One more idea for beginners

For those who have [0 basis] [beginner] [freshman] these labels, they tend to go to the Internet to collect some learning routes, so as to plan their learning plans.

Java learning materials on the Internet can not be said to be everywhere, but can also be said to be everywhere (nonsense literature), for learning materials access, there are no more than the following three:

  • Read: There are so many recommended books online, which one should I read?

  • Watch a series of tutorials: Is paid or free better, and whose tutorials should I watch?

  • Read personal columns/personal websites: For beginners, it’s hard to tell a good tutorial from an outdated one.

There is so much information on the Internet that sometimes a day goes by just looking here and there.

Before learning, we should sort out the main line first, and then there are branch lines. The purpose of this article is to help beginners build a “main line” to learn Java, avoid confusion, avoid anxiety, complete the first stage, so as to accumulate confidence and enter the second stage!

Of course, different people have different learning habits, here is just a recommendation, I hope to help you, you can also add and delete on the basis of this main line, the most important is suitable for you, not give up halfway, is victory.

How to choose the way to acquire knowledge

First of all, my opinion, for beginners, you can choose to read books or find free beginner websites/personal blogs/personal columns, in short, document type material is best.

Why is that?

Reading a book or document first is the most efficient way of learning, provided you master the right way and then drive yourself.

In reading, we should choose good books and the right books, and we also need to choose the study chapters, which will not be discussed in this article.

However, everyone has different learning habits. Some friends like to learn by watching a series of video tutorials, which varies from person to person. As long as they can learn knowledge, it is the most suitable way for their learning.

The second is to watch video tutorials, video tutorials are free, there are paid.

For free courses, there are also some institutions in B station will put out the past paid training courses for free, these are often not too outdated, you can choose some of the high playback, good evaluation of the course.

For starters, I don’t recommend paying for video tutorials.

First of all, paid courses are packaged for marketing purposes, and even some free courses are prepared for paid courses. As a beginner, you may be cut before you know it (why did I know? … Ah tui, I am leek).

That’s not to say that paid courses are rubbish. There are plenty of great courses that are worth buying, but think twice before you pay, my friend.

In addition, some personal blogs/personal columns and some free learning websites are also worth a look, some teachers’ blogs are particularly good, have their own websites, each person’s style of writing is not the same, looking not boring, these are very good learning materials.

In a word, the first clear entry stage to learn the knowledge, write the first learning outline, and then according to the plan to steadily advance can be, as for the first learning outline how to write, don’t worry, and listen to me.

To do a good job, he must sharpen his tools

Before learning, we should first put up the running environment, I will not write the specific process, here to write about the software to prepare, recommended tools and the corresponding version.

No.1 JDK1.8 (required)

Java basic environment, development must install

Java SE 8U211 and later (

It is said that the latest JDK is already 17, at the beginning I was very shocked, how I still learn 1.8, the official update 11, until now I have been numb, he is more arbitrary, 1.8 my root.

Companies are still using JDK 1.8, the mainstream version is still 1.8, and even the most technologically advanced companies are using JDK 11 at most, but the differences are not that great.

So the classic 1.8 is still the best version you can learn, and it’s the basis for most tutorials.

Of course, you can install multiple versions of the JDK if you don’t bother.

No.2 Jetbrain IDEA 2020+

Super god editor, you don’t want to write code in Notepad…

IntelliJ IDEA: The Capable & Ergonomic Java IDE by JetBrains

It’s almost 2022, don’t learn Eclipse…

Plus, the good news is that the Jetbrain Family bucket is free for students.

Tip: You can download Jetbrain Toolbox from the official website. If IDEA is Alliance of Heroes, Toolbox is WeGame.

No.3 Xmind (Recommended/Free enough)

Mind mapping

Website address: XMind mind mapping | XMind Chinese official website

It is used to sort out learning ideas or formulate learning outline.

Ok, no, that’s all, just start to learn, don’t need too much, don’t be fascinated by the world.

Take the silk and comb the main line

There are a lot of things to learn about Java, so let’s take the Java language itself as an example.

  • Basic grammar

  • Commonly used collection

  • reflection

  • annotations

  • abnormal

  • I/O

  • Network into

  • The JDK new features

  • multithreading

There’s no doubt that the basics are there, but the question is, can you do it? Some of the old birds with weak foundation may not be able to fully understand those things, even if the foundation of solid people, after working for a long time, it is easy to tilt the technology stack to one side, which is why everyone should review before the interview.

Ok, now based on your step-by-step learning, to the advanced stage, I will be so casual a plate:

  • Relational non-relational databases

  • ORM framework

  • Spring buckets

  • The message queue

  • Search engine

  • Distributed foundation

  • The data structure

  • Common algorithms

Boy, I was confused when I first started anyway.

Without further ado, here is a direct route to recommend:

These things are not very much, a bit of ruthless concentration in two or three days will also learn.

Yes, that’s it, no middleware, no database, let’s focus on the Java language itself.

Of course, everyone’s foundation is different. Some people may have sufficient knowledge of other computers before learning Java, so this route is not suitable for it at all. In my opinion, this route is more suitable for those who are really “zero-based” students.

It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him fish

In fact, no matter which module you learn, before learning to investigate whether this knowledge point is outdated, whether still can learn, like SSM project, can directly learn SpringBoot instead of learning SSM project, like JSP, there is no need to learn ah.

In short, check more, according to the information in hand, to make their own learning plan, not small as a plan, a good plan can make learning twice the result with half the effort

The last

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