
In for the test, I think the interview, and advanced the best way to learn than brush topic + blog + + video + books, a few people before the author incisively and vividly in picking up this blog post, as for the conclusion is that the individual, in fact, the more to the back you will find that the interview is not difficult, the second is in the process of brush problem to have to think about, brush only second, This is another level, and we won’t talk about it later.

The author summarizes a series of interview techniques often asked in the interview, in-depth analysis and answers, will be preparing for the interview engineers escort

What is an interview? In the author’s understanding of interview, it is a process of continuous precipitation, continuous summary, good at conveying one’s expertise and problem-solving ability. The following is my summary of some interview questions, if there is a mistake in the text, I beg you to point out!

2021 test development of interview questions and answers This a comprehensive detailed interview data page of [289] document contains: test basis | | | performance test automation interface test test practical questions | | software test tools | computer and Linux interview and so on

Limited space, only show the table of contents, need a complete version of the interview questions, to the end of the article to share the 2021 test development interview questions and answers [289] page.

This article contains 4800 words and is expected to take 15 minutes to read.


Test basic interview questions

  • Bug Mandatory field
  • What is the life cycle of the BUG?
  • What do you think are the keys to doing a good job with test cases?
  • What phases should a complete set of tests consist of?
  • Software acceptance testing includes?
  • What are the strategies for system testing?
  • Write test reports
  • Describe the lifecycle of software testing activities?
  • This section describes the 80-20 principle in software testing.
  • Composition of a defect test report
  • What is a stress test? What factors should stress tests take into account?
  • What is the purpose of software testing?
  • Common methods of black box test case design
  • What is the most important step of unit testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing, and regression testing?
  • Please discuss the advantages and disadvantages of manual testing versus automated testing
  • How to implement automated testing
  • What is a stress test? What factors should stress tests take into account?
  • Talk about your understanding of CI/CD
  • What do you think software test engineers need to do in a team? What’s the value?


Performance test interview related

  • What are the application areas of performance testing?
  • What software tests (name at least three) are included in performance testing?
  • To deliver a performance test project, describe your performance test process
  • How to understand stress testing, load testing, and performance testing?
  • How does JMeter design performance test scenarios?
  • What does the JMeter aggregation report include?
  • This section describes the names and meanings of five performance indicators.
  • What performance issues did you encounter during performance testing?
  • How to use jMeter timer?
  • What is performance testing?
  • What is context switching? Which scenarios have context switches?
  • How do I generate test reports from the command line? How to analyze JTL files?
  • Linux command in performance test
  • When can you start performance testing?
  • Describe the procedure for performance testing.
  • Is it necessary to parameterize performance tests? Why create parameters?
  • Describe the software performance concerns of different roles (users, product developers, system administrators)


Interface test interview related

  • What is a software interface, as you understand it?
  • Which layer is HTTPS at?
  • What’s the difference between get and Post?
  • POST is a common way to submit data
  • The difference between cookies and sessions
  • How does your company do interface testing?
  • How to design interface test cases?
  • You do interface tests. What do you test?
  • No interface documentation. What if you do interface testing?
  • How are interfaces that rely on third-party data tested?
  • In interface testing, how to test interfaces that depend on login status?
  • When an interface fails, how do you analyze the exception?
  • Is the database being compared during interface test execution?
  • What are the response status codes?
  • What is JSON data, and how do you normally parse it?
  • Postman: How do you use processes in your work?


Automated test interview related

  • Will you encapsulate an automated test framework?
  • What do you see as the biggest drawback of automated testing?
  • What is compatibility testing? What does compatibility testing focus on?
  • Now I have a program that runs very slowly on Windows. How can I tell whether there is a problem with the program or the software and hardware system?
  • What design patterns are used to automate code?
  • What are the testing strategies?
  • Describe the complete process of test case design?
  • What was the execution strategy for automated tests in the last project?
  • What framework did you use for automated testing at your last company?
  • How to automate tests of captcha functions?
  • How can I optimize and speed up Selenium script execution?
  • How to deal with the alert pop-up window?
  • What element location methods are you familiar with?
  • Does Seleinum have a library to read Excel files
  • Examples of exceptions you have encountered during Selenium automated testing
  • Have you ever found an element inside a Frame? How do you handle element positioning within frames?
  • How do I highlight the current element during script execution?
  • What scripting techniques do you know for test automation?

Software testing tool

  • Interface test: Postman
  • Performance tests: Jmeter, LoadRunner
  • Package capture tools: Chales, Fiddler
  • UI automation: UIAutomator2, APPIum, ATX
  • Stability test: Monkey, Maxim, Uicrawler, Appcrawler
  • Compatibility test: wetest, testin
  • App automation tools: Appium, Monkey
  • Web security testing tools: AppScan, Watcher, and Wapiti
  • White-box test tools: JUnit, jtest
  • Continuous integration tools: Jenkins, Hudson

Software testing practice

  • What is the cause of the crash?
  • There is a user feedback upload avatar failed, analyze the reason?
  • Why does APP flash back?
  • The login button cannot be clicked. How can I troubleshoot the problem?
  • 10% of users give feedback that the function cannot be used. How do you troubleshoot it?
  • How to analyze whether a bug is front-end or back-end?
  • How to test the login function?
  • How to test the shopping cart function of JINGdong?
  • Payment process testing


HR often asks interview questions

1. Why do you want to join this company and learn about its business?

  1. What do you think about overtime?

  2. Why did you leave your last job?

4. Why did you choose testing?

5. Is there anything else you want to ask me?

6. What abilities do the tests look for

7. What did you gain from your internship

8. What did you learn from the project?

9. What are your salary expectations?

Tell me your opinion about job-hopping.

11. What technical direction are you strongest in?

Computer and Linux interview related

Python programming + data structures

MySQL database interview question

A little insight

The value of this question bank is not just to brush the questions, its value lies in the questions themselves, the questions themselves are more important than the answers. Through questions to verify their knowledge and skills, check their grasp of knowledge, which can be implemented as a learning method. The more problems we encounter, the more problems we understand and solve, the stronger our relative ability will be.

Some of the ideas above some belong to himself from hi, now return to the beginner’s mind, collect question bank and create test stand ultimate goal is to help some people to promote efficiency, save time, use the fragment time, commuter trains to brush aside, if can also help you improve skills, improve get the interview chance, it is best.

I am creating a pure technical communication group: 107 in the front, 963 in the middle and 6098 in the last, for those who start to learn software testing or skill progression, with the goal of learning, communication, thinking and improving ability. Because learning alone is not as good as learning together, more communication will make progress faster.

In this group, you don’t need to worry about your lack of ability or whether the problem is too small to say. You can speak out boldly and let more people analyze it together. It doesn’t matter if you make mistakes.

The last

Here are the interview tips I spent two months working on! There must be something you need! These are easy interview questions to ask, so save them, review them before the interview, and save yourself the time you spend researching online. Finally, I wish all the interviewees can find their own satisfactory job.

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