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Spring Framework – Understanding the Spring Framework (part 1)

Spring Framework – Understanding IOC (2)

AOP review

What is the AOP

Oriented programming Aspect-oriented programming

What does AOP do

Business logic can be isolated from system-level services

System-level services such as system logging, transactions, permission validation, and so on

How to use AOP

A dynamic proxy

AOP advantages

1. The coupling between components is reduced and the decoupling between software layers is realized

2, low intrusive design, code pollution is very low

3. It is easy to implement functions such as permission interception, runtime monitoring and system logging

To explore the AOP

If you have not been exposed to AOP (aspect oriented programming), you may not be able to understand it for a while, because you are using JAVA object Oriented programming (OOP), no matter, step by step with me to learn AOP.

Of course, if you are a technical bull, since you took the time to check the article of Xu Zhu, welcome to correct the deficiencies and defects in the article.

Let’s start with a code snippet from Mastering Spring4.x Enterprise Application Development

The business code in the diagram is surrounded by transaction management code and performance monitoring code, and as anyone who has learned JAVA knows, there is duplicate code. When duplicate code occurs, it is necessary to refactor the code. There are two steps for refactoring the code:

1. Drawing method

2, draw into the class

The method of extraction into classes is called vertical extraction

  • Vertical extraction is realized by inheritance

However, Huizhu found that this method of extraction was not applicable to the business in the diagram, because the transaction management code and performance monitoring code are logically related to the corresponding business code


Now that vertical extraction is no longer possible, AOP wants to extract the same code that is scattered across the business logic code into a separate module by cutting it horizontally! Please see below


The diagram should make sense. It’s easy to horizontally extract repetitive non-business code. But how to merge the non-business code into the business code to achieve the same effect as the previous code. This is the conundrum, the one AOP will solve.

AOP principle

The underlying principle of AOP is dynamic proxying (if you haven’t heard of the proxy pattern, check out his blog explaining proxy patterns to his girlfriend)

The fourth edition of Spring Training

Spring AOP is built on dynamic proxies, so Spring’s support for AOP is limited to method interception.

AOP’s dynamic proxy:

  1. JDK dynamic proxy
  2. Cglib dynamic proxy

Spring uses JDK dynamic proxy versus CGLiB dynamic proxy based on:

(1) Spring uses JDK dynamic proxies when beans implement interfaces

(2) Spring uses CGlib as an implementation when the Bean does not implement the interface

< AOP :aspectj-autoproxy proxy-target-class=”true”/>

JDK proxy or CGLib proxy which should we use

In “Mastering spring4.x Enterprise Application Development combat” gave suggestions:

If it is a singleton, it is best to use the CGLib proxy. If it is a multi-instance, it is best to use the JDK proxy

The reason:

The JDK performs better when creating proxy objects than CGLib proxies, while generating proxy objects performs worse than CGLib proxies.

For a singleton agent, CGLib is recommended

Now do you know what AOP is: horizontal extraction of non-business duplicate code and dynamic proxy weaving into target business object functions to implement the same code as before

AOP terminology

Aop terminology is hard to understand, and it’s covered in mastering Spring4.x Enterprise Application Development, which I’ll try to explain

The join (JointPoint)

All methods in a class can be called join points

Point (PointCut)

As mentioned above, each method can be called a join point, and when we locate a specific method, it becomes a tangency point.

Using annotations, methods defined by @log are pointcuts


Represents a piece of logical code added to a pointcut and locates the orientation information of the join point.


Pre-notification is executed before the target method is executed

After Turning Advice

Postnotification is executed after the target method has executed. You can get the value returned by the target method, but cannot change the value returned

Circular notification (MethodInterceptor)

The loop notification has code before and after the target method executes, and you can get the value of the target method, and you can change the return value!

Expand knowledge:

There are two types of interceptors in Spring:

1, HandlerInterceptor

2, MethodInterceptor

The HandlerInterceptor is an interceptor in the springMVC project that intercepts the requested address before the MethodInterceptor

A MethodInterceptor is an interceptor in an AOP project that intercepts methods, even if they are not methods in a Controller.

Exception Advice

The most suitable scenario is transaction management


Introduction notifications are special in that each of the above four types of notifications is woven into the target method, while introduction notifications add a new method or attribute to the target class

  • It simply defines what it does, where it does it
  • Spring AOP provides five types of Advice for us: pre-advice, post-advice, return Advice, exception Advice, and surround Advice for us to use!

Section (Aspect)

The aspect consists of pointcuts and enhancements/notifications

System services, such as security verification, transaction processing, and logging, that intersect business logic can be understood as facets

Weave (has)

This is the process of inserting aspect code into a method of the target object, equivalent to the contents of the invocationHandler interface method in the JDK dynamic proxy

Annotation explanation: is in the target object on a method, type a section annotation

Target Object

Classes to which pointcuts and join points belong

Consultant (Advisor)

An encapsulation and extension of advice that can be woven into more complex ways into some methods is an assembler that wraps advice into more complex facets.

Spring’s support for AOP

Spring provides three types of AOP support:

  • Proxy-based classic SpringAOP
    • You need to implement the interface and manually create the proxy
  • Pure POJO section
    • Use XML configuration, AOP namespace
  • @AspectJAnnotation-driven facets
    • This is the simplest and most convenient way to use annotations!


There are three main types of section

  • General aspects
  • Cutting plane
  • Introduce/introduce the cut

General section, point section, introduction/introduction section Description:


The general section is generally not directly used, the point section is directly used.

The introduction/introduction facets are highlighted here:

  • Introduction/Introduction facets are introduction/introduction enhanced wrappers that make it easier to add implementations of any interface to existing objects by introducing/introduction facets!

Inheritance diagram:



The introduction/introduction aspect has two implementation classes:

  • DefaultIntroductionAdvisor: common implementation class
  • DeclareParentsAdvisor: An introduction/introduction aspect for implementing AspectJ’s DeclareParent annotation representation

In fact, we tend to use AOP internally in Spring to create proxies for us using BeanPostProcessor.

The creators of these agents can be divided into three categories:

  • Automatic proxy creator based on Bean configuration name rules: BeanNameAutoProxyCreator
  • Based on Advisor matching mechanism of automatic proxy creator: it will scan all the Advisor, the container for DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator implementation class
  • Based on AspectJ annotations in the Bean label automatic proxy creator: AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator

Corresponding class inheritance diagram:



Introduce new methods to the Bean using the introduction/import implementation

In fact, pre notification, post notification, or wrap notification, these are all fairly straightforward. The whole article on the introduction/introduction section is more interesting, let’s try to implement it

There is a server interface:

public interface Waiter {

    // Greet guests
    void greetTo(String clientName);

    / / service
    void serveTo(String clientName);
Copy the code

Corresponding attendant interface implementation class:

@Service("Waiter") public class NaiveWaiter implements Waiter { @Override public void greetTo(String clientName) { System.out.println("NaiveWaiter:greet to " + clientName + "..." ); } @Override public void serveTo(String clientName) { System.out.println("NaiveWaiter:serve to " + clientName + "..." ); }}Copy the code

Now I want to do is: think this waiter can act as a salesman’s role, can sell things! Of course, I’m definitely not going to add a method to sell something to the Waiter interface because it’s temporary

So, I set up a salesperson interface:

public interface Seller {

    int sell(String goods, String clientName);
Copy the code

Salesman interface implementation class:

public class SmartSeller implements Seller {
    public int sell(String goods, String clientName) {
        System.out.println("SmartSeller: sell "+goods +" to "+clientName+"...");
        return 100;
Copy the code

The class diagram looks like this:

Now what I want to do is: use AOP’s introduction/introduction facets to enable our servers to sell things too!

Our lead-in/lead-in section looks like this:

@Component @Aspect public class EnableSellerAspect { @DeclareParents(value = "com.yiyu.kata.util.aop.NaiveWaiter", DefaultImpl = smartSeller.class) // Public Seller; // Target interface}Copy the code

Now that I’ve written this section class, guess what happens?

The answer is: Slice technology fuses SmartSeller into NaiveWaiter so that NaiveWaiter implements the Seller interface !!!!

It’s amazing, isn’t it? Let’s test it

public class TestAop { @Test public void testAop(){ ApplicationContext ac = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("dispatcher-servlet.xml","applicationContext-datasource.xml","applicationContext.xml"); Waiter waiter = ac.getBean("Waiter",Waiter.class); // Call waiter. GreetTo (" empty bamboo "); Waiter. ServeTo (" falsely bamboo "); // We have implemented the Seller interface by introducing/introducing section, so we can cast the Seller = (Seller) waiter; Buyer.sell (" seller ", "dummy "); }}Copy the code

The result: Amazing, hahaha

The specific call process is as follows:


  1. The underlying implementation of AOP is dynamic proxies, which include JDK dynamic proxies and CGLib proxies. Spring uses the JDK’s dynamic proxy when the Bean implements the interface; When the Bean does not implement the interface, Spring uses CGlib as the implementation; You can force the use of CGlib.
  2. For single instances, the CGLib proxy is recommended. For multiple instances, the JDK proxy is recommended. Because CGLib proxy objects run faster than JDK proxy objects
  3. AOP’s layer is method-level and only intercepts methods
  4. Whether XML or annotation, the principle is the same, we use annotation AOP is enough, easy to use
  5. The introduction/introduction aspect is more interesting to implement, as illustrated above, it can achieve the effect of using an interface method without invading the code, low coupling effect. Specific beauty is still to be developed, the discovery behind and then supplementary explanation


  • Proficient in Spring4.x Enterprise Application Development