In order to prepare for the school admission, I also started to brush some algorithm problems on Leetcode in the past two months. From the beginning, Eay depends on the solution of the problem. Now I can beat most medium by myself, and occasionally I can beat hard. I feel that there is some progress. I also opened a JavaScript writing algorithm on GitHub repo, front-end partners can be a field oh!

GitHub link: LeetCode-JavaScript

Topic describes

Leetcode Link: 303 Area and Retrieval – Array immutable (Easy)

Given an integer array nums, find the sum of the elements in the range from index I to j (I ≤ j), including I and j.

Implement NumArray class:

  • NumArray(int[] nums) Initializes an object using the array nums
  • Int sumRange(int I, int j) sumRange(int I, int j) sumRange(int I, int j) sumRange(int I, int j) sumRange(int I, int j) The nums [j]))


Input:"NumArray"."sumRange"."sumRange"."sumRange"[[[...2.0.3, -5.2, -1]], [0.2], [2.5], [0.5] output: [null.1, -1, -3NumArray NumArray =new NumArray([-2.0.3, -5.2, -1]);
numArray.sumRange(0.2); // return 1 ((-2) + 0 + 3)
numArray.sumRange(2.5); // return -1 (3 + (-5) + 2 + (-1)) 
numArray.sumRange(0.5); // return -3 ((-2) + 0 + 3 + (-5) + 2 + (-1))
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  • 0 <= nums.length <= 104
  • -105 <= nums[i] <= 105
  • 0 <= i <= j < nums.length
  • Call the sumRange method up to 104 times

JavaScript template:

/ * * *@param {number[]} nums* /
var NumArray = function(nums) {};/ * * *@param {number} i 
 * @param {number} j
 * @return {number}* /
NumArray.prototype.sumRange = function(i, j) {};/** * Your NumArray object will be instantiated and called as such: * var obj = new NumArray(nums) * var param_1 = obj.sumRange(i,j) */
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Thought analysis

At first glance, I thought it was complicated because of this strange example, but a closer look will show that it is indeed easy. M: No, it’s very easy. There are only two steps we need to complete:

  1. Use NumArray to initialize a NUMS array. I didn’t really think there was any deep meaning behind this step and just added an array property representing the NUMS array. The time complexity is O(1) :
var NumArray = function(nums) {
  this.array = nums;
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  1. Returns the sum of the elements in the range when the sumRange method is called. This step is not difficult at first glance, so I define a sum method with reduce, which is called in O(n) time:
NumArray.prototype.sumRange = function(i, j) {
  return this.array.slice(i,j+1).reduce((a,b) = > a+b);
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And then… And then there was no…! I read the topic again, and found that there was really no other demand, so I submitted it with anxiety. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the solution that only took two minutes was passed once:

Wait, what about this execution time –!

To optimize the

And it didn’t take me long to figure out this time-consuming problem, which is the sum of O(n) time, so what can we do to reduce the complexity? I found that in the initialization part, we could actually do a few more things to make the query part easier:

We can maintain an array of prefixes and instead of the array itself during initialization, and the initialization time becomes O(n) :

var NumArray = function(nums) {
  let length = nums.length;
  this.preSum = new Array(length + 1).fill(0); // Initialize the prefix and array
  for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    this.preSum[i+1] = this.preSum[i] + nums[i]; // Assign a value to an element}};Copy the code

However, in the query, we only need to calculate the difference between the prefix sum of j+1 and I, so the time complexity becomes O(1) :

NumArray.prototype.sumRange = function(i, j) {
  return this.preSum\[j+1\] - this.preSum\[i\];
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So we get a normal time complexity ψ(‘ ∇´)

To summarize

We managed to reduce the time complexity of the query from O(n) to O(1) by doing more operations at initialization. But all in all, this is a very easy problem.

However, with respect to the virtue of LeetCode, the water in the first question of this month means that the following questions will be difficult. I hope there will not be any questions that will kill me on the way to punch the card. March, go!

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