“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

2021 gives me a lot of wonderful

Became a team leader

  • Leader A: W, see you have been in the company for several years, there is A good job for you to do this year, do you want to do it?
  • Me: good job (don’t raise salary with me all don’t call good job)? Sure, what is it?
  • Leader A: The company has financed XXXXXX this year, so its expansion will be relatively rapid. The company decides to group the products into groups, and then you are in charge of XXX group. What do you think?
  • I: leadership, so ah, quite good, be salary words, can give me rise point? 例 句 : If you don’t give me a raise and you want me to work more, I won’t do it.
  • Leader A: No problem. I’ll give you A raise if you perform well
  • Me: Ok, I’ll give it a try (I’m not going to change jobs this year anyway, so I’ll give it a try)
  1. Process: the process is really more difficult, with the halo of the group leader, in disguise bound themselves, in disguise to let themselves work overtime, in disguise to let themselves rushed to the front.
  2. The result: a 20% raise in mid-year, an award for best research and development, barely qualified for the position of team leader
  3. Conclusion: the sense of responsibility should be there, but not too much, too much will become a volume

To be a husband, to be a father

This year the biggest surprise (ha ha, the above is my daughter, give her a Christmas clothes), at the end of march, learned that this year will come to a cow’s little angel, really is a super happy, little princess was born on December 4 (now in take paternity leave and 20 days of wedding leave), and this process is really super is not easy, love the wife is the truth, and preserve family happiness, share:

  • Take care of your wife’s emotions. You cry a lot during pregnancy, and then you have all kinds of pregnancy reactions. Take care of your wife
  • Do more things that husband can do, have time to walk with his wife, accompany his wife to the birth examination, let his wife more happy point
  • Can go to accompany the birth, some hospitals when the baby can apply for accompany, personally think must, see so hard for you to give birth to the child, how can you not love her? (Haha, I cried my eyes out)


This year’s regrets are technology and fitness


I am an Androider. I was planning to learn Flutter this year, but I didn’t learn it. Let’s see if I can take the opportunity of the team leader to promote flutter next year


My fitness is more than two years, but because want to take care of a wife this year, did not go to fitness how this year, be in the elliptical machine in the home to run, muscle is quick grind about

What 2022 wants to do

I hope I can insist on doing everything well and work hard

  • Learn PMP

  • Push the flutter

  • Continue to fitness

  • ski