
In the Internet industry, many people compete for a job and the survival of the fittest is normal. If the ability and physical strength is not enough, they will be eliminated. The hysteria of what seems to be a vivid work life makes many people anxious.

Recently, I saw on Pulse that an Android programmer from 211 undergraduate program expressed his concern:

I have worked for more than three years and am 25 years old. My current salary is less than 30,000 yuan. However, considering that 30 is only a few years away, the technique hasn’t improved much and there is no real expertise other than familiarity with several tripartite frameworks.

“I feel like any fresh graduate can replace me. When I saw ali’s year-end bonus, when I only got two salaries, I felt very anxious. I don’t know what TO do for the next five years so it won’t be too embarrassing when I’m 30.”

In fact, I’m sure a lot of programmers feel the same way, and we know that it doesn’t work to whine and moan. Only those who are truly capable and valuable and willing to work hard can survive.

There are two types of people around us: those who are full of panic and anxiety. One is “as things change, I am still.”

And after the comparison, you will find that the biggest difference between the two is: different strength. Strength is different, naturally confidence is different.

The scariest thing about the workplace is that you can always be replaced

All say a radish a pit, the workplace, and it is not a pit a radish? What should we do when, as time goes by, we see ourselves depreciating and there are no managerial positions to fill, and we feel that we are increasingly likely to be replaced?

First, increase operational ability, so that they can manage, but also to delay the replacement of time.

Backer mountain will pour, water will flow, in this world, by who are better than their own. Do not want to be easily replaced by others, must increase their hands-on ability.

On the one hand, to make their hands-on ability to get substantial development and improvement, once you have experience, what is difficult to do. On the other hand, equip yourself with some management skills. If you can fill any position you’re placed in, why worry about being replaced?

Second, build skills.

I often heard people say such a sentence, “a fresh move, eat the day.” At first, I didn’t understand why, until a long time later, when I took an hour-long drive to taste a certain flavor because I missed it, I finally understood, because it is irreplaceable. The same is true in the workplace. If you don’t stand out, it doesn’t matter if you’re with or without you, then you’re easy to replace. But if you have a skill that only you know and no one else does, you’re much less likely to be replaced.

If you don’t want to be replaced, start building your own skills now.

Third, change your mindset and find teams worth joining.

Think about it. Is it easier to replace someone who waits to be picked, or is it easier to replace someone who chooses?

Do not want others to replace their position, they seize the initiative in their hands. Change the current fixed thinking, while still very capable, look for a worthy team you join, well run in with them, strive to become one of them cannot be replaced.


In every industry, there are both good and bad ones. As long as you keep learning and making progress, you can pick the fruit that others can’t pick.

For programmers, there are too many knowledge content and technology to learn. Many people always encounter some problems when they just contact this industry or when they meet the bottleneck period. For example, after learning for a period of time, they feel directionless and do not know where to start to learn. They can pay attention to me and update various technical products every day.

At this point, as an Android developer, next I want to share these years, I for the technology of some summary and summary, and their own as an Android senior developer need to master those skills to share notes, I hope to help to the heart of the road to the black friends!

2020 factory interview high frequency knowledge points

One, picture two, network and security mechanism three, database four, plug-in, modular, component, hot repair, incremental update, Gradle five, architecture design and design mode six, performance optimization seven, Android Framework eight, Android excellent tripartite library source code

Jetpack architecture components from beginner to master

  • Android Jetpack – Navigation
  • Android Jetpack – Data Binding
  • Android Jetpack – ViewModel & LiveData
  • Android Jetpack – Room
  • Android Jetpack – Paging
  • Android Jetpack – WorkManger
  • Lifecycle for Android Jetpack architecture components
  • Jetpack Compose for Android

Three, Framework refined kernel analysis

The main contents include:

  • In-depth analysis of Binder
  • Parsing Handler in depth
  • Dalvik VM process system
  • Parse WMS in depth
  • PackagerManagerService

Iv. Kotlin intensifiedcombat (with Demo)

Chapter 1 introduction to Kotlin

Chapter two Kotlin’s Guide to pit avoidance

Chapter 3: Kotlin Jetpack Combat

  • Start with a Demo of worshiping a god
  • What was Kotlin’s experience writing Gradle scripts like?
  • The triple realm of Kotlin programming
  • Kotlin higher order functions
  • Kotlin generic
  • Kotlin extension
  • Kotlin commissioned
  • “Unknown” debugging techniques for coroutines
  • Diagram coroutine: suspend

Five, Android design ideas interpretation of open source framework

  • Hot repair
  • pluggable
  • Component frame design
  • Image loading frame
  • Network Request Framework
  • RXJava responsive programming framework design
  • IOC Architecture Design
  • Android architecture component Jetpack

Vi. NDK module development

  • NDK module development
  • JNI module
  • Native development tools
  • Linux programming
  • Underlying image processing
  • Audio and Video development
  • Machine learning

We may not be able to face the vicissitude of the world, so all we can do is work hard to keep ourselves competitive. Try hard and you may be out. And if you don’t, you’re definitely out.

There is no stable job in this world, but there is stable strength.

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