A cross-platform framework for mobile application development.

The original address: www.aalpha.net/articles/cr…

The original author: www.aalpha.net/author/muza…

Release date: March 21, 2021

In today’s increasingly competitive digital world, with the rapid development of technology, developers are constantly looking for toolkits or frameworks that make their work easier and minimize application development time and cost. In 2021, a number of cross-platforms have already made their way into the market.

What is a cross-platform App development framework?

The Full Platform Application Development Framework is a set of tools that allow you to build native or quasi-native applications from a single code base for multiple platforms, including Android, iOS, Windows, and the Web.

This will enable you to reach a larger target audience on multiple platforms at relatively low cost and time.

What are the advantages of cross-platform App development frameworks?

These are the main advantages of developing apps with cross-platform frameworks.

  • Reusability of code

Code reuse is probably the biggest advantage of cross-platform application development frameworks. Programmers only need to write code once, and the compiled code can be reused to execute applications on different platforms. The term commonly used is “Write Once Run Anywhere”.

  • Write Once Run Anywhere (WORA) eliminates duplication and saves operating costs during switching. By using a shared code database, you can also add another platform later without much effort.

  • Reduced costs and resources.

Cross-platform application development frameworks help people balance quality/cost by using a smaller team, a single technology and a single source code for multiple platforms. Application development frameworks are flexible.

It is simple, less resources and time directly affect the project cost.

  • Easy to maintain and deploy

Because digital platforms have a single code database, programmers write and maintain a single source code. This makes installation, maintenance, and updates easy and quick.

When the code is updated, it instantly synchronizes across multiple platforms and devices, saving time and effort.

There are several cross-platform application development frameworks, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. All into your favorite programming language and the framework you want to target. However, choosing the right platform can be a challenging task. Here are some of the best cross-platform frameworks to use in 2021.

Best cross-platform application development framework

Native React

React Native is based entirely on JavaScript React and is a Facebook library that provides a Native interface to the platform. React Native is a good choice for simple applications, with clear connections between apis. But in complex applications, native code is often needed to bridge any functional gaps.

The original React advantage.

  • React Native is heavily UI focused, which makes the interface very adaptable.
  • Rich modules and APIS are integrated to save development time.
  • The instant refresh feature lets programmers see code changes in seconds.

Disadvantages of Native React

  • React Native rolls out new updates with little continuity.
  • The React Native app’s processing speed and memory usage are not optimized.

Code a

Codename one is a program that began when Digital Equipment was acquired by hewlett-packard, a leading computer manufacturer in the industry.

It has the advantage of running on the original console, allowing developers to use Java or Kotlin technologies directly.

The advantage of code one.

  • Written once, run anywhere, require no specific hardware, and can be deployed without modification on any supported platform.
  • Code name One includes plug-ins such as IDEA, Netbeans and IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Code name one has a 100% free & simple drag and drop interface that is very easy to use.

The weakness of code one.

  • Codename 1’s graphical user interface doesn’t scale well to large programs, and its visual style isn’t aesthetically pleasing.
  • Both event controllers are stored in a register, making creation tedious.


Because Xamarin provides good compile-time error checking, users encounter fewer runtime errors. Xamarin provides a native-like “GUI “and controls that make it easy to build a native application.

Xamarin integrates with Visual Studio, allowing developers to create Android, iOS, and Windows applications using Visual Studio.

The advantage of Xamarin

  • “Write once, Run everywhere” offers a 90% chance that code will be swapped between platforms.
  • Xamarin’s platform-specific UI elements are a plus, and the form will look the same no matter which operating system you choose.
  • With Xamarin, native libraries and platform apis are connected.

The disadvantage of Xamarin

  • Xamarin apps are much larger than those made for Android and iOS.
  • A lightweight application can be implemented entirely in a native platform or framework.


As one of the growing SDKS for mobile applications, it has a solid following in the cross-platform crowd. The Flutter framework, in addition to the Dart language, is also immature because it is relatively new.

The advantage of Flutter

  • It’s straightforward, it’s trivial to develop, it’s cheap to maintain, and the compiler already does it for you.
  • There is a complete set of Material Design widgets available on the App Store and the Cupertino package for Flutter.
  • Developers provide a short turnaround time and the new code can be rendered using Hot Reload.

See: Flutter app development fees

The disadvantage of Flutter

  • Remember that Flutter does not help all platforms. It won’t function well on a 32-bit laptop.
  • When building an app for both iOS and Android, you don’t have the same options as you would with a third-party SDK.


The Apache Cordova server is an open source Web server developed and maintained by a group of designers, developers, and researchers. The open source Cordova project is a fork of PhoneGap. Although they are made with Cordova, they are not fully Web applications. Cordova wraps HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the target framework.

Cordova uses standard API connections such as logging, sensors, and network connections to gain access to various devices.

The advantage of Cordova

  • An open platform that is highly compatible with third-party and developer extensions and apis while input device help.
  • Lack of programming ability, but command line skills are easy to master and use.
  • Relatively simple, multiple platforms can be created, developed, and deployed.

The disadvantage of Cordova

  • Cross-environment applications are slower than smartphone applications because they must be recompiled on each operating system.
  • Couplers find it challenging to locate plug-ins based on specific requirements.


If you want reusable technology, budget-friendly, inexpensive, easy to implement, and quickly deployable code, go cross-platform.

Cross-concepts make code easier and faster to learn, translate, manage, and reuse, improving code readability and allowing you to leverage multiple platforms simultaneously.

Cross-platform software creation is never a one-size-fits-all solution, and what works best for your environment depends on your programming skills, platform of choice, and project specifications.

If you are planning to develop cross-platform mobile applications, please feel free to contact us.

Also see: Hire ios and Android Developers | Flutter vs React Native vs Xamarin.

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