“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


Hello, I’m Chen Yang. 2020-apr. 09 joined the nuggets this big community, also began this year’s blog journey. I had never summarized my growth and achievements from year to year. Just learn from the Nuggets this opportunity to say their own story and future planning, let everyone witness my growth

This year’s summary of a word is: don’t touch fish fragrant? Why do you say that? Because I made a lot of changes this year, from being a screwscrew programmer to a manager, from a developer to a product. What made me this way? Doesn’t it taste good to touch the fish? Miss the days before the screw πŸ₯ΈπŸ₯Έ

The first reason: love

Guess what! Ha-ha-ha, let you eat a wave of dog food. Yes, the first reason is love. My wife is also a front-end programmer, and she comes to me whenever she has a problem, any type of problem. You can’t let a girlfriend fly when you finally have one. At this time, I often read a lot of blogs, learn a lot of new knowledge, keep trying. I can answer most of her questions, too, so that no one else can take advantage of them. Did you learn? Excuse me! Forget you don’t have a girlfriend 😬😬

In this case, I learn more and more knowledge, which is an important reason for my rapid growth, but also indispensable. Because life is not just about daily necessities, it’s more about two people having a lot in common. It’s different when you have a responsibility that pushes you to grow fast

Dog food will not spread, or I will not survive in nuggets, ha ha ha ha

The second reason: the situation

I am working in Shenzhen, do not know other places have this phenomenon. In Shenzhen, 80% of programmers over 35 are actually unemployed, and if they don’t make it in Shenzhen, they’ll probably have to go back to their hometown. In the past year, many of my colleagues from other provinces have gone back to their hometown and may not see opportunities in Shenzhen. Especially in Hubei. In recent years, many first-tier cities have developed, just can go back to eat a wave of dividends, maybe after going back is a millionaire 😁😁. For people like me who have no room for development in my hometown and have to continue their studies in Shenzhen. You have to keep fighting your way through it, because there are so many people better than you.

Under the premise of this situation, I began to contact architecture design. It’s not really architectural design. Is to start thinking about each project in an integrated way, prescribing standardized solutions. I plan from the following aspects:

  1. Develop code development specifications. First from the code specification to constrain the development of each project, so that its development style is consistent, easy to maintain
  2. Develop front-end frame scaffold templates. Formulate the project scaffolding belonging to my own department, take the company’s unified business and part of the interactive logic into account, and improve the development efficiency for subsequent development projects
  3. Encapsulates the front-end component NPM package. From UI to the front end, all components with common attributes are encapsulated in the component library, so as to achieve a unified UI style and improve development efficiency
  4. Project code management specification. Unified use of Git tools to manage project codes, and develop unified specifications for project version development, retesting and launching. Review and share for better management of each project

This is the planning I made this year, and there may be more planning and management in the future. I also hope the nuggets’ friends can give suggestions. Learn from each other. Only when there is a plan, there is a standard. We can not always talk about it and never take action. This is also where we can improve ourselves.

So that’s a little bit of my thinking on front end management, and then I’m going to talk a little bit more about why do we switch to product thinking?

Development is not supposed to do product work, but when you have all the things you need to manage the project mapped out. You will consider the relevant procedures of external cooperation. I will list the specific procedures below:

  1. Specification of interface process for interconnecting with back-end personnel.
  2. Develop project interaction logic and business logic with product people.
  3. Work with UI people on styling.
  4. Identify test cases with testers.

These are irreducible docking as a front-end person with other ends. Therefore, I also made a lot of external planning. This year, I have been learning how to write documents and how to make them more clear. Now it is still very bad, I feel there is still a lot of way to go in the overall design of the project product, take your time. There’s still a lot to learn

Next year’s FLAG

In fact, every year my wife and I will set up flags, whether in life or work. I also think that by setting a flag, your year will be meaningful, not just a day of fishing. Although the plan can not catch up with the change, but also have a plan to go to every day, good! And next year’s Flag is no longer witnessed by ourselves, but witnessed by everyone, I will work harder.

  1. Learn more about architecture techniques.
  2. Learn a hardware programming or attack we media industry
  3. Settle down in Shenzhen and arrange the life of parents
  4. Rules revenue scheme

That’s my summary for this year! I hope we can study together and become better and better together.