My article with the cat

“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

About writing

Why do you want to post

First I wrote twice a week, then once a week, and now once a month. It wasn’t a waning of passion, it was a gradual increase in simplicity. Why to send a document, the motive is not pure at first, improve the competitiveness of job hunting, roll dead a peer. However the actual post and dig the friends “on line” in the process, I really know in fact I am not so shallow, I’ll spend a few hours to draw the flow chart, will struggle with the phrase, thinking how to clarify problems and solutions, the process to have a lot of harvest, promote yourself to learn to organize, if you want to help others, you help yourself.

I got some small results

Since August this year, I have spent a lot of time and energy in sorting out complex flow charts, drawing drafts on paper, using tools for drawing, writing sample codes and organizing languages. Finally obtained some achievements, in a Zhou Bang, a list of the following month, it also encouraged me to continue writing, each thumb up oneself very with a sense of accomplishment, to comment on the problems in earnest to reply, slowly reading as well as the thumb up and fans also came up, oneself also for more rigorous, often wrote articles will send with read the file first, Find some errors and loopholes in the text.

What it does to me

Influence is positive, fragments of time also used, for the content of the work of summary and induction, found some of his own shortcomings, also in the process of finishing on their own ability to have a clear understanding of how to write more, write found in the process of knowledge scotoma and myth is to find solutions, try writing code for validation. Also wrote many articles anticlimactic in their local stock, often there will be some feel good theme, but in the actual to deficiency in the process of writing and finishing found himself think too simple, find themselves inadequate or blank has not timely supplement of knowledge, but to recognize difficulties is the first step to solve difficulties, found that the problem is to solve the problem, Keep up the good work next year.

Some of the directions involved

  • SaaS platform solutions

What you Need to know and Do to Build a SaaS platform – Juejin

This article is their own from a SaaS white to landing a SaaS platform summary, their concept of the tenant and platform entrance and verification process were introduced, and with a detailed flow chart, for the forthcoming to participate in the development of SaaS digg friends should be able to help

  • The use of the mongo

Quick learning of Mongo operation syntax with single table SQL – Juejin. Cn

MongoDB table storage query solution – Digging Gold (juejin. Cn)

Share a Mongo query index optimization solution – Juejin (cn)

Get a file storage service in a minute. Check it out – Juejin

Learn Mongo through Sql, this is an article I sorted out in the early learning Mongo, and before digging gold published to enrich the details and content, add more examples, for new contact with Mongo digging friends, can quickly learn to query grammar and also understand the difference between non-relational database and relational database; Mongo sub-table and query index is my work is currently applied to the solution, detailed introduction of how to sub-table, sub-table how to query, how to design index and application index, for Mongo use and progress has great help; Quick build file service, based on GridFS, you can understand, including complete code.

  • Micro service

What is public service? Public service is the service that can be used by multiple products or projects within an enterprise, such as gateway service, file service and message push service. There are also public starters and so on

How to do message notification service (including code) – Juejin (

Quickly build a gateway service, dynamic routing, authentication will see (including flow chart) – Juejin (cn)

Implementation of interface operation logging Starter – digging (juejin. Cn) Based on AOP and Custom annotation

  • Code implementation aspect

Contains cache design and interface implementation of two articles, I think it is relatively simple, we can take a few minutes to see

Redis and local Cache combination – Nuggets (juejin. Cn)

Java interface multiple implementations can also play like this – Juejin (cn)

  • Need to improve

SpringBoot+Nacos+Kafka simple implementation of microservice flow choreography – Juejin (cn)

Build a low code platform to help you! – the nuggets (juejin. Cn)

As for my handling of the flow arrangement, I didn’t express it clearly enough and left out some omissions at the beginning of writing the article by myself. This topic is very good. I feel very sorry that I failed to write it well. About low code, I followed the trend of learning low code, sorted out from building tram pit to their own packaging operation, but the content behind some perfunctory, was criticized by digging friends, later will be more rigorous.


His article is more involved in solutions, not involved in the underlying technology principle, these aspects are also to dig gold need to learn, I hope the majority of digging friends must also write their own can write clearly, for the article written can also see more optimization.

Enter the body, about cats

The Siamese cats

My wife and I are very fond of cats, in 15 years bought the first cat Siam, named cool dog, English name Miko, is a Siamese cat, now has been burned!

According to the registration

General lighting

Now Miko lives in his wife’s home. His in-laws are very kind to him, and he adds a lot of joy to his old life. He goes to his nest to sleep at 8 o ‘clock every night on time.

Stray cats

One morning in May this year, I saw a female cat wandering in residential area, the guard uncle said pups, gave the mother cat some food and a lot of rain in the evening, he decided to take the cat kept back, let mother cats and kittens recovery time to find a good home, big cat named balls, cat named eggs, has seen in the village and the surrounding, usually found only one, I don’t know if I got kicked out or if I was an only child.

Mother and son photo

This is a photo of the mother and son, two cats just came to the house after cleaning up, giving the big cat a bath and insect repellent. Because the big cat just gave birth to kittens, it bought chicken breast meat for nutrition. After careful care, it is still very photogenic, it is a flat face of about one year old blue and white, but it eats a lot.

Off the big cats

As kittens grow up, to be able to live independently, so plan to find a home for cats, and at the same time, after all, have three cats spending too big, so a while looking for is predestined friends the human, then eating outside met a boss who like cats, they kept a cat to take care of very well, so he told her eggs and egg tsai, the boss also like it very much, after seeing photos Riding an electric car to the home to pick up the big cat, very reluctant, but this is life ah, full of helpless, do not know whether there is a dispute here, tangled.

Kittens grow up

The kitten had to grow faster than I imagined, from the beginning of the umbilical cord did not fall, to fly to escape the ground, eat DORA much, let me once doubt whether it should be sent away, it is more than its mother can eat, ha ha!

One month (sleep)

Two months (and sleep)

Three months (sleep on)

Skipping a few months…

That’s enough sleep, isn’t it? Handsome


Programmers are a large group of people who keep cats. Having a cute cat in their busy and high-pressure life can bring a lot of happiness. We hope that people who like cats can have their own cats as soon as possible.

Written in the end

Continue next year.