“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


Year-end summary last year “2020 summary | Ali – from monkeys to evolve into the story of a gorilla” was recorded how he woke up from a painful ignorance to the cognitive of one year.

Looking back on what happened this year can actually be written as an updated version of last year’s story. If last year was about knowing something you didn’t know before, this year is about doing something you didn’t dare to do or wouldn’t do before. It’s a year of practice. So what did I do? Still fighting to achieve my goal of no longer being forced to sell my time for the necessities of life.

How did I achieve my goals?

Li Xiaolai’s book “The Road to Wealth and Freedom” divides personal business models into three categories

The first type: sell a time only once (part-time mode)

Second: Sell many times in one session (Creative mode)

Third: Buy other people’s time and sell it (investment model)

According to the business model to achieve the goal of key points: make their own time to maximize profit!

What did I do this year that was important?

  • Raise your time price – Prepare to jump ship
  • Sell time many times – start writing seriously
  • Compound interest investment – ability improvement, network building, investment and financial planning

Job hopping – Not just job hopping

It took me about a year to prepare for job-hopping. My purpose of job-hopping was not only to get a job with good pay or good environment, but to hone my mind. The logic behind it is: successful thinking is the same, when you make a relatively difficult thing, then you want to do a successful thing will not be so difficult.

That means my goal has to be difficult, yes – my normal goal is to get into a big factory! About my job-hopping experience “the road of big factory of college student” has been written very complete, here I will not elaborate too much.

My job-hopping is over, but the job-hopping is not over yet. This is what I will do next: I will try my best to work with excellent partners to send my big factory to the big factory with karmic partners. Why am I putting so much effort into something that seems to have nothing to do with me? That’s the logic of the investment network I’m talking about.

Investing. – What am I investing in?

Invest in yourself

Investing in yourself is the most important thing of all! So what am I going to invest in myself? Is the growth of knowledge, physical and mental health.

Reading: This year, reading is still something you love, not something you “insist on” doing, but something you enjoy doing consistently. The knowledge I learn from reading not only enrichis my spiritual world, but also gives me intellectual power. Reading is also the basis for my actions and decisions.

Physical and mental health: exercise early in the morning, write a daily plan, daily reflection, meditation. Due to my poor constitution, the precondition for my successful work is to get up early and exercise for 15-20 minutes. Meditation is a great way to regulate your mood and improve your ability to focus. Reflection and planning is another very important habit that is often overlooked, but I am deeply benefitted by this habit! Because it’s been a super effective way to improve my ability to think deeply.

Technical accumulation: I made 2-3 full-stack systems in 3-4 months with the time I got up early. Although it was not a difficult system, I finished all the requirements design, UI interaction design, database table design and front-end and back-end code implementation by myself. A period of rapid progress through a little bit of disassembly to overcome bottlenecks.

Invest in your network

Before always listen to others say that the network is very important, but I feel so ordinary, the network seems not to have no effect on themselves. I didn’t realize my stupidity until these last few years! Building quality networks is very important for the future.

Inefficient networking accumulates the ability to: meet the big shots and ask for their resources; The efficient way is: find a group of like-minded partners and I will help you or support each other, and then we will grow together! Expand resources that belong to everyone together.

Finance and investment

This year, whether it is to buy funds or other financial products, I do not have too many skills is to find a few high-quality products, the wind and rain are not moving, and when others are surprised and worried, I have no waves and even forgot to look at the results. Time has been very rewarding.

Family investment

He has insurance for himself and his family.

Seriously manage the relationship between husband and wife, no longer blame each other, more understanding and encouragement, because family harmony is the foundation of everything is also the fundamental of children can grow up happily!

Seriously study scientific parenting, understand that the essence of parenting lies in unconditional love and then accompany him to grow up for life! Encourage him to use his strengths instead of nagging him about his bad habits! Like Fan Deng said: “preaching is the most rubbish education”! The best education is that you become his role model and grow with him!

Next year plan

  • Build a high-quality network
  • The rise of hard power
  • Sign up for a professional writing class

Next year, in addition to helping karmic partners to accumulate contacts in big factories mentioned above, it is more important to improve the ability to eat — the hard power, that is, to hone the depth of technology and accumulate the ability of business insight.

We are always thinking of various solutions: to change industries, to do a side job or to take part in the civil service to deal with the midlife crisis, why not take a little courage to further our study in the technical direction we have accumulated for many years! When your skills accumulate to the irreplaceable thickness, I think bosses will not easily dare to fire you, even if really unlucky tragedy happened, but your talent will not be afraid of earning money?

Writing practice is not for cash, but to practice their logical thinking ability, and slowly build their own influence.

The last

The evolution from gorilla to Homo sapiens! It’s not the end of the story, it’s just the beginning of the story, and it takes more time to become Homo sapiens.

People say that time is no mercy, and I did not rao years.