“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

Today is another day of salty fish. Finish this article and end the day.

I just entered the job, full of energy, now I just want to fish, finish a day, get a day’s money, can muddle through a day.

  • 😫 so tired
  • 😫 so tired
  • 😫 so tired
  • 😫 so tired
  • 😫 so tired
  • 😫 so tired
  • 😫 so tired
  • 😫 so tired
  • 😫 so tired

Still in school, thinking of earning money for a period of time, you can resign, lie down for a period of time, three months or half a year, let yourself not be disturbed by the work, do what you want to do, such as find a favorite city to live for a few months, go back home for a period of time.

But now I can only weigh the pros and cons, and I can’t make the decision to resign for the sake of money or future.

Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished.

Truth which all understand, but can do too few people.

Late at night suddenly dream young thing, dream cry makeup red appendix.

O (â•¥ man â•¥) o

Flag set up at the beginning of the year, most of them haven’t started yet…

I don’t seem to have enough mental energy at work…

Think about it. What did you get this year?

  • A 1.1cm gallbladder stone
  • Three physical therapy sessions at the orthopedic hospital
  • Increased my myopia by a few hundred degrees

Another year for nothing…

Let’s do this with me

All it takes is someone worse than me

I am happy

Gnome male -“