
I left the company I worked for for 6 years this year and joined a company in the medical field

Continue to maintain the Eton project (LIMS, repair report), and complete the message push system in Taiwan (VUE + Java)


Learn Swift, iOS interview (algorithm brush questions + knowledge consolidation)

Learn Flutter, adapt to market demand, and learn cross-platform development

Learn Vue3 (UNI-app) landscaping project requirements


I took my wife to Sanya and Chongqing this year

Paid a high price for a parking space (heartache)

Mom is in the hospital with diabetes, dad is being persuaded to quit smoking (hopefully)

Exercise + weight loss + pregnancy + exercise + weight loss + pregnancy


In 2022,

As the main technical force, strive to improve the development needs of their own, learn more about products and management

IOS from OC to Swift, familiar with the project, familiar with common framework and tool classes

Uni-app Tracking learning (H5+ applets + Eton Project)

Learn Flutter technology, familiar with grammar, and use Demo

If time is available, certificate of Financial profession, PMP


Parents wife, wish parents health and peace, wife work smoothly, family hehemumu.

Stay true to who you are, stay true to who you are and stay true to your principles.

Study and work, with willpower and self-control as the cornerstone, keep pace with The Times and keep learning and practice.

Cautious communication, keep clear mind, can play dumb and not argue, but can not be silly and be bullied.