“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

Writing in the front

This is probably my first post on the Nuggets. All things are difficult before they are easy. If the first step is taken, the second step will be far behind.

19 years of registration nuggets, has been just as a spectator’s point of view to see digging friends of a wonderful article. True has been white piao!! Very ashamed!!

I will also record some things in my notes, some daily fun, some feelings of life. But did not share these out, suddenly look back, found that he was able to share these out, can recognize new friends, may also cause digging friends resonance, kan kan together also beautiful!

Forgetting when I came to the nuggets community, I had a habit of looking through nuggets every day.

Blink of an eye engaged in development also has a few years, but also as if just out of the teenager.

There’s a line in Chungking Express:

I don’t know since when, there is a date on everything, such as autumn knife fish, meat sauce and even plastic wrap. I began to wonder if there is anything in this world that will not expire.

At the age of nearly 30, I often feel young. But not anymore

Writing in the past few years, it is easy to write 500 words of existence. Haha, but after a long time in this industry, I rarely go to write some words, or calm down to read some literary works. Now leng for a long time, can not type a few words!

Because this is the first article, I also slightly left a few years ago to make up the summary of a little ah, everyone here do not mind.

You can visit my blog more starry sky – bright like the sun, moon and stars

The body of the


My major is Computer Science and Technology, 17th class.

Be engaged in computer counterpart of professional bar. The university is an obscure undergraduate institution, so some of the companies it recruits are really uninteresting.

When I was an intern in my senior year, I actually had a lot of places I wanted to go, and FINALLY I went to Beijing.

Maybe it’s because Beijing is a bigger stage for computing students. Off the train, out of the subway, because it is the first time to Beijing. =)

You see all those buildings you can’t fit in. I was touched a lot in my heart. The prosperity of this city was beyond my imagination. At that time, I told myself to establish myself here.

I began to live in an urban village in Changping, where there were many people like me.

When I went to Beijing to look for a house, I was very nervous in my pocket. I went to the basement first, and now I recall the smell when I entered the basement. I still can’t forget it.

Later, I did not live in the basement, but found a house of 600 yuan a month. Three of my friends and I lived in a room of 10 square meters, with a private bathroom for cooking. There was only room for one bed, two people sleeping on the bed and one person sleeping on the floor.

I have to say that life in the city village is very pyrotechnic, with people from all places and professions in a circle. Very lively!

During the trip to Xiangshan

At that time, everyday life was very full. Every day was sending resumes, studying and interviewing. Some old notes. There was no insomnia at that time, the most wanted to do at night is a good meal sleep!

At that time is really very hard ah!

I sent out so many resumes for my first job that I couldn’t count them! There was no answer. Just when I was about to give up, I received an interview. The company is in Chaoyang District. I was so excited when HR called me and sent me the offer.

I shared two photos of the sunset I took at work that went viral:

Maybe some of you already know where this is! 🤭 🤭

After working in this company for three months, I chose to leave. Because I found that the work was not in the direction I liked. After all, I am also a person who pursues technology.

Here are a few more photos from Beijing:

In fact, I like to take pictures of a person, the recent paragraph of my influence is very deep!

If you want to show off, show off

Ten years later

Good camera and technology

I can’t make it look like this

Don’t be afraid to document your day

Every day now is worth collecting

Every inch of sunshine is worth recording

From morning till sunset

Take pictures of every scene you think looks good

Every love should be respected

To every flower we love!

— People’s Daily


I left Beijing for Xi ‘an after I left my last company. I don’t know why.

Because you can’t get on the subway? Because of the heavy smog in winter? I don’t know exactly why. Anyway, I didn’t like it, and then I went to Xi ‘an without hesitation.

There was no particular reason to go to Xi ‘an. Because I like it!

I spent a year in Xi ‘an

After going to Xi ‘an, I got the offer in the first interview and went there directly because I thought it was good. I met a lot of lovely and simple partners in this company, and the people here are so kind and simple.


The company is a VPN, firewall company, a doctor institute of Xi ‘an Jiaotong University company, pay attention to the underlying technology.

Here most is to use native JS to write IE browser, Chrome browser plug-in, cross domain, animation and so on!

And some encrypted stuff. This laid a solid foundation for the rest of my career. I believe many friends like me, the first year of work like a sponge, consistent in trying to absorb things.

Leader is a technical person from the bottom of c, who is very rigorous and serious.

He’s always there when I’m working really, really late. We were probably alone in the office by this time, and he began to smoke. Every time I mention it, I still admire it. People in their 40s are still enthusiastic and focused on technology. This also indirectly affected my future career development!

It was normal to work overtime because the company was only a few minutes away, but I didn’t hate working overtime at that time, because I felt that my improvement was far more than other material things.

In life

I am a northerner. I can eat pasta three times a day without getting bored. I like Xi ‘an noodles, such as oil splash, Biangbiang noodles, saozi noodles, pulling noodles, cold noodles, spinach noodles, etc. A lot of. I can say it satisfies a lot of my fantasies about pasta. On weekends, you can go to dayan Pagoda, bell tower and Drum Tower, which are not far away. The bus is only a few stops away. Watching the crowds and listening to the folk songs in the square. Datang Never Sleeps also has many conservatory performances. Very strong cultural atmosphere.

In general, Xi ‘an had a very pleasant year in life and improved his skills by leaps and bounds. Thank you so much for everything this year!

If you ask me now how is it staying in Xi ‘an, I will say, go, and I won’t regret it.

International convention, here are some pictures:

Why did you choose to leave? There are many reasons. In line with the yearning for Shanghai.

I still wanted to go to Shanghai!!

Love – Family

A year later he came to Shanghai. Because I don’t know what happened at that time, I have a lot of yearning for Shanghai. The restless heart kept stirring.

Come to Shanghai naturally resume, interview. It goes with the flow.

Of course of course experienced a lot of things, save to write next time!!

【2019】… Ha, ha, ha

About love

I married her on May 20, 2020. We got a license.

About family

The birth of a baby, 2020 means a lot to me. What an unforgettable year!!


This year,

Because of the epidemic, there are no waves everywhere! Lie down at home.

Currently working in front end and visualization development for a medical company. The company benefits are ok. Location pudong Avenue) It is worth mentioning that pudong Avenue, which has been repaired for more than ten years, was officially opened to traffic this year. No kidding!)

This year I started thinking about a year in my life. Think about the industry, think about the job. Thinking about what you’ve done! Think about everything around you!

React, TS, and Canvas will be involved in a lot of fabric and canvas development.

Vue3 will be tested later in the project. I usually write some NodeJS.

In fact, any framework is the same, all for better development. Understanding the framework’s design pattern and design philosophy is the most important thing!

The bigger change may be to write code not to implement it, but to figure out how best to solve it. I can’t help but think of a lot of things in my head.

The longest book I’ve ever read was from college:

These things are not learnable and will continue to apply to your daily development process. Of course, there are many other basic books, well to master it, it is really important

Open source projects this year:

It is a shame to strive for a true commitment to open source in 2022!


Do everything with a healthy body, no extra exercise this year. I just ride my bike on my daily commute to work.

The physical quality is also maintained in an acceptable range. Next or good to go to the gym, in order to see all kinds of great mountains and rivers

Jerked off a blog

Effect of PC

The mobile terminal

  • Front-end: Based on React and ANTD
  • Background: Based on React and ANTD-Pro
  • Service database: Based on NestJS, Mongoose

Online preview address: link

Github address: Link

I will share some related technical articles, some construction and some design of the blog. If you feel good, remember to leave star✨!


More contributions to open source!

Denver rose to level 5

Brush well!

Ready to sprint a wave of big factory, most want to go is byte!

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You just have to know what you want and go with it. Just do whatever you want.

Let me end with one last sentence

In the hourglass of memory, small things can be carried away and forgotten, and important scenes often linger and are difficult to overcome. Look over the past, ups and downs of life, but now is a blink, the past clouds. But looking back, the most glorious moments in the past are the playfulness in childhood, the pursuit of dreams in adolescence, the responsibilities and responsibilities after getting married, and the aspirations of life in old age. Memories can remind us of our past dreams and make us strive for them all our lives.