“This is the third day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022, for more details: First Challenge 2022”.
Oh, that was a sunny afternoon, as a master of fishing in troubled waters I accidentally skimmed, suddenly found such an article.Writing Spring Festival Couplets in Python: Express the most sincere wishes and best wishes This is not hit my gun, anyway idle is idle, it is better to do something. So I enjoyed a cup of tea
Go to look look. Good guy, the original is to generate a couplet of pictures, so the question comes is there a way to automatically generate couplets, and then regenerate into pictures?
And deploy it locally.
So I had a bold idea
Generate couplets based on RNN (Seq2Seq + Attention)
Yes, I have a bold idea. Let’s generate couplets based on Seq2Seq + Attention. However,Well, I guess we’re gonna have to think differently.
Whew, I found it.
Environment to prepare
So without further ado, let’s get started quickly. We need to prepare our environment before we do that. I’m using Python 3.8 here
pip install paddlepaddle
pip install paddlehub
This can be used if the paddleHub installation fails
pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple --default-timeout=100 paddlehub
pip install pillow
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Functional analysis
Couplet generated
Thanks to the PaddleHub that the fly pulp provides for us, we can quickly implement the functions we need. So we can encapsulate our code like this.
There’s really nothing to say about that.
import paddlehub as hub
class HubUtils(object) :
def __init__(self) :
self.hub = hub
Load the model when initializing. It takes time to load the model. It is convenient to call it later, but it is special for the title
self.module_love_words = self.hub.Module(name="ernie_gen_lover_words")
self.module_poetry = self.hub.Module(name="ernie_gen_poetry")
self.module_couplets = self.hub.Module(name="ernie_gen_couplet")
def GetLoveWords(self,curx,size=5) :
By default, five words are returned. This is passed to the list
results = self.module_love_words.generate(texts=curx, use_gpu=True, beam_width=size)
return results[0]
def GetAcrostic(self,title,line=4,word=7,size=1) :
By default, enter the title
self.module_acrostic = self.hub.module = hub.Module(name="ernie_gen_acrostic_poetry", line=4, word=7)
results = self.module_acrostic.generate(texts=[title], use_gpu=True, beam_width=size)
return results[0]
def GetPoetry(self,curx,size=1) :
# Enter the key sentence, the word can generate poetry, default one
results = self.module_poetry.generate(texts=[curx], use_gpu=True, beam_width=size)
return results[0]
def GetCouplet(self,up_couplet,size=1) :
# enter the top line to give the bottom line, default to one
results = self.module_couplets.generate(texts=[up_couplet], use_gpu=True, beam_width=size)
return results[0]
if __name__=="__main__":
Hub = HubUtils()
print(Hub.GetCouplet("Heifer on a plane"))
print(Hub.GetCouplet("The wind blows clouds and the sky tears."))
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Here I’ve also encapsulated a few more interesting trained models.
Images generated
Now that we have our couplet, all we need to do is generate our image.
This is actually very simple, we just use pillow to write on a background image, like a watermark.
But first we need to pick a nice font. Here I use or Windows system (no way, a lot of environment configuration in Windows system, in addition to the peacetime office play basic did not play, and now also put the winter vacation….. Used to play Kali.)
Open up this folder C:\Windows\Fonts Let’s pick a nice one.
So let’s take a look at what this produces
We’re going to beautify it a little bit, and we’re going to have to make our letters stand up.
And then we’re going to draw some more points and make it puff puff.
class ImgUtils(object) :
def Set_Color(self) :
return random.randrange(255)
def Pretty(self,dr,width,height) :
for i in range(800) :# Draw interference points
dr.point(xy=(random.randrange((width)), random.randrange(height)),
fill=(self.Set_Color(), self.Set_Color(), self.Set_Color()))
def CreateImg(self,text,output_path="output.png",
fontPath = r"C:\Windows\Fonts\STXINGKA.TTF",show=True,
fontSize = 55,pretty=True) :
# Normal text
lens = len(text)
# Canvas color
im = Image.new("RGB", (fontSize * lens + 20, (fontSize + 20)), (255.0.0))
dr = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
font = ImageFont.truetype(fontPath, fontSize)
# beautification
self.Pretty(dr,fontSize * lens + 20,(fontSize + 20))
# Text color
dr.text((10.10), text, font=font, fill="black")
def CoupletImg(self,text,output_path="output.png",
fontPath = r"C:\Windows\Fonts\STXINGKA.TTF",show=True,
fontSize = 55,pretty=True) :
lens = len(text)
words = list(text)
# Canvas color
im = Image.new("RGB", ((fontSize + 20),fontSize * (lens+1) + 20), (255.0.0))
dr = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
font = ImageFont.truetype(fontPath, fontSize)
# beautification
self.Pretty(dr,(fontSize + 20),fontSize * lens + 20)
# Text color
step = 10
for word in words:
dr.text((10, step), word, font=font, fill="black")
step +=10+fontSize
if (show):
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And then we call it.
from utils import ImgUtils,HubUtils
def main() :
Hub = HubUtils()
imgUtils = ImgUtils()
up_couplet = "Pretty Little Sister"
down_couplet = Hub.GetCouplet(up_couplet)[0]
imgUtils.CoupletImg(down_couplet, output_path="down_couplet.png")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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The effect
Looks like it flipped over
This is also my first time to write a popular science type (difficulty) article, if there is not enough advice (just kidding, this content is very simple, just adjust the trained model)And happy New Year to you all in advance