“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

The nuggets dating

Computer graphics

Fly front-end engineering SSH Moon shadow front-end small wisdom

Algorithm bosses

Nguyen half-stretching

The back-end mentor

Ali Yunyunqi

Java Chinese Community


Unconsciously has entered the company a year and a half. From the beginning of the workplace to get used to the life of social animals, daily study and work intertwined open, and their predecessors pushed the passive walk, they dare to close the post

The front end of the scene is really wide, easy to be distracted when the demand analysis, the back end of the scene is too fine, easy to frog in the well. Can be applied to other systems, we can learn, apply to their own systems, improve the robustness of their own systems.

The bugs that may exist after code deployment cannot be known in real time. In order to solve these bugs, I spent a lot of time on log debugging. Incidentally, I recommend a good BUG monitoring tool for you.

As a guy who’s going to be an architect, yes, you read that right, it means that you’re pretty cool…


I hope that I will always find a balance between work and life. Learn actively in your life and reuse what you have learned at work. Luo Xiang said that limitation often troubles a person. Living in paranoia, one has to deal with paranoia. Singing on the common road!

Looking forward to

Thank you for this internship experience. I met a good team, in which everyone is your teacher, they are warm and patient, and there is no sense of distance. Here, I am happy, can learn new things every day, happy ing. These deficiencies and problems need to be corrected step by step. Guys!! For next year, from the beginning.

Some articles filed recently

The article

One command turns any web site into desktop software

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File upload. It’s enough to understand these 8 scenarios

In this article, Bob introduces eight file upload scenarios that he has encountered in his work, and describes the techniques behind each scenario to give you a better understanding of the capabilities provided by mature upload components.

The article

For file downloads, it’s enough to understand these nine scenarios

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Wave animations are common, but this wave component is definitely not

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Product manager: The opening animation of Hongmeng is so cool that we can have a whole page

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Front-end game giant! CSS can be used for 3D games

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Please, don’t implement this logic yourself, don’t open source tool classes smell good?

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