The fourth installment of the KOA source code reading deals with providing file data to the interface requester.
Koa, which is composed by koa, is composed by koa, which is composed by koa, which is composed by koA
Dealing with static files is a tedious task, because static files come from the server, and you can’t give away all permissions to the interface to read them. The verification of various paths and the matching of permissions are all things that need to be taken into account. Koa-send and KOA-Static are the middleware to help us handle these tedious tasks. Koa-send is the base of KOa-static. It can be seen in the NPM interface that koA-send is included in the static dependencies.
Koa-send is primarily used to make it easier to process static files, and unlike middleware such as Koa-Router, it is not injected directly into app.use as a function. Instead, the call is made in some middleware, passing in the Context of the current request and the location of the file, and then implementing the functionality.
GitHub address of koA-Send
Native file reading and transmission
In Node, if you use the native FS module for file data transfer, it looks something like this:
const fs = require('fs')
const Koa = require('koa')
const Router = require('koa-router')
const app = new Koa()
const router = new Router()
const file = './test.log'
const port = 12306
router.get('/log', ctx => {
const data = fs.readFileSync(file).toString()
ctx.body = data
app.listen(port, () => console.log(` Server run as${port}`))
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Or usecreateReadStream
Instead ofreadFileSync
It also works, and the difference will be mentioned below
This simple example works on a single file, whereas if we are reading multiple files, it may even be passed through the interface argument. So it is difficult to guarantee that the file is real, and we may need to add some permission Settings to prevent sensitive files from being returned by the interface.
router.get('/file', ctx => {
const { fileName } = ctx.query
const path = path.resolve('./XXX', fileName)
// Filter hidden files
if (path.startsWith('. ')) {
ctx.status = 404
// Check whether the file exists
if(! fs.existsSync(path)) { ctx.status =404
// balabala
const rs = fs.createReadStream(path)
ctx.body = rs // KoA does something for the stream type. See the previous KOA article for details
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With the addition of various logical judgments, reading static files is much safer, but this is only done within a router. If you have multiple interfaces that read static files, there’s a lot of repetitive logic, so it’s a good idea to boil it down to a public function.
Koa – the send way
That’s what KoA-Send does, providing a very well-packaged middleware for working with static files. Here are two basic examples:
const path = require('path')
const send = require('koa-send')
// Get files in a path
router.get('/file'.async ctx => {
await send(ctx, ctx.query.path, {
root: path.resolve(__dirname, './public')})})// Fetch for a file
router.get('/index'.async ctx => {
await send(ctx, './public/index.log')})Copy the code
Suppose our directory structure looks like this, with simple-send-js as the execution file:
. ├ ─ ─ public │ ├ ─ ─ a. og │ ├ ─ ─ b.l og │ └ ─ ─ but the log └ ─ ─ simple - send. JsCopy the code
Use the/file? Path =XXX can easily access files under public. And /index to get the contents of the /public/index.log file.
Functionality provided by KOA-send
Koa-send provides a number of user-friendly options, with about ten other options available in addition to the usual root:
options | type | default | desc |
maxage |
Number |
0 |
Sets the number of milliseconds that the browser can cache The corresponding Header : Cache-Control: max-age=XXX |
immutable |
Boolean |
false |
Notifies the browser that the resource corresponding to the URL is immutable and can be cached indefinitely The corresponding Header : Cache-Control: max-age=XXX, immutable |
hidden |
Boolean |
false |
Whether reading hidden files is supported. Files at the beginning are called hidden files |
root |
String |
– | Sets the root directory of the static file path. Any files outside this directory are forbidden to access. |
index |
String |
– | Set a default file name that takes effect when accessing a directory and is automatically concatenated to the end of the path(Here is a little egg) |
gzip |
Boolean |
true |
If the access interface is supported by the clientgzip And exist.gz Suffixes of the same file case will be passed.gz file |
brotli |
Boolean |
true |
Logic same as above, if supportedbrotli And there File with the same name suffix |
format |
Boolean |
true |
The end of the path will not be required after being enabled/ ./path and/path/ It represents a path(only inpath Is a directory in effect) |
extensions |
Array |
false |
If you pass an array, you try to pass all of the elements in the arrayitem Matches as the suffix of the file, and reads the file as it matches |
setHeaders |
Function |
– | Used to manually specify someHeaders It doesn’t mean much |
The specific performance of parameters
There are parameters that work wonders, some that affect the Header, and some that optimize performance, like gzip and Brotli options.
The main logic of KOA-send can be broken down into these pieces:
Check path validitygzip
The application of compression logic- File suffix, default entry file match
- Reading file data
At the beginning of the function there is logic like this:
const resolvePath = require('resolve-path')
const {
} = require('path')
async function send (ctx, path. opts = {}) {
const trailingSlash = path[path.length - 1= = ='/'
const index = opts.index
// The initial values of various parameters are omitted here
path = path.substr(parse(path).root.length)
// ...
// normalize path
path = decode(path) // Call 'decodeURIComponent' internally
// This means that passing in an escaped path is also acceptable
if (index && trailingSlash) path += index
path = resolvePath(root, path)
// hidden file support, ignore
if(! hidden && isHidden(root, path))return
function isHidden (root, path) {
path = path.substr(root.length).split(sep)
for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
if (path[i][0= = ='. ') return true
return false
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Path to check
The first is to determine whether the path passed in is a directory (ending with/is considered a directory). If it is a directory and there is a valid index parameter, index is concatenated to the end of path. This is something like this:
send(ctx, './public/', {
index: 'index.js'
// ./public/index.js
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Resolve-path is a path processing package that filters abnormal paths, such as path//file and /etc/xxx, and returns absolute paths after processing.
IsHidden is used to determine whether hidden files need to be filtered. Because files that start with. Are considered hidden files, the same as directories. The beginning is also considered hidden, hence the implementation of the isHidden function.
In fact, I personally think this can be solved by using a re. Why split it into arrays?
function isHidden (root, path) {
path = path.substr(root.length)
return new RegExp(`${sep}\ \. `).test(path)
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It has been submitted to the communityPR
Start compression and handle folders
After executing the above code, we have a valid path, and resolvePath will throw an exception if the path is invalid. The next thing we need to do is to check if there are any available compressed files. And content-encoding modifications (to turn on compression).
Suffixes matching:
if (extensions && !/ \ [^ /] * $/.exec(path)) {
const list = [].concat(extensions)
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
let ext = list[i]
if (typeofext ! = ='string') {
throw new TypeError('option extensions must be array of strings or false')}if (!/ ^ \. /.exec(ext)) ext = '. ' + ext
if (await fs.exists(path + ext)) {
path = path + ext
break}}}Copy the code
You can see that the traversal is done in exactly the order in which we called Send and did it. Compatibility of symbols. That is, all such calls are valid:
await send(ctx, 'path', {
extensions: ['.js'.'ts'.'.tsx']})Copy the code
If it matches the real file after suffixing, it is considered a valid path and breaks, which is what the documentation says: First found is served.
After this part of the operation is complete, the directory is checked to determine whether the current path is a directory:
let stats
try {
stats = await fs.stat(path)
if (stats.isDirectory()) {
if (format && index) {
path += '/' + index
stats = await fs.stat(path)
} else {
return}}}catch (err) {
const notfound = ['ENOENT'.'ENAMETOOLONG'.'ENOTDIR']
if (notfound.includes(err.code)) {
throw createError(404, err)
err.status = 500
throw err
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A little egg
One interesting thing to note is that if you find that the current path is a directory and you specify format explicitly, you will try to concatenate index again. This is the Easter egg, when our public path structure looks like this:
├ ─ garbage ─ index# Actual file hello
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We can get the lowest level file data in a simple way:
router.get('/surprises'.async ctx => {
await send(ctx, '/', {
root: './public'.index: 'index'})})/ / > curl
// hello
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TrailingSlash concatenates the index if it ends in /, and concatenates the index again if the current path matches a directory. So a simple/plus index argument can get /index/index directly. A little Easter egg, which is rarely played in real development
The final read file operation
Finally came to the logical processing of file reading, first is to call the operation of setHeaders.
Because of the filtering above, the path here is not the same as the path you passed in when you called send. It’s not necessary to do this in the setHeaders function, though, because you can see that the actual path is returned at the end of the function. And doing it after is too late because the headers are already sent. This is not a worry because koA’s return data is put into ctx.body, and body parsing is not processed until all middleware has executed. This means that the middleware will not start sending the HTTP request body until all of the middleware has executed. Setting the Header is valid until then.
if (setHeaders) setHeaders(ctx.res, path, stats)
// stream
ctx.set('Content-Length', stats.size)
if(! ctx.response.get('Last-Modified')) ctx.set('Last-Modified', stats.mtime.toUTCString())
if(! ctx.response.get('Cache-Control')) {
const directives = ['max-age=' + (maxage / 1000 | 0)]
if (immutable) {
ctx.set('Cache-Control', directives.join(', '))}if(! ctx.type) ctx.type = type(path, encodingExt)// The data type returned by the interface. By default, the file suffix is retrieved
ctx.body = fs.createReadStream(path)
return path
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As well as maxage and immutable above are valid here, but note that koa-send does not override cache-control values if they already exist.
The difference between using Stream and readFile
As you can see at the end of the body assignment, Stream is used instead of readFile. Using Stream for transmission has at least two benefits:
- First, if it is a large file, it will be temporarily stored in memory after reading, and
There’s a length limit. If it’s a huge file,toString
The call will throw an exception. - In the first way, the file is read after all the data has been read and then returned to the interface caller. During the reading, the interface is always in
State, and no data is returned.
You can do a Demo like this:
const http = require('http')
const fs = require('fs')
const filePath = './test.log'
http.createServer((req, res) = > {
if (req.url === '/') {
res.end('<html></html>')}else if (req.url === '/sync') {
const data = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString()
} else if (req.url === '/pipe') {
const rs = fs.createReadStream(filePath)
} else {
}).listen(12306, () = >console.log('server run as
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First go to to get an empty page (mostly lazy with CORS), then call two fetches on the console to get the comparison result:
It can be seen that while the downlink transmission time is almost the same, the mode of readFileSync will increase a certain Waiting time, and this time is when the server is reading the file. The length of time depends on the size of the file read and the performance of the machine.
Koa-static is a shallow encapsulation based on KOA-SEND. As you can see from the above example, the send method needs to be called in the middleware itself. Specifying parameters such as path for send manually is also a repetitive operation, so koA-static encapsulates this logic. Let us register a middleware directly to handle static files without worrying about reading parameters and so on:
const Koa = require('koa')
const app = new Koa()
app.use(require('koa-static')(root, opts))
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Opts are passed transparently into KOA-send, but the root in opTS is overridden with the first parameter root. And added some details:
- Add one by default
if(opts.index ! = =false) opts.index = opts.index || 'index.html'
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- Default only for
Two kinds ofMETHOD
if (ctx.method === 'HEAD' || ctx.method === 'GET') {
// ...
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- Add a
Option to determine whether to execute other middleware first.
If defer is false, send is executed first, and static files are matched first. Otherwise, it will wait until the rest of the middleware executes first to make sure that the other middleware is not processing the request before looking for the corresponding static resource. Just specify root and let KOA-static do the rest, and we don’t have to worry about how static resources should be handled.
Koa-send and KoA-Static are two very lightweight middleware. There is no complex logic in itself, but some repeated logic is refined into middleware. But it does reduce a lot of the daily development tasks and allows people to focus more on the business rather than the side features.