When I was in college, it was popular to say, “You can’t be a programmer more than 30 years old, you should switch to management after 30 years old… Otherwise there will be no food to eat “this sentence I believe from the beginning, and then to doubt, now is simply lazy!

For today’s students, no matter the overall environment of the current IT industry and the future development, when they choose, they can believe that IT industry will be an evergreen career.

1. Why do people say programmers are young? Is it true?

Once a very famous enterprise boss in China said: in the IT industry, the technical personnel over 35 years old will be eliminated, so don’t want the technical personnel after 35 years old. As a result, the entire industry, especially in software development, has turned away from anyone over the age of 35. It has also led many engineers to change careers worried about their future after the age of 35.

A lot of people also think that IT is a young person’s business, and software development is a young person’s business, and IT is useless after 35.

At that time, the overall ENVIRONMENT of THE IT industry, after all, there were only so many basic libraries, and there were also very few popular applications, such as search, mail, IM, antivirus, download, player, and so on, which could not accommodate too many ordinary programmers.

And enterprise software was just a small tool, for many industries have not form a substantial impact, make enterprise software are party b, like grandson beg for somebody else to sign the contract, and one thousand ways to please party a, do things, can only is a supplement to the party a’s work, can’t do something disruptive, destroy the somebody else’s job.

Enterprise software, because the environment of the enterprise often changes, and software companies also need to constantly obtain income, so software updates quickly, many of them are signed contracts after development and acceptance. To do such software, the first thing to consider is the input-output problem. Because the contract is signed and the income is fixed, to cut costs, the employer will hire young, energetic and unburdened young people.

Let’s say an experienced programmer can take over three young people. For the same amount of money, the boss can already hire three young programmers, and the other young programmers can work overtime day and night, while the old programmer, because of his age, has a family and children to take care of, can not work overtime as young people. Moreover, as anyone who does enterprise software knows, the team generally wants to find industry experts and experienced programmers, but such people are like pickles. It’s good to have them, but it doesn’t matter if you have more. You can’t afford more than that!

This leads to enterprise software teams, often with one experienced person and a bunch of kids doing it. After a few years, these kids basically have to change careers. Because they are doing enterprise software, their skills are limited, and there is no room for improvement. A bunch of people, they can’t all be looking at one spot no.

A person’s destiny, even the destiny of a career, is determined by the current economic situation and industry background. The reality of enterprise software has decided that programmers are still more of a youth occupation.

2. Programmers in their 30s are still promising

In terms of a person’s growth, it is almost impossible to achieve success in an industry within two or three years. It is against the natural law. Basically, the first two years after graduation are spent in chaos. The first three years are the learning stage, five years are the basic maturity stage, and eight years are the achievement stage. Most people develop at this stage unless they are geniuses.

Assuming you graduated from college at the age of 23, you will be 31 in eight years. He’s 35 years old and not even a few years old. No one wants it at 35? Can senior people come out of this industry? Since the IT industry is the future development of high-tech industry, how to support without senior personnel?

In the traditional industry, 35 years old is the prime of life and creative period, is the period of technical backbone. So why is 35 not acceptable in IT? Is it the misdirection of the famous entrepreneur or the prejudice of the world?

IT’s just a few years ago to thrive, and our late development of Chinese IT, s short, so basically technology development, young people are doing university cultivate a batch of college students have joined in the IT industry, IT training industry also began to rise in the years, like a lot of older people to keep pace with times, so we sent a sigh with emotion.

Programmers’ programming skills start to rise in their mid-20s and don’t start to decline until after age 50. In other words, the technical skills of programmers can be accumulated over time, which is no different from other technical professions.

Therefore, IT is wrong to think that older people cannot program. Older people can not only program, but also have more and more experience and higher technical level. If the IT industry wants to develop for a long time, IT will definitely need the support of senior engineers.

3. The industry still needs the support of veterans

IT technology is changing with each passing day, new technologies are constantly bringing forth new ones, and there are many ways to learn. JAVA today, tomorrow. NET, J2EE, JSP; Really need a strong learning ability, older natural learning ability decline. Young people are certainly smart and creative. But cleverness is no substitute for experience, and in most cases there is not much difference in IQ. Therefore, experience and thinking ability cannot be negated on the basis of this.

In the software development and hardware design industry, we still have a lot of ways to go. This industry experience is still important and needs the support of senior engineers. And software development and hardware design industry is the real core and foundation of IT industry, is our soft side. So a lot of senior engineers will be needed in the future.

Therefore, we must not be misled by others. We must clearly understand the law of development in history and focus on sustained and persistent development.

It’s not up to your boss, it’s not up to your company, it’s up to you. Only those who know how to change, who are willing to change, who are willing to change, who are willing to take risks, who are willing to take responsibility, will be able to rise from the ashes and live a more wonderful life.

Send me a sentence that has impressed me: When you choose to change careers at the age of 20, people will say that you can try more when you are young. When you’re 30 and want to change careers, they say you’re crazy. When you succeed, everyone shuts up.

Finally, bless all those who do not want to mark time!

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