Recently, in the Internet IT Summit, the annual “Cloud Computing Conference” is hot. As a core partner, Dongfang Tong is invited to attend the 2021 Cloud Computing Conference and discuss with Ali Cloud the new direction of the digital transformation of government and enterprise industries supported by middleware cloud native technology. Both sides attach great importance to this cooperation. Mr. Lin Sitao, Executive Vice President of Dongfang Tong Group, Mr. Li Lijun, Vice President of Dongfang Tong Group, Mr. Xie Yun, chief scientist and other leaders have carried out in-depth communication with Ali Cloud on cloud original cooperation.

Digital transformation has become an inevitable trend of enterprise and even global economic development. This year marks the beginning of the 14th Five-Year Plan period. In order to accelerate the construction of digital economy, digital society and digital government, all industries are accelerating digital transformation. Digital transformation is the basic task of value system optimization, innovation and reconstruction, in the embodiment of the business level is agile, innovative, efficient, just cloud native characteristic of the technical architecture can effectively support the needs of the business, more and more users start by adopting the idea of cloud native enterprise industry and technology leading digital transformation architecture.

As a leading middleware company, Dongfang Tong has become an important member of Aliyunyun’s original partner plan, and the two sides have established in-depth partnership. In the architecture of cloud native technology, middleware, as one of its core product family, can better help enterprises to provide stable, agile, intelligent and secure one-stop digital innovation services.

FIG. 1 Mr. Li Lijun, Vice President of Dongfang Tong Group, presented the card on behalf of the company

As Mr. Ding Yu, General manager of Intelligent cloud native application Platform of Ali Cloud mentioned in the release of Cloud native Summit, the cloud native technology stack launched by Ali Cloud has covered container, middleware, Serverless and other technologies, and has been implemented on a large scale in combination with its own production practice in e-commerce business. With the help of aliyun cloud native products, including enterprise distributed application service EDAS, message queue RocketMQ, performance test PTS, container service ACK/ASK, Serverless workflow, Serverless application engine SAE and other cloud native products, It can accelerate the digital transformation and upgrading of enterprises and enjoy the technological dividend of the cloud native era.

During the meeting, the east group vice President Mr Li-jun also said that at present by more than sixty percent of cloud native enterprises for the Internet, some enterprise customers to choose the primary technical architecture of cloud, but dominated by small and medium-sized manufacturing cluster building, banking, insurance, telecommunication, electric power, logistics and high performance computing, and other industries and fields have some cloud native application cases, the practice proved that Cloud native solutions can bring users innovative values such as business intelligence, agile application, security and reliability, and resource efficiency.

Figure 2 Mr. Li Lijun, Vice President of Dongfang Tong Group, speaks on behalf of dongfang Tong Group

As a basic software manufacturer focusing on the middleware field for more than 20 years, TONG series of middleware products have set up many typical application cases in the government, transportation, finance, telecommunications, military industry and other industries. There are 33 branches in the country, and the marketing system and technical service system cover all provinces and cities in the country. Especially in the information technology application innovation industry under the background of leap-forward development, the total more than 1200 products compatible adapter certification in this industrial chain, on the application and application migration has accumulated rich experience in actual combat, orientalist has rich enterprise based software research and development, implementation experience, cooperating with the depth of the ali cloud products, It can help solve many challenges in the landing of cloud technology and accelerate the landing of ali Cloud native technology.

Up to now, dongfang Tong middleware product TongWeb and Ali Cloud product EDAS have completed product deep integration and technical cooperation. In the future, the east will continue to deepen cooperation with ali cloud, subdivision scenarios provide joint solutions for industry, ali cloud with the underlying technology platform and integrate orientalist products application, solution and service ability, continue to carry out technology, products, solutions and share market depth fusion, promote cloud native technology in key industries such as key areas of government and enterprises, To accelerate the digital transformation of customers to contribute to a power of Dongfang tong.