivery resume is directly pressed at the bottom of the stack……


  • Some companies that claim to have written tests on site actually give you a link to do the written tests after the presentation.
  • Or there is a routine is the scene written a few words to write particularly large, the lower right corner with a few small words (operating post written examination)

If the effect is good, you may be able to get the offer within a week, because many of them are written tests and interview the next day and then go through a set of procedures. Of course, there will also be some enterprises did not HC, pure holding propaganda does not recruit the purpose, even if to the scene written test is only routine…… The building Lord touched the scene only 3 people to write Java development papers, the topic is also written right even interview opportunities do not give the company (some love network)……

Strong ridicule some 399, recruit so a few backstage development but also the national tour, about you at 4 o ‘clock to interview, 20 or 30 people in the conference room, is to prove that your company is very popular…. As a result, I waited for an hour and a half and only had 10 minutes for the interview. If the interview was too difficult, I didn’t have anything to say. The key is that the questions asked are very simple and you have answered all of them

Feedback summary

Resume brushed:

Netease Youdao, OPPO, Guazi, HiKvision, Dianwuda, Momo, Huya, Joytime, Baici, Kingsoft, Suning, Kuang Shi, Cat Eye, JINGdong, Monkey Guidance, SF express, Ctrip, Zhaoyin Network Technology, Sina, Huawei, Tuobang, Coolgou, Xiaohongshu, Bilibili, Wuxi, IBM, Vipshop, Keep, Ping An Technology, ThoughtWorks, Midea, WeBank, Kingdee, Vivo, 360, IFlyTek,, Work together, Yonyou, Douyu, BIGO, Perfect world, everyone, wei to cars, a lot of spelling, touch, arinb, a great treasure and joy letter, hungry yao, the science and technology strategy, China unionpay, according to the figure, dahua, and a bit of information, large search vehicles, wave, cool knorr, hornet’s nest, the Himalayan and science and technology, network visionbank, China merchants bank credit card center, xinhua three, home of the car, interesting shops, * * *, hello to travel,, Music elements, freely,, Shenzhou Youche, Xiaopeng Automobile, Qutou Tiao, Oracle, Look at the world, 21CN, Heartbeat network, eggshell apartment, 7K7K, Meicai, Lvmama, Bairong Jinfu, Science and technology, Want to start, Paipai Dai, zhongan insurance……

And so many enterprises, I cried, you.

(you do Java background to threw the sea to find the company can find in here), in fact, I just want to explain, I was refused to hit so many times, still can continue to play up to cast a, to face next, many NiuYou more excellent than me, temporary 0 offers it’s not a big deal, lose confidence is the most deadly. We’re young. We have a long way to go


For the knowledge points to prepare for Java background development, mainly the following categories, in order of importance:

1. Algorithms and data structures

This should be the most important, is also ready to interview and review should focus on bulk, the original poster is algorithm slag, so it’s not worth to learn from the valuable advice, more brush refers to offer and leetcode sword, in the problem of cattle from Treasury online programming, there are brush crustily skin of head, can’t think of just look at the ideas in the discussion zone and implementation, see the answer not to lose face, Understanding is your own. Leetcode is mainly used for online written tests. (Linked list, binary tree, BST, red black tree, several sorting algorithms to master)

2.Java basics

It is suggested that you can read “Java Programmer Interview Guide” and li Gang’s “Crazy Java Handouts” to make up the basic knowledge points. In the future, you can read some classic books “Effective Java” and pay attention to collection classes such as HashMap (the time complexity of HashMap get method, why is O(1), Get and put methods are different from HashTable, key is mainly String and Integer, how to resolve Hash conflicts, when to expand, etc. .


Focus on garbage collection (what is garbage collection, the algorithm for garbage collection, how does GC partition memory?) , virtual machine memory model, class loading mechanism (which kind of classloader? What is the parent delegation model, and why?), although it may not be useful in real development, it is likely to be asked a lot in interviews. Also look at multithreading (the difference between sleep and wait, communication between threads, how to avoid deadlocks, how to open multiple threads to perform tasks sequentially). Also keep an eye on Java 8(J.. J8?) Some of the new features in JDK1.8, such as lambda and Stream, are still available in JDK11

4. The database

Basic SQL statement can write (CRUD, aggregate function, sort group), optimistic lock, pessimistic lock, database transaction ACID what, database optimization, common storage engine and MyISAM and InnoDB difference and when to choose, index principle, relational database from MySQL. Redis, Redis expiration policy, common data structure, persistence policy AOF,RDB, etc.

5. Operating system

Some common Linux commands… Grep, tail, top, lsof, kill, cat, such as the method of communication between processes (this must pay more attention to, was asked for three or four times), to check the process of memory

6. Computer networks

HTTP1.1 and 2.0 protocol difference, status code, TCP connection process, TCP and UDP difference, after entering a url between the client server what happened…… Recommend graphic HTTP

7. Design patterns

Singleton, factory was asked most, need to focus on, including the idlers hungry double lock, occasionally may ask you know what the other design patterns, also can know about the other several of the more common strategy, appearance, bridge, the observer pattern, recommend dahua design patterns and design patterns of runoob novice tutorial, we can see it soon

Framework of 8.

Focus on Spring’s IOC, AOP, principle, process of the MVC framework, the framework is actually a wrapper for the convenient development, to those who don’t know blow blow may seem very cow x, but actually is the most easy to use, with the official document writing a demo is about the same, the school recruit’d better pay more attention to the foundation, not die hammer framework

9.Git, Maven, other project management tools, and miscellaneous REST specifications

Although I mentioned it in my resume, I haven’t heard much from so many companies. Only one of them has asked the difference between Git pull and Git fetch. If they can do it, it’s better; if they can’t, it doesn’t matter

Write in the last

I actually seldom write chicken soup, but still want to say, not for English major students, the poor is most of the time and thinking, in addition to cope with this professional course, have to in order to living self-study, however, since chose background to develop this way, can insist on down, choice of professional we have the wrong time, Now that you have something you want to fight for, don’t be afraid to make a mistake again. Sophomore year if we can realize what kind of work you want to do is a very lucky thing, most of them actually in choosing this step has been lost, I am a junior year next semester didn’t realize what you really want to do, it’s too late to do, if early may I will be more calm again, starting from April self-study Java, internship offer in July to get the bear factory, When I got several offers recently, I didn’t go so well. Staying up late to watch videos and read books was just a physical test. What was really difficult was to dispel the idea of giving up again and again. Ride a bike to Suzhou Street, Wangjing, West Erqi, Jing ‘an Center, Xidan, World Financial Center by subway… Although Qiu Zhao didn’t get the offer from Super Factory, the experience these days is the most precious to me. Dedicated to the future younger students, as well as the autumn zhao road and I struggle with the old brothers, mutual encouragement


Public founding up to now, many people and I said the group manager, I am not undergraduate dual non English major, can’t miss it, find a job that can do a little want to give up and the like, hope you read this article, don’t give up, this can’t you throw that, that no you can cast a you throw a 100, 200, 300, 400… Since have already chosen this road, can only go to fight!

Author Chowgory experienced the autumn admission of 2019. He is a computer master of Harbin Institute of Technology and a Java engineer admitted to Baidu. Welcome to follow my wechat official account: The official account has 3T programming resources, and my friend and I (admitted baidu C++ engineer) prepared nearly 200 MB of required interview Java and C++ experience during the autumn recruitment, and there is a leetcode punch card group and technical exchange group every day, welcome to follow.