“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

At the end of the year at the beginning of the year, and to the time of the annual inventory harvest, this time must be a few joy a few sorrow. But it doesn’t matter, do good may you continue to maintain, do not do good, I hope you have a harvest next year, everyone has confused time, just get over it.

Inventory 2021

Here are some of the biggest things that happened to me in 2021:

  1. 47 original articles have been published.
  2. Original video released 13 (B station with the same account, welcome to watch).
  3. The public account rose more than 10,000 fans, breaking through the mark of 30,000 fans, here thank you for your support.
  4. I started to update the Java common interview series of 100 articles, so far I have updated to 9 articles (follow this account, continue to update).
  5. Moved to a new house.
  6. The fracture recovered completely.
  7. New cognitive upgrades (more on this below).
  8. Investment and financial planning started.
  9. Systematic learning of English begins.
  10. Preparing for the securities qualification exam, I missed passing the exam by 6 or 7 points in the beginning. If I am not busy next year, I will try again.

The above is basically the main harvest of this year. Compared with last year, the number of original articles published may be too low. The screenshot of last year’s harvest is as follows:But in the first half of last year, I was a freelancer, and I masturbated at home, so IT was a draw. Next I mainly talk about some thinking understanding this year.

1. Skills are the best investment

First of all, skills can directly bring benefits, such as learning programming can have a high salary, learning baking can improve the quality of life, learning music can cultivate sentiment, learning painting can temper the mind, and any of the above skills, as long as you do better than 80% of the people can bring a good income.

Secondly, learning a skill is “irreversible”. It can be forgotten once it is learned, and the benefits will last a lifetime. If you learn to ride a bicycle, for example, you won’t forget it even if you don’t ride for years, and the earlier you learn, the longer you will enjoy the benefits. Therefore, it is important to learn as early as possible, but Confucius said, “If you hear the tao, you will die overnight.” So it is important to start first.

2. A good book must be read over and over again to be effective

When I was young, is probably in 2015, a year can read 50 books, and it was for the “quantity” to study, but now is only the monkey moved corn, and I now is a good book, I want to read N times, and to scientific read N times, it is best to meet ebbinghaus forgetting curve, so you can remember, Remember to use it.

The Ebbinghaus forgetting curve, discovered by The German psychologist H.Ebbinghaus, describes the law of the human brain forgetting new things. It is an intuitive description of the gradual forgetting of new things by human brain. People can master the forgetting rules from the forgetting curve and make use of them, so as to improve their memory ability. This curve has a great impact on the study of human memory cognition.

Good books are for the purpose of being read again and for the gain of being read again. Believe me, it doesn’t take many books to learn the best martial arts secrets. A good book can benefit you for life and travel around the world. The so-called “one move, eat the sky”, that is the truth.

3. Do things that build for the long term

Always ask yourself this question: What do I want to be doing in 3 years? Who am I going to be in 5 years? Then use goals to push back and push yourself to do things that have long-term value.

When faced with a problem, ask yourself: Is this a short-term event or a long-term event? Does this matter to you three years later? Is it important? Does it matter to you in five years? Does it matter? If it didn’t matter then and it didn’t matter then, it doesn’t matter now.

It is easy to understand to do things with accumulation. For example, I have been writing blog for more than ten years. I did not earn a penny for many years before, but after paying for knowledge, I wrote an article and sold more than one hundred thousand yuan.

4. Short-term goals are better than long-term goals

Many people have long term goals, such as one year or three years. However, I don’t plan for such a long time any more, because the changes are so fast now. I will have a long-term goal (not long-term planning), and then make short-term plans. For example, I will make weekly and daily tasks, so that the effect will be better.

5. The ability to reflect is key to growth

A person’s growth rate mainly depends on the ability of self-reflection, self-reflection can make you realize your shortcomings, so that you can improve, improve will have progress. Many people seem to work hard, but the results are still mediocre, probably because they do not summarize and do not reflect on the reason. It is necessary and right that we spend a little time each day thinking about how we can do better, in addition to working hard on the ground.

Trust me, don’t use your tactical diligence to cover up your strategic laziness. Take a little time every day and keep a reflective journal. It only takes 2 months to make a difference.

6. Perseverance is more important than speed

I like yu Minhong’s words very much: people should be diligent and persistent, but things do not have to be fast. A horse can run faster than a camel, but a camel can walk twice as far as a horse in a lifetime, so perseverance is more important than anything.

The truth of real value is often simple. I have been adhering to this idea for many years. Although I am not the smartest or the fastest runner, I hope I am the most persistent one.

Finally, I would like to end with a sentence I like very much: judge right and wrong by yourself, praise by others, gain and loss by the number.

With a normal heart to look at the results, with the best way to live their life. I am lei brother, a lifelong growth, the road of the future, we cheer together.

My official account: Java Chinese Community