“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

πŸŽ„ preface

This is the first time for xiaobao to write a year-end summary. I don’t have any experience and I didn’t think of a good entry point. Let’s talk about 2021. 2021 for me, means extraordinary, there has been confusion, there has been pain, there has been firm, there has been forge ahead.

Time is young, time is shining, everyone has their own way of life, let’s take a look at the journey of Xiao Bao in 2021.

🏒 Work Experience

In 2019, I graduated from university. Persuaded by my family, I gave up the life of struggling in a big city and chose a state-owned enterprise which is only 200 kilometers away from home.

Recalling the days working in state-owned enterprises, I can only describe them as lazy and comfortable. There, I met a group of very nice colleagues who bonded very closely. The pace of work is also very slow, 955 life per week (there is a period of time when the company is far away, the travel cost is very large). However, after about two months of this kind of life, I felt that my skills were falling off a cliff every day. I was very frightened, and I was asking myself a lot of time: Do I really want to stay here?

I thought about this question for about a year. Finally, I made my own decision and convinced everyone. I quit my comfortable job and resolutely took the path of postgraduate entrance examination.

In fact, the work of state-owned enterprise is not a mass of stagnant water, there are countless colorful moments in it, which are worth my slow reflection and taste in the future. In the second half of 2019, I gave a two-minute speech every week. At the time, it seemed like an excruciatingly boring activity, but in retrospect, it was very beneficial. And my dear colleagues, leaving me with endless memories and happy moments.

But what impressed me most was when I responded to the call of the state to resume work on the 16th of January last year when the city and roads were closed due to the epidemic. On my first day at work, I sat on the edge of the train and could count the number of people on my hands as I looked across the train. The bustling city seemed to have fallen into desolation overnight. When I quit my job to prepare for the postgraduate entrance exam, I walked around the small lake in front of my door. I was deeply shocked by the huge contrast, and could not help but feel respect for our great motherland and our great people.

πŸ’” Confused first half of the year

Before the postgraduate entrance examination, I imagined my life in the first half of 21 years in an unimaginative way. I would do an internship in a medium-sized company for a few months to learn skills, improve myself and earn a little money. Then I would go to graduate school comfortably in September.

The plan is not as fast as change. The result of postgraduate entrance examination was released at the end of February, which broke all my expectations and disrupted my rhythm of the whole year. It is not to say that the result is too bad, and his estimate of the result is not bad, but the results of each section accounted for ratio but with the expected day difference, professional course too little. Since then, I started the painful, confused and unknown March. While worrying about the coming second interview, I was looking for a change. Sitting in front of my desk every day, I thought about how to go on with my life. On March 26, all the dust was settled. Finally, I could not wait for the arrival of the second interview of Su University, so I chose a transfer.

πŸ’¦ Tired of the year

Then I went through all kinds of chores, and when I got back to my beloved rental house, it was already the end of April. I was in my rental house, thinking quietly for a long time. I don’t remember exactly, maybe three days or a week. The tangled and confused state of mind at that time can also be found in the memo. I carefully read it and came to the conclusion that maybe the comfortable life in a state-owned enterprise paralyzed my nerves and froze my passion for pursuing technology.

I choose to paralyze myself with exhaustion, trying to clear up my confused life bit by bit. So I began to find more tired part-time jobs, such as night shift, sweeping, etc., less than three months, I changed several part-time jobs, some part-time JOBS I feel has reached the physiological limit can not bear, some part-time JOBS I experience the vicissitudes of human feelings, or difficult, gossip, etc., finally also moved to relief.

Those few months of life, really is very tired. But I am grateful for the fatigue of those months, which reignited me, reminded me of the meaning of the battlefield in front of the battlefield bag, and gave me a great life motivation. There is an artificial lake and a gymnasium near the rented house. At rest time, I would walk to the lake through the community path, blowing the lake wind, imagining my future and planning my life pace unimaginably. It is no exaggeration to say that I found myself again in that small lake.

I’ve reset a few little levels in my life:

  • Write a tech blog and strive to be a quality blogger
  • Keep reading source code, for exampleVue2, vue3, webPack η­‰
  • Learn a back-end language
  • Become an open source contributor to the community
  • Look after your owngithubI hope I can reach 100 before graduationstarThe warehouse
  • Write a unique personal project (one I’ve had a lot of wild ideas about, but haven’t quite figured out yet) that I hope can be usedflutter 吧
  • Understand front-end development trends and determine future growth paths
  • .

πŸ‘¨πŸŽ“ Graduate life

Graduate life soon arrives, the oppressive feeling of off guard, you are really very hard, should say roll of crazy, crazy, sometimes I feel I am not in graduate school, but in the eighteen layers of hell, suffer from different every day, my rhythm is also dozen of odds and ends, felt like a lone ship on the rough sea, I lost control of my rudder and drifted with the current, trying to drag myself towards the sea, but suddenly I found that I was using the rudder backwards and could only watch the seaside scenery further and further away.

Of course, I also made a lot of friends here, but I also vaguely found that people’s beliefs are actually different. Only taking charge of their own rudder is the essential way to solve problems.

I think this state, this pace is very scary, the damage to faith is huge. I don’t want to spend the first semester of my postgraduate study in vain. In October, coinciding with the National Day, I still put forward some small requirements for myself.

  • Write a tech blog (the Nuggets have been doing it)
  • Brush algorithm questions (only stick to10At the end of πŸ˜ͺ)
  • relearnJavaScript 与 CSS3 (CSS3Learning is still in the preparatory stage πŸ₯Ί)
  • ES6Further study (complete part πŸ€”)
  • 5. Keep memorizing words (not every day, but every now and then)
  • In nativeJavaScriptWrite nostalgic youth small game (I have a particularly good whole live idea πŸ˜‡)
  • .

πŸ₯‚ Annual Harvest

😺 join the Nuggets

I joined the Nuggets family on April 5, 2017, so I should be a senior citizen.

At the time, the love of native JavaScript was somewhat obsessive, and I wanted to find a good article that explained JavaScript in depth.

Luckily, shortly after I came to the Nuggets community, I found my answer: Hu Yui, Hu yui’s in-depth explanation of native JavaScript was really great. After that, I followed the big guy to read two series of articles just like chasing more serialized novels. In this process, I felt the growth and harvest of myself I could talk about for several days.

  • The JavaScript series of 20 is officially over!
  • JavaScript in-depth series 15 officially concluded!

I came to dig gold to write the first article is in-depth study of Hu Yuo series of articles crystallization.

😸 read more than one hundred thousand

In the middle of October, I began to write articles in Nuggets. By December 2, my reading volume had reached 100,000. Thanks for your kindness, the reading volume of 10W was much faster than I expected, which also strengthened my will to continue to write articles.

😼 Excavation value 3830(LV0 -> LV3.5)

Starting from 0, in less than two months, I am about to reach the level 4 of my dream and have the super ability to automatically recommend to the home page. I think this is something worth being proud of. Come on, xiao Bao.

🐱🏍 series

When I first decided to write, I decided to start with two series of articles:

  1. JavaScript in Depth: Imitation冴 feather bossesrelearnJavaScript
  • A thorough understanding of prototypes and prototype chains in JavaScript
  • JavaScript precompilation learning
  • “2W word big chapter 38 interview questions” completely clear JS this pointing to the problem
  • Complete understanding of EventLoop in JavaScript
  • JavaScript hand rip call, apply
  • Static and dynamic scopes of JavaScript
  • In half an hour, Ah Bao takes you to learn how to tear higher-order functions by hand
  • Can you simulate implementing the new operator
  1. Interview questions series: Summed up2021Niuke appeared on the interview questions, pen questions
  • Grab the latest front end test five hundred data analysis JS interview hot spots
  • Cow guest latest front-end JS written test 100 questions
  • (1) This refers to the topic analysis and expansion
  • The latest front end of the interview questions summary (including analysis)
  • In 2021, every major front-end company is taking those handwritten questions (with code)

Later, on the way to writing articles, I came up with new ideas and wrote a series of native JavaScript soul torture and a series of cool CSS.

  1. nativeJavaScriptSoul Torture series
  • Native JavaScript soul Quiz: How much can you answer?
  • Native JavaScript soul torture (2), can you answer all correctly?
  1. coolCSSA series of
  • CSS to achieve a free flying bird 🐦
  • CSS implements random rounded corner avatars
  • Use CSS to create a nutritious breakfast noodle
  • Text in the end can play a number of patterns (a) cool text particle effect
  • [In memory of Mr. Qian] to achieve cool rocket launch effect

πŸ™ˆ activities and awards

  1. Activities: Reach diamond Miner, get mouse and slipper

  1. Digitalstar project: failed to understand the requirements of the activity
  2. Cat essay campaign: Developmentvscode-catsPlug-ins (already available150 +Downloads) and won two third prizes (SKGMassage apparatus) and the Sun shine award, and invited friends to get eight MEDALS nuggets.

  1. 2021Last challenge: persistence30God, waiting for the lottery.
  2. 10Month front end month list eleventh,11Weekly list of the second week of The month

  1. Win two boiling point events and get two byte schoolbag

πŸ“‘ Past summary

I think 2021 is not a perfect year, but it is enough to satisfy myself. In 2021, what will I achieve for the first time?

  1. Successful postgraduate entrance examination, officially become a graduate student

  2. I started to maintain Github and obtained star for the first time. Up to now, Every-Insist and ZC-Demos have obtained 39stars and 14stars respectively

    Portal: Every-insist ZC-demos

  1. Develop my first pluginvscode-cats, the number of downloads has reached150 +

  1. The gold rating is expected to reach LV4 by the end of the year
  2. JavaScript is relearned
  3. Summarize the 2021 major companies interview questions, pen questions
  4. Get to know a group of like-minded tycoon friends, all working in the same direction
  5. Get to know the nuggets operations guys

🌞 Future outlook

In 2022, I think we should work harder and live a better version of ourselves.

Here are some of my half-baked ideas for 2022:

  1. The nuggets ranklv5
  2. Get a girlfriend
  3. github starThe two hundred –
  4. Successfully delivered the first thesis of graduate students
  5. Write five high-quality series of essays
  6. useJavaScriptDevelop mini-games that recall your youth, such as tank wars and adventure islands. Tentative quantity10 + 吧
  7. The basic knowledge of the front end is all reviewed
  8. Applets orflutterChoose an extension to study
  9. accumulate33w+ gEnergy, all the maps of the ant forest

After πŸ’₯ language

Packet of 2021 will be over, so this year is very fast, I feel like I just tidy up yourself, 21 year was drawing to a close, from work to one’s deceased father grind or a kind of attitude shift, hope the New Year, I can establish themselves, find their own hope and light, very large factory, super technology.