“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


  • Where does the time go? It’s the end of the year all of a sudden!
  • Oh, since it is the year-end summary, at least also come a link!
  • Years to summarize:I see road, we will endeavour summary | 2021 years
  • Year-end summary: The difference between the two, but it is half a year in a twinkling!
  • Vaguely remember my summary of the first half of 2021 is: there are beautiful, busy, harvest, happiness, surprise and growth.
  • Then I have two words for the rest of the year:pressure.
  • Listen to me slowly ~

1, connecting the preceding chapter

  • Suddenly look back, look at yourselfyearsSet flags, which are implemented and which are not?
  • Flag1: Not complete at all. The current technology stack is too restrictive for me. Obviously have a lot of ideas and train of thought, but can’t change! Full of helpless!
  • Flag2: well. Skip.
  • Flag3: This is actually a bit of an improvement, so I’m starting to see some vUE knowledge. Well, progress!
  • Flag4: Basic standard, more text activities, week watch, etc., this is the only one that sticks to it!
  • To the back of the basic daze, every night do not write something feel uncomfortable, here or to thank the Nuggets, to provide such a good platform. Thank you very much!
  • At the end of the day, MY last six months have been a total failure! Ah!

Two, year-end summary

  • Anyway, the result is good or bad, or put their own half a yearresultsSo let’s sum it up.

2.1. Technical summary

  • Since the mid-year summary, until today, a total of 64 articles have been published. As follows:

    • Redis configuration file, and how to use the Jedis | Redis combat (6) — the Denver nuggets (juejin. Cn)
    • Your first MyBatis program | MyBatis series (a) — the Denver nuggets (juejin. Cn)
    • MyBatis implement two ways to add and delete – entity class and Map | MyBatis series (2) — the Denver nuggets (juejin. Cn)
    • How to play the MyBatis XML configuration | MyBatis series (3) – the nuggets (juejin. Cn)
    • MyBatis fuzzy query and SQL injection | MyBatis series (4) — the Denver nuggets (juejin. Cn)
    • MyBatis log factory | MyBatis series (5) — the Denver nuggets (juejin. Cn)
    • Three pages of MyBatis way you learn waste | MyBatis series (6) — the Denver nuggets (juejin. Cn)
    • MyBatis series (7) – MyBatis with annotations developed by Juejin (juejin)
    • MyBatis Series (8) – Nested Mapping of MyBatis Result Sets
    • MyBatis series (9) – Dynamic SQL for MyBatis
    • MyBatis cache | MyBatis series (10) — the Denver nuggets (juejin. Cn)
    • Install RabbitMQ and install packages for RabbitMQ.
    • Simple queue mode (point-to-point queue) | RabbitMQ series 1 – Digging gold
    • Work Queue mode (Task queue) | RabbitMQ series 2 – Digging gold
    • .
    • Automatic and manual reply for MQ messages | RabbitMQ Series 3 – Digging gold
    • SpringBoot integration Swagger (11) used annotations | Java with notes – the nuggets (juejin. Cn)
    • Due to space constraints, I will not list them all.
  • Interested partners can see my home page: Big fish, personal home page – article – Nuggets (juejin. Cn)

  • Here is also a general summary:

  • The series of articles are:

    • MyBatis – Big Fish, column – Nuggets (juejin. Cn)
    • RabbitMQ series – The Big Fish, the Nuggets (juejin. Cn)
    • Java with notes – Big Fish, column – Nuggets (juejin. Cn)
    • LeetCode – Big Fish, column – Nuggets (juejin. Cn)
  • Mainly the above four series. Honor your life.

  • At the same time, participated in the August genwen activity, November genwen activity and other nuggets official activities, and successfully got the corresponding reward! Lol, thanks again to the Nuggets for inspiring me. It kept me motivated to keep going.

  • As a result of the new job, more busy, a lot of articles are home from work nine or ten, hurry slowly write out.

  • To be honest, a little water and tired. I hope next year, my 2022, can do better!

  • Similarly, the receipt is also full, fans until today, has broken through the 500 mark! Thanks for your company all the way. Next, I will try my best to output more and better technical articles! Thank you very much!

2.2 work summary

  • I left in August and joined the new company in September. I was in a bad mood.
  • Originally heldThe pilgrimageTo learn and grow. It is a listed company with a history of more than 20 years. I think I can learn a lot of knowledge that I can’t get to.
  • With a cavity blood, hit all over the body!
  • It may also be due to the original pace of the company is too slow, the pace of the company is really unable to adapt, many of the afternoon meeting, the evening needs to produce results. It clearly requires us to work overtime!
  • Weekend meetings, old technology, confused requirements… And so on.
  • I can’t say any more. It’s my job to mock the article.
  • Let me summarize the working status of these three months!
  • (1) The fading of code enthusiasm may be due to being too depressed and busy. The learning time that had been fixed every day has now become intermittent.
  • The torture of work passion, the first thing to go to work every day, is to leave, has been grinding teeth in hard support.
  • ③, anyway, I feel everything has become bad, if there is not a son to feed behind, there is a mortgage to pay. I’d rather not have this income. Sure enough, the bigger you get, the more life you have.
  • ④, three months lost eight catties… My meat!!
  • I hope I can adjust my attitude. Tomorrow will be better!

2.3 summary of life

  • In life, after having a baby, become love to go home.
  • The e original I belong to the kind of restless person, a weekend to want to run outside, want to travel, want to party.
  • Now after work every day, I just want to go home and play with my baby. Here’s a cute picture of my baby. Don’t envy oh ~
  • Seven months, to accompany you slowly grow up ~
  • Life is good, and I don’t want to bring stress home with me. Have a happy heart every day!

Looking to the future

  • All right, I’m done with 2021. It’s time to make a plan for 2022. Looking into the future, people should always have dreams, or what’s the difference with salted fish? Haha, quote.
  • At the beginning of next year, there is no doubt that I will have to change my job. Hope your next job is better!
  • (2), two blog output every week, can not write blog for activities, to have quality, connotation, culture. Ha ha
  • If there is a chance, I hope I can resign naked next year, rest for half a month, capricious, and go to the Sichuan-Tibet line! (In fact, I was thinking of going to Nanjing in September this year, but the epidemic in Nanjing!! Can’t go anywhere.
  • ④ workflow, Netty, micro services. Is my main goal for next year! Set a Flag here, be sure to complete!!
  • All right, more action than more talk. I hope myself, everyone and everyone will be better and better. People! Always have a dream!

Progress a little bit every day, slow down, can be faster!

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