“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

Hello, everyone! I am the former endpoint line and surface. I have been writing technical articles for a long time, and I rarely make self-summary and reflection.

First, technology is not Paramount

I believe that many people have the idea of “technology is Paramount”, but today I would like to explain my cognition that “technology is not Paramount”. In fact, IT does not mean that technology is not important, but that all technologies serve for products and are revenue-oriented. In fact, the relationship between them can be understood as follows: Use technology to realize products, products serve users, users will use the product will bring benefits. Since the ultimate destination of technology is income, it should be linked to income when selecting technology, and only the appropriate one should be selected instead of the latest and optimal one, because the optimal technology may bring additional equipment costs and the latest technology may bring more risks. Here are two examples:

Example 1: The company has been using Vue2 to build platform projects, but when Vue3 is released, does it have to be upgraded? The answer is definitely no. Although Vue3 brings performance improvements and many good features, it is better than Vue2 from a technical point of view, but for the company’s project, the cost is not proportional to the benefit;

Example 2: Company projects have been use PHP before, with the development of technology, PHP developers dwindling, development model become the old and maintenance cost of the project is becoming increasingly difficult, has seriously affected the iterative update products, this time using the Vue and React to reconstruct project becomes very valuable, its benefits compared with far more resources.

To sum up, when treating a product, we should not think of it as “technology first”, but from the point of profit. Only the profit can make the product survive, and then reverse the progress of technology.

Second, wrong dimension strike is very important

I often hear some comments in the group: “I’m just a front end, why do I care about the back end? I just learn the front end is enough, and there is no time to learn the back end…” “, these views are not wrong, they hope to become experts in a certain field of technology, but just this idea is easy to be attacked by some students “wrong dimension”, such as: you know front-end, I talk to you about back-end, you know back-end, I talk to you about algorithms, you know technology, I talk to you about products, you know product, I talk to you about business… Anyway, people will always be able to refute you with positions you don’t understand and end up being passive.

Since others can dimension reduction strike us, that if we can’t focus on a particular field, broaden their knowledge, to T talent development, while others want to dimension reduction against us, it is easy to fight back and they are not good at knowledge to blow, this strategy can make a career for a long time and are less likely to be eliminated.

Third, foundation is better than framework

Recently, I summarized Vue3 and React, among which the biggest feeling is: why there are so many new syntax, is it to kill me?

From grammatical level, Vue3.0 are combined new API, the React of Hook has been added, the content does give the project to make it new vigor and vitality, completed their KPI to the boss, but increase the cost of our learning, now I just wonder if a small change in the face of such three months, a year a big change of situation how long I can roll!!!!!!

While things are changing at the framework level, there are some things that are slower to change across the front-end: Compilation principle, operating system, computer network, the native javascript, such as the content of these changes slowly laid the foundation of the framework, no matter how changes in the framework, the basic content will not change, so to learn the basic knowledge to be ready to deal with the change of the framework, and make its own technology coruscate gives more lasting vitality.

Four, do incremental do not do stock

One product thinking is: Inventory optimization and search for incremental, if encountered in the work of two alternative project, I suggest “do stock of incremental don’t do”, detailed explanation is to choose to do new projects from 0 to 0.9 and from 0.9 to 1 don’t do optimization project, because the delta project achievements are predictable, even to do less than 0.9 you also can get good grades, But doing optimization projects is easy to encounter the embarrassing results of not being able to improve, and ultimately futile.