3.11 HarmonyOS Developer TimePicker

Author: Han Ru

Company: Program Ka (Beijing) Technology Co., LTD

Hong Meng Bus columnist

TimePicker allows the user to select a time.

Supported XML attributes

The common XML attribute of TimePicker is inherited from StackLayout

TimePicker’s own XML attributes are shown in the following table:

The attribute name Product description The values The values that Use case
am_pm_order Order in the morning and afternoon 0 Indicates that the AM/PM column is displayed starting from the time picker. ohos:am_pm_order=”0″
1 Indicates that the AM/PM column is displayed at the end of the time selector. ohos:am_pm_order=”1″
2 The AM/PM column is displayed to the left of the time picker. ohos:am_pm_order=”2″
3 The AM/PM column is displayed to the right of the time picker. ohos:am_pm_order=”3″
mode_24_hour Whether 24-hour display Boolean type You can set true/false directly or refer to a Boolean resource. ohos:mode_24_hour=”true”

hour Shows hours The integer types You can set integer values directly or refer to an INTEGER resource. The value of hour must range from 0 to 23. ohos:hour=”23″

minute minutes The integer types You can set integer values directly or refer to an INTEGER resource. The value of minute ranges from 0 to 59. ohos:minute=”59″

second According to second The integer types You can set integer values directly or refer to an INTEGER resource. The value of second must range from 0 to 59. ohos:second=”59″

normal_text_color Deselect the color of the selected text Color type You can set the color value directly or reference the color resource. ohos:normal_text_color=”#FFFFFFFF”

selected_text_color Select the color of the text Color type You can set the color value directly or reference the color resource. ohos:selected_text_color=”#FF45A5FF”

operated_text_color The text color of the action item Color type You can set the color value directly or reference the color resource. ohos:operated_text_color=”#A8FFFFFF”

normal_text_size Deselect the size of selected text A float A float type representing the size. They can be floating point values, which default to px; It can also be a floating point value with px/ VP /fp units; Float resources can also be referenced. ohos:normal_text_size=”30″


selected_text_size Select the size of the text A float A float type representing the size. They can be floating point values, which default to px; It can also be a floating point value with px/ VP /fp units; Float resources can also be referenced. ohos:selected_text_size=”30″


selected_normal_text_margin_ratio Ratio of selected text margins to normal text margins A float Floating-point values can be set directly, or float floating-point resources can be referenced. The value must be greater than 0.0F. The default value is 1.0F. Ohos: selected_normal_text_margin_ratio = “0.5”

selector_item_num The number of items displayed The integer types You can set integer values directly or refer to an INTEGER resource. ohos:selector_item_num=”3″

shader_color Shader color Color type You can set the color value directly or reference the color resource. ohos:shader_color=”#A8FFFFFF”ohos:shader_color=”$color:black”
text_am The text in the morning Type string You can set a text string directly, or you can reference a String resource. ohos:text_am=”8:00:00″ohos:text_am=”$string:am”
text_pm The text in the afternoon Type string You can set a text string directly, or you can reference a String resource. ohos:text_pm=”22:00:00″ohos:text_pm=”$string:pm”
top_line_element The top row of the selected item Element type Can directly configure the color value, also can reference color resources or reference media/graphic image resources. ohos:top_line_element=”#FFFFFFFF”

c o l o r : b l a c k < b r / > o h o s : t o p l i n e e l e m e n t = color:black”<br />ohos:top_line_element=”

bottom_line_element The bottom line of the selected item Element type Can directly configure the color value, also can reference color resources or reference media/graphic image resources. ohos:bottom_line_element=”#FFFFFFFF”

c o l o r : b l a c k < b r / > o h o s : b o t t o m l i n e e l e m e n t = color:black”<br />ohos:bottom_line_element=”

wheel_mode_enabled Select whether the wheel goes around Boolean type You can set true/false directly or refer to a Boolean resource. ohos:wheel_mode_enabled=”false”


Use TimePicker

Create TimePicker

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Create a default TimePicker effect

2. Get time

    TimePicker timePicker = (TimePicker) findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_time_picker);
    int hour = timePicker.getHour();
    int minute = timePicker.getMinute();
    int second = timePicker.getSecond();
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Running results:

3. Set the time

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Set time effect:

4. Response time change events

timePicker.setTimeChangedListener(new TimePicker.TimeChangedListener() {
            public void onTimeChanged(TimePicker timePicker, int hour, int minute, int second) {
                new ToastDialog(getContext())
                        .setText("Time:"+hour+":"+minute+":"+second) .show(); }});Copy the code

Operation effect:

Third, display style configuration

1. Set font properties

Set the color and size of the unselected font:

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The effect of setting the color and size of an unselected font:

Sets the color and size of the selected font

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Set the color and size effect of the selected font:

Sets the text color of the action item

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Action Item Text color setting effect

2. Set the ratio of the selected text margin in TimePicker to the normal text margin

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Selected and unselected text spacing effects

3. Set the upper and lower borders for the selected time

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Sets the upper and lower area separator color effect

4. Set the shader color

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5. Set the display style under the 12-hour system

AM/PM is placed on the left by default, or on the right if necessary:

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Sets AM/PM to be displayed on the right

Iv. Range selection Settings

1. Set the hidden or display time

Hide hours of display

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Hours do not display effect:

Hide the minutes

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Hidden Minute Effect

Hide the seconds

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Hidden second effect

2. Set whether the selector of TimePicker can slide

When the selector is set, it cannot scroll

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When the selector is small, it can’t scroll to select the effect

Setting minutes selector does not scroll

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Minute selector fixed unable to select effect

Set the second selector to not scroll

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The second selector cannot scroll to select the effect


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