1. JS itself is a programming language based on object-oriented development (features of classes)

  • Encapsulation: A class is also a function that encapsulates an implementation to achieve low coupling and high cohesion

  • Polymorphism: overloading, overwriting

    • Overridden: a method by which a subclass overrides its parent (running with inheritance)

    • Overloading: The same method has different functions due to different parameters or return values. (JS does not have strict overloading. JS overloading: the same method implements different functions according to different parameters.)

  • Inheritance: A subclass inherits methods from its parent class

    • The purpose of inheritance: To allow instances of subclasses to have both the private attributes and public methods of their parent classes

      • The first inheritance scheme in JS:Stereotype inheritance (make the stereotype of a subclass equal to an instance of the parent class)
      // 1. Private and public attribute methods in the parent class are finally made public by the subclass instance
      // 2. Stereotype inheritance does not 'copy' the attribute methods of the parent class to the subclass. Instead, the subclass instances find their own attributes and methods based on the __proto__ stereotype chain
      function Parent() {
          this.x = 100
      Parent.prototype.getX = function getX() {
          return this.x
      function Child() {
          this.y = 200
      Child.prototype = new Parent // Prototype inheritance
      Child.prototype.getY = function getY() {
          return this.y
      const c1 = new Child
      Copy the code
      • The second inheritance scheme in JS:CALL inheritance (can only inherit from private parent classes, not public parent classes)
      function Parent() {
          this.x = 100
      Parent.prototype.getX = function getX() {
          return this.x
      function Child() {
          // In the subclass constructor, the parent class is executed as a normal method
          this.y = 200
      Child.prototype.getY = function getY() {
          return this.y
      const c1 = new Child
      Copy the code
      • The third type of inheritance in JS:Parasitic combinatorial inheritance
      function Parent() {
          this.x = 100
      Parent.prototype.getX = function getX() {
          return this.x
      function Child() {
          this.y = 200
      // Child. Prototype.__proto__ = Parent. Prototype (IE not allowed)
      Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype)
      Child.prototype.constructor = Child
      Child.prototype.getY = function getY() {
          return this.y
      const c1 = new Child
      Copy the code
      • The fourth type of inheritance in JS:Classes and Inheritance in ES6 (similar to parasitic composite inheritance)
      class Parent {
          constructor() {
              this.x = 100
          getX() {
              return this.x
      // Extends
      // Note: Be sure to add super to the first line of constructor
      class Child extends Parent {
          constructor() {
              Call inherits super(100, 200) from Parent's constructor, passing 100 and 200
              super(a)this.y = 200
          getY() {
              return this.y
      const c1 = new Child
      Copy the code