IEEE Spectrum’s 2021 Programming Languages list is out!

Its official title: “Python remains Dominant in new Technology.”


2021IEEE programming language rankings TOP10

The top 10 IEEE Spectrum 2021 programming languages are Python, Java, C, C++, JavaScript, C#, R, Go, HTML, Swift.

Python, one of the most popular programming languages, continues to dominate the list, while Java and C come in second and third, respectively.

With the development of big data, data mining, artificial intelligence and other fields, Python has become more and more popular in recent years. Since it is relatively easy to learn Python, in addition to many professional developers, non-professional data processors have also begun to learn Python.

Java and C, at number two and three on the list, are widely used programming languages that predate Python.

Java, as an object-oriented language that creates code to run on virtual machines and allows virtual machines to run on different platforms with little or no modification, is a popular choice for Web applications.

Rounding out the top three are C++, JavaScript, C#, R, Go, HTML and Swift.

C# jumped from 25th place last year to 6th place, and HTML entered the top 10 for the first time.

R is at no. 7 on the list, down from Cobol, which was no. 7 last year. Cobol has dropped to No. 34 this year.

According to the analysis of industry insiders, due to the impact of the epidemic, the Cobol language commonly used in foreign government management software has been updated, it can be seen that the popularity of a programming language may also change with changing external factors.

The top 10 programming languages on this list are some of the most popular programming languages in the employment and recruitment market right now. They have a lot of code and advantages, and all have the “genius” of assembly code.

The ranking still covers four different types of programming languages: Web for developing websites and applications; Enterprise for Enterprise, desktop and scientific applications; Mobile for Mobile devices; and Embedded for Embedded environments. HTML is also included in the category of programming languages.


2021IEEE programming languages complete list

IEEE Spectrum’s 2021 list of interactive languages combines 11 metrics from 8 sources, including Google, Twitter, GitHub, Reddit and IEEE, to make the list of 55 languages.

Here’s a complete list of the 55 programming languages that dominate the mobile, desktop, and Web application markets, according to IEEE Spectrum:

About the IEEE Spectrum programming language leaderboards

Created by senior editor Stephen Cass, the list publishes updated data and rankings every year.

The 2021 list was created by Cass, Preeti Kulkarni and Erico Guizzo, based on an original design by Nick Diakopoulous.

IEEE uses eight sources of information and analyzes them according to 11 indicators.

These sources include Google, Twitter, GitHub, StackOverflow, Reddit, Hacker News, CareerBuilder, and IEEE.

The IEEE Spectrum Rankings are based on the following data metrics:

1. Google Searches: The number of hits from Google searches for “X programming” is also used in the TIOBE index rankings.

2. Google Trends Index: Google Trends Index by “X Programming”

3. Twitter search: The number of hits from the twitter search “X programming” in the last 12 months.

4. GitHub Repositories: The number of GitHub repositories created and active in each language in the last 12 months.

Stack Overflow: The number of issues posted on Stack Overflow in each language in the last 12 months.

6, Reddit: “X Programming “number of Reddit posts in the last 12 months

Hacker News: “X Programming “Number of posts on Hacker News over the last 12 months.

CareerBuilder: CareerBuilder is a job site that looks at job demand numbers in various languages.

Ranking data reflects the changing trend of major programming languages and can serve as a reference for our study and work. However, each language has its own application scenarios, so it is not necessary to pay too much attention to it. After all, a language is good or bad depending on how it is used.