Room 2.1.0 and later provides support for database views, allowing queries to be encapsulated in a class. Room calls these query-enabled classes views and uses them like normal data objects in daOs.

Note: Just like any other entity, you can run a SELECT statement on a view. However, you cannot run INSERT,UPDATE, and DELETE statements on views

Create a view

To create a view, add the @databaseView annotation to the class and set the annotation value to the corresponding query statement for the view.

@DatabaseView("SELECT,, user.departmentId," +
        " AS departmentName FROM user " +
        "INNER JOIN department ON user.departmentId =") data class UserDetail( val id: Long, val name: String? , val departmentId: Long, val departmentName: String? )Copy the code

Associate a view with a database

To make the view part of your app’s Database, you need to set the views attribute of the @Database annotation

@Database(entities = arrayOf(User::class),
          views = arrayOf(UserDetail::class), version = 1)
abstract class AppDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
    abstract fun userDao(): UserDao
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0. Overview

1. Use Room entities to define data

2. Define relationships between objects

3. Create a view in the database

4. Use Room DAOs to access data

5. Migrate the database

6. Test the database

7. Reference complex data using Room