A, sequence

  • Quick toThe job-hopping season, echocardiography is better than action!
  • Woke up in the morning, opened the app and made an appointmentState-owned enterprisesI’m going to try the water.
  • Hence today’s article.

Second, about programmers

  • What does the word programmer mean, given a new definition last yearInternet migrant worker.
  • I used to think programmers wereIt depends on technologyUntil I visited the state-owned company.

3. Interview by email

  • On the software, I read the conditions, but did not require a degree, so I communicated briefly and decided on the interview time. After receiving the email, I started the interview.

Technical interview

  • During the interview, it was obvious that neither of them were very professional technicians, so technically it was not difficult to answer.

V. Deputy general manager

  • Very well, after the first round of the interview, the next vice President to turn the interview, come up to ask a degree, I said the three, obviously is not happy, but he didn’t say what, they say why choose such a ground, do not go to Beijing, and so on three big cities, I said our school and a copy of a campus, faculty is the same, where he said he was with a student, He said that the standard of the teacher and the standard of the exam were lowered, I was speechless, and then said a bunch of things, and finally asked me how much money I was opening, and then said that they could not give me, and returned my resume to me, BUT the whole time was ridiculed about 20 minutes.


  • If you are not 985, 211 programmers, suggest or go to the Internet industry interview, state-owned enterprises pit don’t step on, will waste our precious time, and they can not give the salary of the Internet, understand all understand.
  • Finally, if you enjoyed the interview series, follow me, and I’ll be back for interviews and notes. See you in the next article!