Js in the interview when asked more, here I first summarize js and HTTP request this bar
- The difference between anti – shake and throttling, which scenarios are used
- What do you know about ES6
- How to do local refresh
- HTTP cache? (I answered cookie,session and localStorage, completely missing
- What is cross-domain? What is the implementation of jSONP cross-domain
- Asynchronous functions in js (I answered promise async, I don’t know
) and then ask you to explain the promise
- What are deep copies and shallow copies, and what if the object value in the copied object is the current object
- Es6 common methods for handling arrays
- What is the difference between cookie,session and localStorage
- Call, apply, bind
- You know how lazy images load
- Let var const
- What are the basic data types, what can be false, special data types
- Array flattening, okay? Flat, what if I don’t know how many layers there are
- Know the prototype chain? So, what does the _proto_ attribute ultimately point to?
Just, face a bigger company, was a fiasco, one has started to ask the prototype chain, then ask me a little confidence is lost, may be too want to go to the company, also specially done their homework, but the result is still not very ideal, forget it, is a kind of experience, let oneself know oneself have much difference. May be years ago, no matter the good or bad, many companies did not reply, may be the company is also in the face of other people, anyway, or continue to refueling then face, refueling workers. It is the first time to write this kind of article. I feel like I am keeping a running account. I hope you will forgive me and come on in 2021! ️