“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


Approaching New Year’s Day, we all like to summarize the past year at this moment, talk about the harvest of this year, talk about the outlook for next year. I believe that many companies generally require a year-end review. Our company also requires us to submit our year-end summary before the end of this month.

This is not, the nuggets annual year-end summary is still coming as scheduled, recently saw a lot of friends year-end summary, each more wonderful than the last, your life is so rich ah, my 2021 is still very calm!

I think it is necessary to write a year-end summary. Do a little annual review to see how well the customized plan is doing at the beginning of the year. People always need to review the past regularly, in order to clear the road to the future.

I remember that when I just graduated, the company required me to write the year-end summary, and I was very disgusted to write the year-end summary. I always felt that there was nothing to write the year-end summary. The work of this year was arranged by the leader, naturally he knew what I had done. My colleagues around me are estimated to be the same as me, just download a year-end summary template on the Internet, and then modify it slightly, just perfunctory a few words hastily handed in.

As I work for a long time, I find it more and more important to write a year-end summary. The year-end summary is not only an important way to communicate with leaders, but also a review of my work in the past year. Through this way, I have a more comprehensive understanding of my strengths and weaknesses, and you may find that the people who are good at summarizing are often your leaders.

When I get along with the leader at work, I think he is more like a friend of mine. I often communicate with him. No matter it is work or other problems, we can talk about them.

2021 is my fourth year in Java development, and this is the year I started to love programming. I have a lot of stories about myself, and I will share them with you later. Today I still want to talk about some of their thoughts and thoughts, and share with you.


This year I began to fall in love with writing, writing pretty bad I know, it is really their ability or too poor, most of it is also some knowledge summary articles. Well, take your time. Do what you can. There is no need to engage in some lofty articles, they do not understand the return can say it!

Now in this society, the most is not lack of information sharing, but the same type of online articles tens of millions, before the same article is too much, what is a good article? I think everyone has different definitions. I think articles that are helpful to you are good articles, and they don’t have to be lofty and written that you can’t understand. Different articles are suitable for different people. They all have their place.

My original intention of writing is to share some of my thoughts and record the mark of my growth, and I hope I can continue to do so. Five years later, look back to see the article that write oneself again, at that time estimate feeling, what rubbish article ah, ha ha (vegetable dog 1).

All things are difficult at the beginning, no matter what we do, the most difficult is the process of going from zero to one. Once you cross it, everything feels natural. No matter how bad it is, you just have to stick with it, and then you’ll get a feel for it.

I’ve been blogging for more than a year now, and I think I’ve learned a lot. It doesn’t mean that blogging really makes you want to grow. It just really triggers a lot of positive things, things that you wouldn’t normally do or have a hard time holding on to.

Finally, I still suggest friends, can try to write their own articles, we make progress together, come on ~~~

The Denver nuggets

The nuggets, I think should be done one of the best community, especially I think the author is very friendly to the novice, basically, operating greatly will feel good articles to recommend, sometimes you feel very not easy to write an article (feel good) nobody see, I believe that you write an article of power would be greatly reduced, Nuggets in the article traffic recommendation, I think it should be the best, I feel very fair.

Now nuggets out of a [Mei Lou seal], specifically to seal some malicious advertising, brush praise and other violations of the user, I think it is very good, I see some people like the article than your article page view is higher (only ha Ha ~)

Nuggets every month activities or very nice, for different groups, the organization of a variety of activities, I believe partners are certainly pulling wool, do not write articles, hair boiling point can also pull wool, can only say, nuggets is really very considerate. I myself have collected all the small gifts of digging gold, the most expensive gift by far must be the 500 logitech keyboard.

Nuggets of boiling point, really is too severe, what (go to work to touch fish, nuggets dating Angle, daily workers, etc.) too interesting, boring, look at the above posts, is very happy, above are talent. Although I don’t have a boiling point (but I like watching ~), I still feel happy at work for a while (while young, or learn more knowledge), don’t to the midlife crisis, unemployment will be embarrassing.

Well, hopefully the nuggets community will get better and better, with more developers joining in and more good articles coming out. Let’s refuel together


This is a time of anxiety for everyone…

I don’t know if you feel this, but my own experience is that over the years, the Internet has brought us a lot of convenience, but also a lot of anxiety.

For example, ordinary people are anxious about how to buy a house or a car? Programmers worrying about what will happen to their jobs after 35? Why is it more and more difficult for we media to communicate with public accounts?

Poor in anxiety how the person beside is rich? The rich are wondering whether they will be able to earn this much next year. The boss is worried about how the company can make a quick profit?

It’s like suddenly everyone’s getting anxious…

While everyone is criticizing anxiety trafficking, it also confirms the fact that too many people are anxious right now.

Also, older people are more anxious, more educated people are more anxious, more money is more anxious… .

The essence of anxiety is this: you see so many good things in life, but they are so far away, and the overwhelming frustration creates anxiety.

As the post-90/00 generation, we should be urged to get married all the time in recent years. In fact, I think our generation is the most helpless, painful and stressed generation. Some people say that our generation is very happy, happy or not only we know; Some people say that the salary of our industry is high, but they do not know that many times we are overtime to 10 o ‘clock, 11 o ‘clock, and sometimes all night; The pressure is so great that many people now have gray hair, some people go bald in their 30s (for the so-called little salary) and are exploited by capital (tired as a dog).

In reality, how many of you are satisfied with your job? (See a lot of netizens, three times in a year, is it normal?)

I also often in anxiety, everyone has their own anxiety, that how to deal with anxiety? I think the best way is to constantly set some small goals for yourself (not to earn 100 million first), set realistic goals that can be achieved through efforts, and follow the implementation of the goals in a planned way, so that there will not be too much anxiety in this process. (If you set yourself a goal of making $120,000 a year, this goal is more realistic, which breaks down to $10,000 a month.)

Another good way to deal with anxiety is to read books. It not only allows us to calm down, but also allows us to have a complete period of time to follow the author’s train of thought. In 2021, I read Netty, JVM, MYSQL and other books about technology, and I learned a lot.

In fact, anxiety is not necessarily a bad thing, appropriate anxiety will let us maintain progress, excessive anxiety will affect life.

I believe that as long as I work hard enough, I can still live a relatively ideal life.


Life, plans never catch up with change.

There are no plans for 2022. Do well in life, deal with the work, this is ordinary life, ordinary world.

If there is hope, then I hope life can be more fun, and my loved ones are healthy.

Get into the habit of reading (and not just technical articles).

Think a lot, set a goal for each stage, and work towards it.

Insist on writing, hoping to output some quality articles.


Ugly as

The last

Don’t love the past, don’t admire the future, live up to the present!

2022, come on!

Finally, I wish everyone a happy New Year’s day in advance!