Offer situation: byte, ali BU, some small and medium-sized factories

Most of the people who dive in the community all the year round are still front-end scum like me. Every time I see the big guys who often post their interview experiences, they only have one word: sour! Today send a close people layout test experience, to give everyone a pep ~

First of all, background: I graduated from the university in 2017. During the three years after graduation, I have been working in the same company and only met pinduoduo once in 2018 (I received an oral offer but didn’t accept it). So in fact, I didn’t have any interview experience this time, and the interview arrangement in April was quite chaotic. I will talk about the reasonable interview rhythm after the interview.

The opposite case

This negative case is about the process of my interview in April, no nutrition, no interest can directly skip to the next part

Before April, I already had an offer from my hometown that I was satisfied with (the entry date was about May). At that time, I was ready to go back to my hometown, so I didn’t prepare for the interview. My resume was updated in December last year. But because of a variety of reasons, finally decided to market in Hangzhou, so a direct shuttle, just want to go to Dachang.

Big factory a shuttle

Netease Cloud Music

At that time to find a former colleague internal push, also soon received an interview notice. One is a telephone interview, mainly to ask some front-end basic questions, there is no written test. The mail arrived the next day.

Xx, hello!

Thank you for your application for senior/Senior Front-end Development Engineer – Music Division position 002. Your knowledge and qualifications make a favorable impression on us. Unfortunately, the requirements of the position you are applying for are not in line with your actual situation, so there is no opportunity to cooperate with you for the time being.

We have put your resume into the talent pool, if there is a suitable position, we will contact you the first time, hope we have the opportunity to work together in the future! At the same time, you are welcome to recommend your friends to join netease!

Thank you for your trust and support to netease!

[Smiling face].jpg

Have a great

The second day is the good side, which also focuses on the front-end basic issues, and there is a coding section at the end. Questions and impressions:

  • Throttling implementation
  • Parse the query parameter in the URL

Handwriting is relatively easy, and it has been achieved. But eventually one side died.

Tao is ali

The experience of hanging on the side of two times has not been digested, hard to continue the factory, immediately replied to the boss tao department of the front er, and soon about a side. On the other hand, I just asked some basic information about the front end. This time, I felt there was no problem. The interviewer also told me that I had passed the interview on the phone.

When I was in a better mood, the next day the interviewer contacted me on wechat, and he synchronized the interview to the supervisor, who thought it was rejected. (I & # @ *? …).

Go to a small factory

Graffiti, Cao Cao, China Merchants Bank network, single innovation, against it

Several large factories all hang, finally began to be timid, began to talk with some small and medium-sized companies. After a round of chat, all offers have been made.

In general, small and medium-sized companies spend more time on projects and ask basic front-end questions, but they are not as good as big companies in terms of time proportion and depth.

Sedimentation, world War II giant factory

After a round of interviews and offers from small factories, I regained my confidence and accumulated some interview experience and interview communication skills. During this period, I also consolidated and reviewed the front-end basic knowledge while interviewing, and formed my own understanding of many original ambiguous and unclear knowledge points during this period. Then decided to go to the intention of a stronger factory to try.

Cool knorr

Kroca’s technical interview was said to be hardcore, but the benefits were said to be good, so he let the headhunter push it. The first round was telephone interview. The telephone interview was very brief, 20 minutes, I asked about the project and then finished. I even doubted whether the interviewer was not interested in me. The next day I soon received the interview notice, it seems that my previous worries were unnecessary.

3 rounds of on-site interview technology +1 round of HR:

  • One side: front-end basic knowledge + algorithm data structure. The interviewer listed a lot of knowledge points to be asked in the notebook and then asked me one by one. Part of the implementation needs to be handwritten on a piece of paper.
  • The second side: front-end foundation, Vue framework, project, scene scheme design, the second side is relatively comprehensive
  • Three sides: main question item
  • HR面:balabala…

The on-site interview lasted for more than 3 hours, and all the interviews were finished in 4 rounds. According to the experience of headhunters, the HR interview was basically stable. However, the end result is to die. More suitable candidates should be interviewed from Monday to Friday.

Have a great

This time is a good other department, it is said that the entrepreneurial department, stable 996, in fact, desire is not very strong, holding the attitude of exercise again.

  • One side, remote, or the same as before similar routine, face base, the last handwriting (over)
  • Second interview, remote, it feels like a different interviewer to ask about the foundation, ask about the framework implementation, and of course combine the project.
  • Three faces, the scene, because of time inconvenience and also do not have a great desire to go, rejected three

Ali (XXX Department)

This is the resume Ali picked up, the interview to this stage, like what self-introduction, project introduction said really don’t know how many times, and for the front-end basic questions, also basically so some often asked questions, already through this period of interview + review, in the mind formed their own knowledge map.

As a result, the first and second meetings were successfully completed. The third meeting was held after May Day, and the business leader asked questions about the general direction of technology. There were no problems, and the HR meeting was also completed.

Bytes to beat

In early April, the headhunter promoted me to the front position of department A, and SOON I received A call from HR. I had heard that Byte had high requirements for algorithm, so it was about two weeks later. However, I was interviewing various companies and did not prepare the algorithm well, so I turned down the interview.

At the end of April, the Byteb department invited me for an interview again. At that time, I had already received an offer from a small and medium-sized factory and did not plan to go to ByteB as cannon fodder. Under the persuasion of HR, I finally made an appointment for an interview after May Day.

One side: The interviewer in Beijing had an online video interview with Niuke, which focused on the front-end foundation, some common principles of VUE, and some project problems. At last, the coding was cancelled due to my computer equipment problem that day. Half an hour after the interview, it was already 10.30 in the evening, and I received a call from HR to make an appointment for the next round of interview. (Really efficient)

The basic rhythm of the hangzhou front leader, that is, the leader of the incoming group, is similar to that of the first side. The basic rhythm of the front leader is more detailed, such as the center scheme, which CSS attributes should be written to implement, and the root cause of the spacing caused by inline-block. Of course, at the end of the coding section, I was asked to implement the code implementation of JSONP for the cross-domain solution I talked about before, which was also more detailed, and how to deal with the problem of variable coverage under window when there were many concurrent requests. After half an hour, HR called to arrange the next round of interview.

Three aspects: front-end business leader in Beijing, with more partial projects. Handwritten a front-end Currie realization and two algorithm questions, the topic can not remember, not difficult. After the interview, HR made an appointment with HR the next day.


HR asked for the salary structure the next day after the meeting (Friday evening). They argued on Monday after the weekend. They gave the final result 2 hours later and sent the offer that night.

I have to say that byte’s interview efficiency is really high, and the overall interview experience is also very nice, the interviewer is still very kind and humble, some questions can not answer will point, praise!

Rule of thumb


In fact, there are some relatively bright technical projects or a small number of bigwigs, most of the front-end usually basic business needs, when writing resumes also egg pain, will find nothing to write. So how exactly to write a resume of project experience? My experience summary.

1. Pick large projects and split technical points with fine granularity

I may often write some business projects of products, such as promotion activities, etc. Personally, I think such demand-oriented projects should not be included in the project experience as a big project. You can select projects according to the dimensions of the project. In this project, what specific technical points are made, listed one by one.

2. Highlight your expertise as keywords in your project experience

Some points listed in the project experience often involve some technology stacks, such as Vue/React /node/ Docker, etc. Be sure to pick some technical points you are very familiar with to list, do not dig holes for yourself. For example, I know very little about Node, but I did use Node in this project, maybe based on some internal framework of the company, so I think I should try not to use this technical word. Maybe the interviewer is good at Node, likes to ask questions about node, sees the word and asks. You reply that the main implementation was done by the company’s internal architecture group and I just used it. That’s not a guarantee. You’re not going to make a good impression.

3. Use data to show project value

The points listed in each project, it is best to use some quantitative data to show the interviewer, intuitively can see the value. For example: performance optimization from 3s load time optimization to 1.5s. The project in your resume is presented as a result to the interviewer. During the interview, talk to the interviewer about how to achieve this result and how to achieve it.

Basis of preparation

There are so many nuggets that I won’t go into specifics, but just a few of the most frequently asked interview questions.

Recommended articles:

  • Interview sharing: two years of work experience successful interview Ali P6 summary
  • A good front end should read these articles
  • The way to advance the front end

The interview arrangement

Once Boss made his resume public, he received many private job offers every day. At this time, we must not lose pace. I have already told you the negative case of my own experience. After more than a month of interviews, I think the better pace of the interview should be like this.

First of all, there must be a target company in mind, big factory? Make sure you don’t jump into the target company.

Looking for a feeling

The main purpose is to find the feeling of the interview, which is the same as the sense of English, this feeling is very important, including some self-introduction methods, how to answer technical questions to answer the right point, how to talk about the project to make people feel that you are organized very clear… In fact, it is mainly some skills of interview communication.


Several face, need to do two things:

  • Fill the gaps in knowledge
  • Summary of interview communication skills

After a few rounds of interviews, I’m sure I can find some gaps in my knowledge, so it’s just an opportunity to fill them. In addition, it is best to draw your own knowledge system brain map at this stage, so that when the interviewer asks questions later, you know what direction he wants to ask questions, and what specific preparations you have in this direction, so that you can give full play to the interviewer.

In addition, interview communication skills are also suggested at this stage to summarize, such as how to better introduce yourself, how to answer technical points to the point, how to talk about projects… You can record your own dictation, and then listen to the shortcomings, and polish it well.


Then it’s time to march into the target factory.

The last

Don’t hit inside push advertisement, think inside push the private letter I good. Wish you can find your dream job ~