- Detects whether an instance belongs to this class
const arr = [10.20]
const obj = {
0: 10.1: 20.length: 2
console.log(arr instanceof Array) // true
console.log(obj instanceof Array) // false
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- Based on the
You can subdivide different types of objects “and also detect primitive type object values created using constructors.”
const m = new Number(100)
console.log(m instanceof Number) // true
Copy the code
There are a lot of problems with being a temporary man
- Principle:
Before calling[Symbol.hasInstance]
Method based on whether its return value belongs to an instance of the class
class Fn { static[Symbol.hasInstance]() { console.log('OK') return false // The instance can be determined based on the current return value}}const f = new Fn console.log(f instanceof Fn) // false Copy the code
__proto__ checks if the prototype of the current constructor is present in the prototype chain of the current instance, and returns true if it is
The prototype chain of all instances ends up pointing to Object.prototype, so instanceof Object is true for all instances
const arr = [1.2] console.log(arr instanceof Object) // true Copy the code
- in
The prototype chain is changeable, so the result is inaccurate
function Fn() {} Fn.prototype = Array.prototype const f = new Fn console.log(f instanceof Array) Copy the code
- Basic data type values created in a literal manner cannot be based on
Because it is not an object itself, it does not exist__proto__
This thing
const n = 10 console.log(n instanceof Number) // false Copy the code
- Principle:
Rewrite instanceof :(detection principle)
Constructor Symbol. HasInstance property method
Checks if the constructor’s prototype appears on the instance’s __proto__
Cannot detect primitive datatypes, instances of which must be objects whose own methods handle primitive datatypes.
const instance_of = function instance_of(example, classFunc) {
if(typeofclassFunc ! = ='function') throw new TypeError('Right-hand side of "instanceof" in not callable')
if(example == null) return false
// Support Symbol and have Symbol. HasInstance to handle this
if(typeof Symbol! = ='undefined') {
const hasInstance = classFunc[Symbol.hasInstance]
if(typeof hasInstance === 'function') {
return, example)
// Unsupported implementations are based on the detection prototype chain
const prototype = classFunc.prototype
const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(example)
// Arrow functions have no prototype
if(! prototype)return false
while(true) {
// Find object.prototype.__proto__ base class
if(proto === null) return false
// An instance of the class is found on the prototype
if(proto === prototype) return true
proto = Object.getProtoTypeOf(proto)
const res = instance_of([12.23].Array)
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