“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


Before you know it, 2021 is coming to an end. As a senior, this year has seen a lot of things. Participated in spring recruit, participated in autumn recruit, the final result is not satisfactory, also had closed, but with the time grinding, also gradually picked up confidence, toward the dream forward.


In the winter vacation of my junior year, I saw a lot of juniors preparing for spring recruitment, so I went to know about it. I found that during this period, Internet factories will release many summer internship positions, and the rate of employment of these positions is high. I thought that if I can get a good internship offer at this time, it will be of great help to me after graduation. So I prepared for spring recruitment at home during winter vacation.

Newborn calves

On the morning of March 31st, I had my first telephone interview outside the school library. I was full of confidence before, but I was so numb by the questions one after another that I even stumbled over my knowledge and didn’t know how to open my mouth. Such a scene once lasted for about a minute. After the interview, I received a thank you letter within 5 minutes. How to say, the interview content is not difficult to think about now, but it is this interview, let me feel a lot of my knowledge blind area.


April 23, more than 20 days after the first interview. On this day, there was the second interview of spring recruitment, this time a video interview. I am no longer like the first interview, the interviewer asked questions, can be very skilled to answer and expand. After that, we finally reached hr. This debate below the interview, have a very good experience, once thought steady. Then came the waiting process. Hr said that the result would come out in 7 days, but I don’t know how many 7 days they waited. Finally, they waited for a month. That group all lottery, a few happy a few sad, I received a thank-you note.


At this point, the spring recruitment road ended, applied to many companies, but finally only two interview opportunities, and was raised by fish for a month.

Autumn recruit

I do not know why, this autumn open a little touch defense, experienced the spring, I had lost confidence or plan to take advantage of the autumn recruit blunt. There was a wave of written tests, and then a trickle of interviews. This time, there are many more interview opportunities than spring recruitment, but still frustrated. No internship experience was mentioned the most during the interview process, and those who had a few good interviews were not heard back. In the end, qiu zhao also ended in regret.


After the autumn enrollment, my academic background is not good, and I have no internship experience. I urgently need an internship to enrich myself. Therefore, I invested in several internship positions near the school and finally succeeded in joining the internship. During the internship, I was actually doing some CRUD work. Their own ability to get started is also ok, the work is generally finished quickly, even more than some of the company’s formal employees do more work (dog head). Finally, considering their inner dream, or quit the job, ready for the next spring recruitment recruitment. In the process of resignation, the team leader asked me to stay for many times, saying that I was suitable for them, but I didn’t think so. Many things in the company made me feel that it was not the job I wanted from the very beginning. So, finally decided to quit the job. So far, he finally had 3 months of internship experience.

Conclusion 2021

In fact, 2021 is not satisfied, did not give themselves a satisfactory answer paper. In fact, it is also due to my own mentality. I am always in a hurry and take a long time to decide anything. I don’t have a good determination to do anything. But fortunately, my girlfriend encouraged me all the time, and at the end of autumn recruitment, I encouraged myself to find an internship, so that THE months after autumn recruitment did not pass so quickly.

Outlook 2022,

Tomorrow is 2022, I hope I can find a dream job in 2022. I hope I can realize wealth and freedom, live happily with my loved one, travel with my loved one, and do something meaningful with my loved one. I want everyone around me to be healthy.

The last

Come on, rookie JavaBoy! Don’t give up on your dreams. What if they come true? Never give up on your original dream!