3. Apply decryption/shell cracking

After an App is uploaded to the App Store, Apple encrypts the App and dynamically decrypts it when it is running. It’s impossible to analyze apps downloaded from the App Store directly. So before analyzing the application, we should decrypt it first, commonly known as smashing the shell. Then the application and decrypted executable files can be exported to the computer

1. dumpdecrypted

Fail to succeed


2.1 Download and Compile

Pull items from warehouse github.com/KJCracks/Cl… To the local

Open the project with Xcode. Use Debug to compile all architectures (Build Active Architecture Only – No), run target select real machine, and then click Compile.

The compilation produces a command line tool that can run on mobile devices, and an internal script copies its executable, signs it separately and places it onbuildUnder the folder.

Then use SCP to copy the Clutch file to the /usr/bin directory on the mobile device.

SCP/Users/ZSQ/Downloads/Clutch master/build/Clutch [email protected]: / usr/bin /Copy the code

It then links to the mobile device remotely, giving Clutch executable rights.

chmod +x /usr/bin/Clutch
Copy the code

2.2 the use of

Command reference

Clutch [OPTIONS]
-b --binary-dump     Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
-d --dump            Dump specified bundleID into .ipa file
-i --print-installed Print installed application
--clean              Clean /var/tmp/clutch directory
--version            Display version and exit
-? --help            Display this help and exit
Copy the code

View installed apps and Bundleids

Clutch -i
Copy the code

Decrypt target application

Clutch -b target.bundle.id
Copy the code
The 2022-03-11 11:45:00. 325 Clutch (3690-399947) the command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID Zipping xxx.app Dumping <xxx> (arm64) Patched cryptid (64bit segment) Writing new checksum 2022-03-11 11:45:00.660 Clutch [3692:399967] command: Clutch [3693:399969] command: Clutch [3695:399973] command: 662 clutch[3696:399975] command: 664 clutch[3698:399979] command: 665 clutch[3694:399971] command: 668 clutch[3697:399977] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID Dumping <SwiftSocket> arm64 Successfully dumped framework SwiftSocket! 699 clutch[3699:399981] Only dump binary files from specified bundleID Dumping <PDFReader> arm64 Dumping <SecurityDetector> arm64 Successfully dumped framework PDFReader! Successfully dumped framework SecurityDetector! Dumping <Charts> arm64 Dumping <DTIActivityIndicator> arm64 Successfully dumped framework DTIActivityIndicator! Successfully dumped framework Antlr4! Dumping <FilesProvider> arm64 Dumping <UXMPDFKit> arm64 Successfully dumped framework Charts! Successfully dumped framework UXMPDFKit! Successfully dumped framework FilesProvider! Zipping FilesProvider.framework Zipping SwiftSocket.framework Zipping UXMPDFKit.framework Zipping Charts.framework Zipping SecurityDetector.framework Zipping PDFReader.framework Zipping DTIActivityIndicator.framework Zipping Antlr4. The framework is DONE: / private/var/mobile/Documents/Dumped/XXX. Ipa Finished dumping com. Neo. The elf in 1.8 secondsCopy the code

After the decryption is successful, the decrypted IPA file path is displayed. You can export it to the Mac for further analysis.

3. frida-ios-dump

Frida-ios-dump frida-ios-dump is a shell smashing tool written by a domestic god. Address: github.com/AloneMonkey…

3.1 installation frida

Frida-ios-dump can be used with frida. Python3 support is required for frida. Python2.7 is installed by default, so let’s ignore it. Next, use homebrew to install python3.

Install python3

The brew search python

brew search python
Copy the code

Then select the installed version

The brew install [email protected]Copy the code

python3Represents what we usepython3.xVersion,pythonThe default value is usedpython2.7Version. This needs to be noted

Install pip3

The most convenient way to install Frida is with PIP. PIP is a Python package management tool that provides the ability to find, download, install, and uninstall Python packages. You can run the following command to check whether the installation is complete:

PIP --version # python2. x pip3 --version # python3. xCopy the code

If it is not already installed, you can use the following command to install it:

Get $curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py - o - PIP. Py # download installation scripts $sudo python3 get - PIP. Py # run the setup scriptCopy the code

Note: Python3 was used for the installation and PIP3 will be used for future use

Install frida

Let’s officially install Frida

sudo pip3 install frida
sudo pip3 install frida-tools
Copy the code

Install Frida on your phone

inCydiaAdd the sourcehttps://build.frida.re/. And then the searchfridaAnd install.

SSH Connection to a Mobile Phone

On a MAC terminal:

frida-ps -U
Copy the code

Will list the processes currently executing on the mobile system. At this point, the frida installation is complete. Install frida-ios-dump.

Frida – ios 3.2 – dump installation

Download frida-ios-dump to your local PC and run the following command to install the required dependency packages: frida-ios-dump

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
Copy the code


Frida – ios 3.3 – dump at the shell

Select the application listed after executing frida-ps -u to crack the shell. Execute in frida-ios-dump:

Python3./dump.py Application name or bundleIDCopy the code

After the shell is broken, the application is copied directly to the frida-ios-dump folder. It’s very convenient