Recently always can meet with the interviewer asked the let the interview, the difference between const and var, the difference between the arrow function and normal function and so on, all kinds of differences, I can also answer out just a little, but hate can’t answer to the full, a full point, and stuttering, so here I am to some summary (through all kinds of information, is only partial to complete, The missing also depends on everyone comment supplement, I revise again).
1. Differences between arrow functions and ordinary functions
A. The style of the arrow function is different from that of the ordinary function. The syntax of the arrow function is more concise and clear.
B. The arrow function captures the this value of its context as its own this value, which is fixed when it is defined.
C. Arrow functions cannot be used as constructors, nor can they use the new keyword (because arrow functions do not have their own this, which inherits from this in the outer execution environment and never changes, and this, as constructors, refers to the new object being created).
D. Arrow functions have no arguments of their own. Calling Arguments in the arrow function actually gets the value in the outer local (function) execution environment.
E. Call, apply, and bind do not affect the direction of this.
F. Arrow function has no prototype.
G. Arrow functions cannot be treated as Generator functions and the yield keyword cannot be used.
2. Var, let and const
From the following three aspects.
Variable promotion: The variable declared by var has variable promotion, that is, the variable can be called before the declaration, the value is undefined. Let and const do not have a variable promotion problem. Let and const have a temporary dead zone, that is, they must be used after the declaration or an error will be reported.
Block-level scope: Var has no block-level scope,let and const have block-level scope
Declaration: var allows variables to be declared repeatedly. Let and const do not allow variables to be declared twice in the same scope. Const declares a read-only constant. (Because of this, it must be assigned or an error will be reported.) Once declared, the value of a constant cannot be changed.
How do I make properties in an object declared by const immutable and only readable? If const declares an object, its properties can be changed.
const obj={name:'with'};'students';
console.log(;/ / class /
Copy the code
Because const obj only holds the reference address of its object, as long as the address is unchanged, there is no error.
Object. Freeze (obj) if an Object has properties that are objects, the properties of the Object can be changed. To be completely immutable, you need to freeze the Object layer by layer recursively.
3. Bigint and Number
The precision of the Number type is limited to 53 binary digits (equivalent to 16 decimal digits, plus or minus 9007199254740992).
Bigint has no limit on the number of digits, and any integer number of digits can be represented exactly. However, it can only be used as an integer, and to distinguish BigInt from Number, data must be suffixed with n. BigInt can use a minus sign (-), but not a plus sign (+).
In addition, numbers of type number and Bigint cannot be mixed.
12n+12; / / an error
4. The difference between base data types and reference data types
Basic datatypes: a. Values of basic datatypes are immutable (reassignment is a modification of the attribute name, not an operation on the value), so you can wonder if all methods on strings and numbers return values instead of changing the original string or number. For example,
let a='abc';
a.split(' ');
Copy the code
B. No attributes or methods can be added to the basic data type. Although no error will be reported, it will only be converted to the corresponding packaged object for a moment, and then converted back to the original basic data type without saving the result.
C. Assignment of basic data types is simple assignment, and comparison of basic data types is comparison of values.
D. Basic data types are stored on the stack
Reference data types: a. The value of a reference type can be changed. For example, an object can be changed by modifying its property value.
B. Reference types can add attributes and methods.
C. Assignments of reference types are object references, that is, declared variable identifiers that store only the address of the pointer to the object.
D. Comparison of reference types is comparison of references (pointer addresses).
E. Reference types are stored in both the stack area and the heap area. The stack area holds variable identifiers and addresses to the heap memory.
5. The difference between defer and Async
You probably know that there are two properties async and defer in the script tag, such as
Defer: In Chinese, it means to defer. The purpose is to indicate that the script is delayed until the entire page has been parsed. Therefore, setting the defer attribute in the
Async: Async in Chinese means asynchronous, and this property is similar to defer in that it changes the behavior of the processing script. Also like defer, Async only applies to external script files and tells the browser to download the file immediately. Unlike defer, however, the scripts labeled async are not guaranteed to be executed in their order. The purpose of specifying the async property is not to make the page wait for two scripts to download and execute, thus asynchronously loading the rest of the page, which is used for scripts that do not depend on each other.
If you look at this, you can see some of the effects
When the page is handed to the browser the HTML parser is converted into a series of words (tokens). The interpreter builds nodes from the words to form a DOM tree. Because JavaScript code may modify the structure of the DOM tree, if the node is JavaScript code, the creation of the DOM tree needs to be stopped until the JavaScript resource is loaded and executed by the JavaScript engine. This is where blocking occurs and the white screen problem (there are many aspects to white screen optimization, but script blocking is one of them), and we can use the Async and defer properties to resolve JavaScript script blocking.
Of course, the safest way is to put the script tag at the bottom of the body. There are no compatibility problems, no white screen problems, no execution order problems.
6. Advantages and disadvantages of async await versus promise
Advantages of async/await: a. It achieves real serial synchronous writing, and code reading is relatively easy
B. It is friendly to conditional statements and other process statements, and can be directly written into the judgment conditions
function a() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
setTimeout(() = > {
resolve(222)},2222)})};async function f() {
try {
if ( await a() === 222) {
console.log('yes, it is! ') / / prints}}catch (err) {
// ...}}Copy the code
C. Advantage in code clarity when dealing with complex processes
Disadvantages of async/await: a. Cannot process a Reject object returned by a promise. catch…
B. Using await can cause performance problems because await blocks code, perhaps subsequent asynchronous code does not depend on the former but still needs to wait for the former to complete, causing the code to lose concurrency.
Promise.all([ajax1(), ajax2()])
Copy the code
c. try… catch… Internal variables cannot be passed to the next try… catch… Promise and then/catch variables can be passed to the next THEN /catch via arguments in the then chain, while async/await variables inside tries cannot be passed to the next try with let and const definitions… catch… Can only be defined in the outer scope.
But async/await does solve some of promise’s problems. More flexible handling of asynchrony
Some problems of promise: a. Once implemented, can not be cancelled midway, chain call multiple THEN middle can not randomly jump out
B. Errors cannot be caught externally, but can only be predicted internally. If no callback function is set, errors thrown internally by a Promise will not be reflected externally
C. How promises are executed internally is difficult to monitor. When in the pending state, there is no way to know the current stage of progress (just started or nearly completed).
7. Differences between GET and POST
A. write parameters in the URL? After, separate different parameters with &; POST, on the other hand, stores information in the Message Body and the parameters’ don’t ‘appear in the URL (Restful specifications do, but POST can put parameters in the URL if needed). GET uses Request.QueryString to GET the value of a variable, while POST uses Request.Form to GET the value of a variable. That is, Get passes values through the address bar, and Post passes values through a form submission.
B. The data submitted in a GET request is limited in length (HTTP does not limit the LENGTH of the URL or the body, which is mostly caused by browsers and servers), while the data submitted in a POST request is not limited in length.
C. The content returned by a GET request is cached by the browser. Each time a POST request is submitted, the browser does not cache the content returned by the POST request.
D. GET to the data query, POST mainly on the data to add, delete and change! GET is read only, POST is write.
E. As for security, the parameters of GET request can be seen from the BROWSER URL address; Therefore, POST is more secure. In fact, neither GET nor POST is secure because HTTP protocol is plaintext transmission. As long as you intercept the packet, you can easily obtain important information. To transfer data securely, you must use SSL/TLS to enclose the packet, also known as HTTPS.
So why the push for post for sensitive data? Because get records will be saved in the browser and Internet log, but use Post, because the data will not be recorded and stored in the browser records and WEBSITE access records, so there is greater security.
F. A myth says that GET generates a TCP packet; For a GET request, the browser sends HTTP headers and data together. The server responds with 200 and the request succeeds.
For a POST request, the browser sends an HTTP header to the server, telling the server to wait for data. The server responds with 100 continue, telling the browser that I am ready to receive data. The browser then posts a data to the server, and the server responds with 200, indicating that the request succeeds.
To justify it: Post is one more TCP packet than GET. The frequent Expect 100 Continue Header packets are determined by the client’s HTTP POST and GET request policies to avoid wasting resources such as bandwidth, data transfer time, and so on. Therefore, the client will add Expect 100 to explore the way when sending the header. If it fails, it does not need to continue sending data, thus reducing the waste of resources. So whether or not to send another packet depends on the implementation strategy of the client, not on get/ POST. Some clients, such as fireFox, send only one package.
8. React vs. Vue
First of all, let’s talk about the difference between using frame and not using frame: (from the perspective of using frame) Frame benefits: A. Write projects using the framework tool, and the code is still native HTML CSS JS in the browser. Frameworks do a lot of things for developers, and developers can just focus on the business logic, greatly speeding up development. For example, the front-end framework fundamentally solves the problem of UI and state synchronization, and frequent DOM operations have low performance. Intermediate steps are too many, buggy and hard to maintain, and mentally demanding
B. Componentization: React componentization is the most thorough, even to functional level atomic components. A high degree of componentization makes our project easy to maintain and combine and expand.
C. Natural layerization: Most of the code in the era of JQuery was noodle code with serious coupling. Modern frameworks, whether MVC, MVP or MVVM, can help us layerization, and code decoupling is easier to read and write.
D. Ecology: Mainstream front-end frameworks now have their own ecology, whether data flow management architecture or UI libraries have mature solutions
E. To be supplemented… (Comments section for your valuable insights)
Disadvantages of the framework: a. Bloated code, users will introduce the whole framework when using the framework, and the framework encapsulates many functions and components, users must use according to its rules, but many functions and components are not used in the actual development.
B. The iteration speed of the framework is very fast, and it takes time to get familiar with it.
C. to be added… (Comments section for your valuable insights)
React vs. Vue: React vs. Vue: React vs. Vue
React is a functional concept. Components are designed as pure components. State and logic are passed in through parameters.
The idea of VUE is responsive, that is, based on the variable data, Watcher is established for each attribute to monitor. When the attribute changes, the corresponding virtual DOM is updated in a responsive manner.
For other details of the differences, check out this article: Vue vs. React
9. Differences between cookies and sessions
A. Different storage locations: Cookie data is stored in the browser of the client, while session data is stored in the server.
B. Different storage capacities: the data saved by a single cookie is less than =4KB, and a site can save up to 20 cookies. There is no upper limit for session.
C. Different storage methods: Only ASCII characters can be stored in cookies, which need to be encoded as Unicode characters or binary data. A session can store any type of data, including but not limited to String, INTEGER, list, map, and so on.
D. Different privacy policies: Cookies are visible to the client, and people with ulterior motives can analyze cookies stored locally and cheat cookies, so it is not secure. Session is stored on the server, transparent to the client, and there is no risk of sensitive information leakage.
E. Different validity periods: Developers can set the attributes of cookies to achieve the effect of long-term validity of cookies. The session relies on the cookie named JSESSIONID. The default cookie JSESSIONID expiration time is -1. The session will be invalid when the window is closed, so the session cannot achieve long-term effect.
F. Different server pressures: Cookies are stored on clients and do not occupy server resources. Cookies are a good choice for sites with a large number of concurrent users. Sessions are stored on the server, and each user generates a session. If a large number of concurrent users access, a large number of sessions will be generated and a large amount of memory will be consumed.
G. Different cross-domain support: Cookies support cross-domain access (secondary domain names can share cookies). Session does not support cross-domain access.
10. What is the difference between macro and micro tasks
Both micro tasks and macro tasks are asynchronous tasks, which belong to the same queue. The main differences lie in their execution sequence and the direction and value of Event Loop.
Some assignments of macro and micro tasks
Macro Task Browser Node I/O
requestAnimationFrame port Microtask process.nextTick adapter MutationObserver
Promise. Then catch finally
Copy the code
The whole js code is the first big macro task, and the event loop starts with the first macro task, and then divides into microtasks. In order to understand the difference between micro tasks and macro tasks, skip the first layer.)
Here’s a famous example of a bank: There is a queue in front of the bank counter, all the people are saving money, saving is macro task, this queue is macro task queue, when a “Macro uncle” was called to his number, he went to — was processed, processing deposit business, “Macro uncle” suddenly wanted to do a micro finance for his savings (micro task), Then the bank staff will add his needs to their micro task queue, uncle no longer queue, directly after the macro task of saving money on the processing of the derived micro task financial management, do financial management uncle said to do a credit card, then row to the micro task queue. However, if macro uncle says he needs to save money, and it is his wife who wants to save money, it is also a macro task, but sorry, need to take the number to the back of the macro task queue queue (here is the processing method of micro task and macro task generated during the macro task).
Combination of the following topics to comprehend (here not to introduce node environment event loop of the special places, mainly in the browser environment, had better look under the recommended article) :
setTimeout(function () {Macro task 1
new Promise(function (resolve) {
console.log('2');// Synchronize task 1
}).then(function () {// Microtask 1
console.log('4');// Synchronize task 2
setTimeout(function () {// Macro task 2
console.log('5');// The synchronization task in macro task 2
new Promise(function (resolve) {
console.log('6');// The synchronization task in macro task 2
new Promise(function (resolve) {// Micro tasks in macro task 2
}).then(function () {
setTimeout(function () {// Macro task in macro task 2
new Promise(function (resolve) {// The synchronization task in macro task 2
}).then(function () {// Micro task in macro task 2
}).then(function () {// Micro tasks in macro task 2
setTimeout(function () {// Macro task 3
// (Node and browser output are the same for this code)
/ / output the answer: 2,4,3,1,5,6, x1, x2, 7, 8, x3, x4, x5
Copy the code
I may have made the above example a little long for testing purposes…
Read more about EventLoop in this article
11. The fetch, Ajax, axios distinction
What Ajax is: Ajax stands for (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). Today, technologies that allow the browser to communicate with the server without refreshing the current page are called Ajax. The core uses the XMLHttpRequest object.
What axios is: Axios is an HTTP client based on Promise for browsers and NodeJS, which is essentially a wrapper around native XHR, but it’s an implementation version of Promise that complies with the latest ES specification.
What FETCH is: Fetch is called the next generation of Ajax technology that uses Promise to handle data. Is a clean API, much simpler to use than XMLHttpRequest.
So the main difference is that both AXIos and FETCH support the Promise object API after the request, while Ajax can only use callback functions.
Learn more about Ajax, FETCH, axios in this article
12. Differences between TCP and UDP
A. TCP is connection-oriented, whereas UDP is connectionless, that is, no link is established before sending data.
B. TCP provides reliable services. That is to say, data transmitted through the TCP connection is error-free, not lost, not repeated, and in order to arrive; UDP does its best to deliver, i.e. reliable delivery is not guaranteed. And because TCP is reliable, connection-oriented, and does not lose data, it is suitable for large-volume exchanges.
C. TCP is byte stream oriented, UDP packet oriented, and network congestion does not reduce the transmission rate (due to packet loss, for real-time applications such as IP telephony and video conferencing).
D. TCP supports only 1 to 1, while UDP supports 1 to 1 and 1 to many.
E. TCP has a header of 20 bytes, while UDP has 8 bytes.
F. TCP is connection-oriented and reliable, while UDP is unreliable.
13. What is the difference between heap and stack in JS, stack and queue
The difference between a heap and a stack:
Heap: queue first, first in, first out; It is automatically allocated by the operating system to store function parameter values, local variable values, etc. It operates like a stack in a data structure.
Stack: advanced after out; Dynamically allocated space is generally allocated and released by the programmer. If the programmer does not release it, the program may be reclaimed by the OS at the end of the program, which is similar to a linked list.
Difference between stack and queue:
A. The stack can insert and delete only at the end of the table, and the queue can insert only at the end of the table and delete only at the end of the table.
B. Stack is fifIN last out, queue is fifin first out.
What is the difference between WebSocket and HTTP
Similarity A. Both protocols are the same. Both protocols are TCP based and are reliable transmission protocols.
B. Both are application-layer protocols.
Difference A. WebSocket is a bidirectional communication protocol. It simulates the Socket protocol and can send or receive information bidirectionally. HTTP is one-way.
B. WebSocket requires a handshake to establish a connection. (WebSocket is a persistent protocol compared to HTTP. It will do part of the handshake based on THE HTTP protocol. The HTTP handshake is partially completed and the protocol is upgraded to WebSocket.
WebSocket is not that hard
15. The difference between HTTP and HTTPS
A. HTTP data is transmitted in plaintext and is not encrypted, resulting in poor security. HTTPS (SSL+HTTP) data is transmitted in encrypted mode, resulting in high security.
B. To use HTTPS, you need to apply for a Certificate from the Certificate Authority (CA). Generally, there are few free certificates and some fees are required.
C. HTTP pages respond faster than HTTPS, mainly because HTTP uses TCP three-way handshake to establish a connection. The client and server need to exchange three packets.
D. HTTP and HTTPS use completely different connection modes and use different ports. The former is 80 and the latter is 443.
E. HTTPS is an HTTP protocol built on TOP of SSL/TLS, so HTTPS requires more server resources than HTTP.
16. The px, em, rem, vw, vh distinction
Px: Px means pixel. A PX is the smallest point in an image, and a bitmap is made up of thousands of such points.
Em: The reference is the font size of the parent element, which is inherited. If font size is defined by itself (the default browser font is 16px), 1em is not a fixed value for the entire page.
Rem: the new cSS3 unit, font size relative to the root HTML element, does not depend on the font size of the parent element, as em does, causing confusion.
Viewpoint Width: new unit for Css3, short for Viewpoint Width, 1vw equals 1% of viewpoint width. For example: 1200px browser width, 1 vw = 1200px/100 = 12 px.
Viewpoint Height: 1vh = 1% of viewpoint height (cSS3) For example: browser height 900px, 1 vh = 900px/100 = 9 px.
17. Difference between Loader and plugin in wepack
What is the loader? Loader is a file loader that loads resource files, performs some processing, such as compilation and compression, on these files, and finally packages them into a specified file
What is a plugin? A number of events are broadcast during the life cycle of a WebPack run, and the Plugin can listen for these events and change the output when appropriate through the API provided by WebPack.
The difference between:
- For loader, it is A converter to compile file A into file B. Here, the operation is the file, for example, a.css to A.CSS, pure file conversion process
- Plugin is an extender, which enrichis Webpack itself. It is aimed at the whole process of Webpack packaging after loader ends. It does not operate files directly, but works based on the event mechanism, and will listen to some nodes in the process of Webpack packaging to perform a wide range of tasks
18. Bind call apply
A. All three can change the this object of the function.
B. The first parameter is the object to which this refers. If this parameter is not available or the parameter is undefined or null, the global window is referred to by default.
C. All three parameters can be passed, but apply is an array, and call is a parameter list. Apply and call are passed once, while bind can be passed multiple times.
D. bind does not execute this pointer immediately, but returns a function that permanently changes this for later call; Apply, call is called immediately
What’s the difference between 301 and 302
301 Moved Permanently: The requested resource has been Permanently Moved to its new location, and any future references to this resource should use one of the urIs returned by this response. If possible, clients with link editing capabilities should automatically change the requested address to the one that is reported back from the server. Unless otherwise specified, the response is also cacheable.
302 Found: The requested resource now temporarily responds to the request from a different URI. Since such redirects are temporary, the client should continue to send future requests to the original address. The response is cacheable only if specified in cache-Control or Expires.
The literal difference is that 301 is a permanent redirect and 302 is a temporary redirect.
The common scenario of section 301 is domain name forwarding. 302 is used for temporary jumps, such as unlogged users accessing the user center being redirected to the login page
20. Process thread differences
A. Fundamental difference: Processes are the basic unit of operating system resource allocation, while threads are the basic unit of processor task scheduling and execution
B. Resource overhead: Each process has independent code and data space (program context), and switching between programs will have a large overhead; Threads can be regarded as lightweight processes. The same type of threads share code and data space, and each thread has its own independent running stack and program counter (PC). Switching between threads has little overhead.
C. Inclusion relationship: if there are multiple threads in a process, the execution process is not a single line, but the joint completion of multiple lines (threads); Threads are part of a process, so they are also called lightweight or lightweight processes.
D. Memory allocation: Threads in the same process share the address space and resources of the process, while address space and resources between processes are independent of each other
E. Impact relationship: because the process has an independent address space, a process crash, in the protected mode will not affect other processes, and there is no separate address space between threads, a thread dead is equal to the whole process dead, so multi-process is more robust than multi-thread.
Get an in-depth understanding of processes and threads in Node.js
21. Differences between JavaScript and typescript
A. TypeScript extends the JavaScript object model in terms of core language and molding of class concepts.
B. JavaScript code works with TypeScript without modification and can be converted from TypeScript code to JavaScript using a compiler.
C. TypeScript provides compile-time static type checking through type annotations.
D. Data in TypeScript requires explicit typing; JavaScript does not.
E. TypeScript provides default parameter values for functions.
F. TypeScript introduces the concept of “classes” that are not found in JavaScript.
H. TypeScript introduces the concept of modules, which encapsulate declarations, data, functions, and classes.
22. Localstorage, sessionStorage, cookie
A. The similarities are that they are both saved in the browser and of the same origin
B. Cookie data is always carried in same-origin HTTP requests (even if it is not needed), i.e. cookies are passed back and forth between the browser and the server, while sessionStorage and localStorage do not automatically send data to the server, only localStorage. Cookie data also has the concept of path, which can restrict cookies to a specific path
C. The storage size limits are also different. Cookie data cannot exceed 4K. At the same time, cookies are only suitable for storing small data, such as session id, because each HTTP request carries cookies. SessionStorage and localStorage, while also limited in size, are much larger than cookies, reaching 5M or more
D. Different data validity periods: sessionStorage: valid only before the current browser window closes; LocalStorage: always valid, saved even when the window or browser is closed and therefore used as persistent data; Cookie: Only valid before the set cookie expiration time, even if the window is closed or the browser is closed
E. Different scopes, sessionStorage is not shared in different browser Windows, even the same page; Localstorage is shared in all origin Windows; Cookies are also shared across all the same origin Windows
F. WebStorage (webStorage is a localStorage stored on the client, including localStorage and sessionStorage) supports the event notification mechanism, which can send the notification of data update to listeners
H. The webStorage API is easier to use
23. HTTP 1.0/1.1/2.0 differences
HTTP 1.0(Building Extensibility) The original use of HTTP was very limited, and the rapid expansion of browsers and servers made it more versatile:
A. Version information is now sent with each request (HTTP1.0 is appended to the GET line)
B. Status lines are also sent at the beginning of the response, allowing the browser itself to know the success or failure of the request and adjust its behavior accordingly (such as updating in a specific way or using a local cache)
C. introduced the concept of HTTP headers, both for requests and responses, allowing metadata to be transmitted and making protocols very flexible and extensible.
D. The content-Type header tells the client the Content Type of the actual returned Content. The ability to transfer documents of other types than plain TEXT HTML files has been added with the help of the Content-Type header.
The many different implementations of HTTP/1.0 can be confusing to use. HTTP1.1 is the first standardized version that focuses on correcting structural flaws in HTTP design:
A. The connection can be reused, saving the time of opening it multiple times to display resources embedded in a single original document.
B. Add pipelined operations that allow a second request to be sent before the first reply has been fully sent to reduce communication latency.
C. Response segmentation is supported.
D. Introduce additional cache control mechanisms.
E. Introduce content negotiation, including language, encoding, or type, and allow client and server conventions to exchange the most appropriate content.
F. Use the Host header to set different domain names to the same IP address of the server.
G. Security has been improved
HTTP 2.0(for better performance) HTTP/2 differs from HTTP/1.1 in several basic ways:
HTTP2 is a binary protocol rather than a text protocol. No longer readable and barrier-free by manual creation, improved optimization techniques can now be implemented.
This is a multiplexing protocol. Parallel requests can be processed within the same link, removing the order and blocking constraints of HTTP/1.x.
I’m compressing headers. Because Headers is often similar across a series of requests, it removes duplication and the cost of transferring duplicate data.
It allows the server to populate the client cache with data requested in advance through a mechanism called server push.
Reference from this article
24. Differences between MongoDB and MySQL
Just put the comparison table:
The database | MongoDB | MySQL |
Database model | non-relational | relational |
storage | Store it in a JSON-like document format | Different engines have different storage methods |
The query | MongoDB queries (JavaScript like functions) | The SQL statement |
Data processing mode | Based on memory, hot data is stored in physical memory to achieve high-speed read and write | Different engines have their own characteristics |
maturity | New database, low maturity | High maturity |
Widely degrees | NoSQL database, relatively perfect and open source, the number of users is growing | Open source database, growing market share |
transactional | Support only single document transaction operation, weak consistency | Support transaction operations |
Take up the space | Take up large space | Small footprint |
Join operation | Mongo didn’t join | MySQL support the join |
I hope you can point out the mistakes, I will correct! Please also offer your own views on some of these issues. Here are just some general summaries. If you want to have the best learning effect, you should systematically study each point.
I am also preparing for interviews and looking for front-end internships recently! Wx: XiehB-frontend 178, add a wechat to learn , also hope that there is a big guy to introduce internal push and put forward learning advice, thank you. Ha ha!